i know nothing
- infj
- Enneagram
- 1w9
I basically agree with all you've said here. Science is definitely not infallible. The good thing about science however, is that if you follow the scientific method, your results are entirely unbiased. If they are biased, it will most certainly turn up in peer review. As far as science being corrupted by money, I cannot deny this, but I do not think ceasing progress is the answer. The problem is what people don't understand, scares them. Thus we get art (i.e. documentaries), religion, etc in an attempt to better understand the world. We know why certain GMO's are causing ecological problems. Its not a mystery to people in the industry and it could be fixed with science. But that would not be financially beneficial, at least not MORE beneficial than what they are currently doing.
Although I disagree with many tenants in naturopathy, including that you can avoid all sickness (much sickness, yes!) with proper diet, I certainly respect your view, and would certainly give any experiment you've done credibility. Thats the great thing about science, is that with the introduction of new evidence, my opinions can change, unlike when people have a "feeling" or a "belief"
Yes. There are however, always unknowns. There will always be something that was missed. However, there is always corrective action that can be taken. Just look at the history of chirality in the pharmaceutical industry. Science caused death because of something that was overlooked. That problem now NEVER arises through that mechanism. But then again, it was financially beneficial to correct THAT problem. Chiral drugs have saved millions and killed a few hundred (in the beginning. They kill 0 today, but are still saving millions). Its an unfortunate learning curve for the greater good.
We're on the same page in this respect
I used to share your faith in science. Science was always my refuge. But as my philosophies about the world have changed, I now believe there are many things that cannot be explained and tested, because of the 'intention' based nature of how I see reality. But, the scientific method is probably the greatest advancement of humanity and its the best system we have created so far.
In regards to gmo technology, i guess its difficult right now to separate it from politics, sociology, economy and means of population control. But i absolutely agree that we should continue experimenting. How else are we going to learn? Cracking the genetic code is like exploring a whole new world of possibilities. This is just in jest, but imagine being able to grow homes and buildings! The only thing I have an issue with is people eating untested food and the consquences to the environment in regards to biodiversity, and ofcourse the patenting and control. i think its immoral that governments and corporations are using the public as unwitting guinea pigs. These products do need to be tested on humans, humans that have given full consent. It may be 2 or 3 generations and an extensive longtidudinal study before we have any conculsive and uselful results. But that sort of research is time consuming, expensive and doesnt offer any immediate rewards, and potentially, no long term rewards either if the experiment fails. It just doesnt fit in with our current schema and economic paradigms.
Would you ever consider working at an open source science centre that is funded by the government and public donations?
The only problem Ive being able to theorise occuring in such an environment are issues related to security and ignorance, and possibly censorship. I think these problems could be avoided however, with the right system and constitution to protect it.
And just out of absolute curiosity, what would want in terms of compensation for your work? What would be reasonable?
And yes I know Im a total idealist, but I genuinely think that 'open source science' is viable and practical.
And in regards to what you were saying to Lerxst, i think the absolute last thing we need is a violent revolution. That should be avoided. Id prefer to replace the current paradigms with less harmful and more functional and effective ones. Like a parallel system to the current capitalistic model. A system where people care about progress, effectiveness, efficieny and advancement, rather than control and greed. Science can not flourish in our current system. The only thing really holding GMO technology research is greed and issues of control.