Good News / Bad News (part 2)

unfortunately it was a revolving door and several other folks got stopped in their tracks. nice gesture though -- good manners for a kid to have...especially these days =)

I found a good recipe for Swedish waffles
Too bad the Swedish chef stole your recipe and really made a mess of things.

I spoke to an old friend today!
But then you forgot what you talked about because you have Alzheimer's.

I just got some good news.
I would ask you about your good news, but I forgot you said you got some because I have Alzheimer's...

Sadie got some good news!
but it was on NBC news so...

I had a dream that I was buying a large container of peanuts for a long road trip!
When you woke up you realized you were sleep walking, and spilled a can of peanuts when you tripped on the road...

The sun is still shining
But you forgot to put on sunscreen and walked in the public for the whole day looking like a tomato.

Found a cool book to read from library.
But forgot to return it on time and had to pay late fees.

I just pruned some diseased wood off a beautiful vine so it can flourish again.