This is a fallacy.
Islam can also be a problem-- and like most other religions, it is.
The image is designed to overturn the media hysteria created surrounding islam by reminding people that the really big uphevals we have seen have not been created by Islam
Of course there are extremists operating under the banner of islam the same way there are extremists operating under the banner of judaism and christianity and all the isms as well
But the corporate (zionist) media protrays islam as the source of all the problems, but when you switch off the corporate media which replays scene after scene of angry muslims waving kalashnikovs about and look at the situation objectively it becomes clear that islam has not been behind the big conflicts and not only that but the reason there are many muslims angry is because the west invade muslim lands, steal their oil, overthrow their democratically elected leaders and replace them with puppets, destabilise their countries and kill countless civilians through sanctions and drone strikes
And seriously, if you're a socialist, why are you posting religious propaganda??
I sympathise with the materialist conception of history only so far. The reality is that we don't know what the source of reality is.
So although i am not religious i can still see how various sides in the conflict use religion as a weapon
I'm not a state socialist in that i don't believe in a centrally controlled planned economy, my sympathies are more with libertarian socialists who believe in power being exercised from the bottom up by the people
I think that there are essentially two groups in our society. Those that own things but don't produce anything and those that don't own much but produce everything and those that don't produce prey on those that do produce
Institutionalised religion has taken the form, in the west, of the Roman Catholic church. Despite christianity starting out as a religion for the poor and the oppressed when it started gaining traction in Rome, the authorities could not stamp it out with violence or intimidation so they hijaked it and took control of it and of the interpretation of it.
When an emerging merchant class (the burghers) rose up and challenged the control of the aristocracy in the 'reformation' the Roman Catholic church was the biggest land owner in Europe so it sided with the aristocracy and the royals who were also landowners. The merchants managed to muscle their way up to take a seat at the top table though and the aristocracy had to accomodate them
When the working class then tried to assert themselves, the merchants and the aristocracy both stood together to resist them in order to protect their own interests
The working class has not yet managed to take their place at the top table thereby progressing the process. The merchants and aristocracy controlled the military, banking and politics and now media and this is making it very difficult for working people to rise up and stake their claim, but there are signs all around the world that they have not accepted their lot as wage slaves
So yeah i sympathise with the socialist view that religion has worked against the interests of the working people by encouraging them to just accept their lot here on earth in hope of a better deal in the hereafter instead of working to improve things now, but i can also see that islam although it too is used to keep the status quo is not the big devil that the zionist media make it out to be
In fact for the most part the provocation of islam is what is makes it hostile. Every time a drone kills a bunch of civilians in pakisthan or afghanistan it radicalises all their friends and families against the US. Drone strikes are probably the best recruiters of radical islam; wouldn't you be angry if a drone from another country bombed your village or home?
An 'al qaeda' is the creation of the CIA
I would urge all working jews, christians and muslims to recognise the fact that we are all being used by the capitalist class and that they stoke the fires of hate to keep us all divided but i don't think socialists necesarily always get the nuances of religion.
Crude exoteric religion is superstitous for sure, but esoteric religion is often simply a personification of natural forces and underlying psychic processes explained in metaphorical ways. An analysis of myths, legends and pantheons of gods can yeild a lot of insight. 'Gods' are often symbols packed full of meaning, so i'm not an iconoclast like the socialists i just think people should look at religion on a deeper level
You may not consider yourself a right winger, but you really should try to look at these things before you post them.
Perhaps you could ask yourself what Karl Marx would do-- and review what he said in relation to quantity versus quality.
I'm not a marxist. i think he had some good ideas about what the problem is but i don't agree with his solutions.
I think the element of society at the centre of all the problems has created a false right v's left dichotomy as a way of dividing people and i think they play both ends off against each other
I am certainly not a 'rightwinger' and the real rightwing elements are the corporate interests i'm criticing because they have taken over government and the bluring of corporate and government power is fascism
And I'm seriously wondering what kind of social upheaval people are expecting to face that requires them all to be armed, or why handguns, shotguns, normal rifles, knives, or homemade explosives won't be enough to wage this war. What exactly does the government stand to gain by putting its boot down on everyone's throat when they've already got everyone hypnotized by TV?
The upheval people are worried about is that the element behind all these events is now making its move. It has been like a serpent weaving its way beneath human affairs surfacing at various points allowing people a glimpse of it at various points in history but now it has broken is making its move for total control because it knows that it is all or nothing now
The reason for this is because each upheval in the past has been accompanied by a growth in literacy by the people. For example the reformation was possible because the burghers (merchant class) became literate and they could read the bible for themselves and they realised the RCC had been lying to them about all sorts of things. The printing press was a revolutionary piece of technology that allowed the widespread distribution of radical pamplets and ideas and knowledge spread across Europe like wild fire
Newspapers before they were bought out by the bankers also allowed the working man/woman to become more knowledgable as he/she became literate and this lead to them organising more effectively
Now we have the internet. Revolutions are started on social media like brush fires, ideas pass across the globe at the touch of a button. I don't know if you are old enough to remember before the internet was here, but i can and it has changed EVERYTHING
Literacy can take many is not just about reading and writing, you can have numerical literacy, economic literacy, political literacy, scientific literacy and the internet is creating a massive acceleration in literacy of all sorts right across the world. people who before could only rely on word of mouth or underground papers can now find leaked government information at their finger tips
Humanity is now seeing all its aspects good and bad laid out before it and this is having a massive effect. the new statesman even described events like the arab spring and the occupy movement and the indignados and all the other protests kicking off globally as modern man/woman redefining itself
We are living through an unprecedented shift at the moment and no one really knows how this thing is going to pan out but there are people working very hard to try and make things work out how they want it to work out just like there has been throughout history as whichever group is in power seeks to protect their interests
Marx said the working people had only their chains to lose, but the rich have their empires to lose and they are looking at events with great concern because there is the perfect storm brewing
Global power is shifting from west to east, the fiat currency system is collapsing and giving way to a gold standard, the environment is showing signs of stress, western aggression has sparked nuclear proliferation, peak oil has been reached and other resources are dwindling and the people are experiencing an awakening and as they grow more aware they are becoming more confident and demanding their place at the top table the same way as the merchant class did before them; standing in their way is the bankers who trace their lineage through the merchant class
So the upheval has many aspects to it. The ruling class however are not going to share power without a struggle. In theory this doesn't need to be violent. if the people can awaken to the fact that as the workers they are the producers then they will realise that they run the economy really and without them everything grinds to a halt. If they can coordinate themselves enough they can down tools in an act of peaceful non-cooperation and win the game tomorrow....check mate
Why would they upset the status quo when public forums already provide us with a vicarious release valve for all of our would-be revolutionary impulses?
The forums are a hotbed of political discussion. They are radically altering peoples worldviews. They do not act as a release valve infact many of the uprisings have been coordinated online through social media. this is why the government is so keen to monitor what is being said online and also to try and put out missinformation to mislead people. They have agents going online using mutliple usernames to try and create a body of opinion to try and push certain views. for example they particularly want to quell any 'conspiracy theorys' that would undermine working peoples loyalties to the government (corporate dominated government NOT government for the people by the people) and thereby decouple them from the control of the ruling class
I was under the impression that the constitution guaranteed people arms because it was written by rebels in a country with a significant amount of armed loyalists… it wasn't supposed to be about protecting collectors, enthusiasts, etc.
The constitution was created by europeans who had left authoritarian regimes in Europe
There had been many wars between European countries in the imperialist scrabble for resources and slaves. These wars were financed by borrowing money from bankers. These bankers would often give war loans to both sides in the war. The bankers realised that wars were extremely profitable for them and they remain so today.
These bankers used their wealth to increase their political influence and of course with politicans and royals in debt to them they already had a certain amount of sway.
The bankers got the indebted politicians to agree to the creation of a central bank (the 'bank of england'). The bankers took on responsibility for printing the money off the treasury so that whenever the government wanted money they asked the bankers for it and the bankers charged interest on it. This is why the US and UK have so much debt because with 'fractional reserve banking' every time a dollar is created there is interest attached
The colonists did not get their money from the central bankers they printed their own money called colonial scrip and did not owe any interest to the bankers so the colonys prospered. The bankers did not like this so they got the politicians to force their currency on the colonys using the military as an enforcer. This created debt to the bankers just as it had in Britain so the colonists fought back
The bankers however gained power in the US over the centuries by buying into US industry, banking and newspapers and they bought political influence and eventually gained control of the money supply with the passing of the federal reserve act. Since then every dollar printed has had debt attached to it....debt to the international (many of which are European) bankers who put in the initial investment for the privately owned 'federal' reserve bank
The constitution was created as a way to protect future generations of americans (US) from predatory bankers, but the bankers have weaselled their way back in and are determined to undermine and eventually destroy the constitution because many Americans have forgotten their history or rather because the banker owned media and the banker influenced education system has blinded them to it
The guns are really only a small part of this story but they are significant because if the guns go, it will be easier for the bankers to use the military to clamp down on any groups in the US who are hostile to a banker takeover. the bankers also know that there is a lot of upheval around the world so if they are to stay in control of the US then they must put the necessary controls in place to keep the working people divided, missinformed and dissempowered, financially, intellectually, imaginatively, politically and militarily