GMO Food

Its not my intention to start this post out with the sole intention of indicating I think your assessment is wrong. However I can understand if it happens. It just so happens I think I am a good Chess player. It also so happens that I was recently acquainted with a guilty pleasure from when I was a bit younger, that pleasure being the Spice Girls. I couldn't help but think after reading your post that I would love playing twister with them and it would be even more enjoyable if clothes were optional at the time.

There are always at least two sides to a perspective, otherwise you cant call it one.
A bit more cancer here and there is not a huge deal IMO compared to the ways it could potentially benefit those in developing countries.

It's not the GMO itself that is the problem. It's the way people could use it. It's used improperly right now in privileged nations, but the bit of health and allergy problems going on are just the surface of it. There are deeper socio-political issues to worry about.