So like, does anyone have any workable suggestions to reduce gun violence?
At the moment it is about maintaining an un-ideal situation
Here's a thought.....the 'gun crime' that is creating this furore has been orchestrated by the bankers....that's one possibility to consider
Even if you don't accept that there is the issue that even though guns are used or rather missused they are still carrying out a function in as subwayrider correctly put it the 'bigger picture'
Yes guns are often destructive, but that has to be balanced against the destruction that is going to occur if the guns are removed
I wish there were no guns i really do....but i also wish there weren't any bankers seeking to centralise their power eevn more. but there are power hungry bankers and there are guns and if the only people who have the guns are power hungry bankers then the rest of us have a big problem
To answer your question about a solution to gun crime i want to make a few suggestions:
There are two elements to murder: there is the mental element then there is the physical element. So if you kill someone by accident it is not murder, rather culpible homicide because although there was the physical element there wasn't the mental element (the intent)
So there is an issue about protecting people from accidents or from distress, but the main issue is over the violent use of guns as that is the most common cause of death.
So for someone to use a gun with intent there needs to be a mental element.
This is what needs to be worked on. The cultural perspective on violence needs to be addressed for example the proliferation of violence and event the fetishisation of violence for example 'gorno' films (gore-porno) such as those made by Eli Roth. We need to look at who these people are in Hollywood making these films, whose funding them and why
We need to look at the massed drugging of the population with serotonin uptake inhibitors that are allowing what the person sees through their eyes to flow straight to their subconscious without being filtered properly by the conscious mind. These drugs are being implicated in ALL the massed shootings including now the Aurora shooting:
Leaders are supposed to lead by example yet our leaders keep us in a constant state of war; what kind of example is that to set? So another step would be to pull back from all the war abroad
The lies of the corporate media are leaving people living in a perceptual bubble of distorted reality whislt the economic policies of the central bankers are leaving more and more people feeling they have little or no stake in society. So another step is tackling the bankers and ending the fed
The constant theme throughout is the cabal of bankers at the centre of it all. You want to tackle gun crime then tackle the bankers
When i read history about nazi germany i used to wonder to myself what would i have done as the nazis took power? If i was a gentile would i help hide jews? If i was a communist or a gypsy would i have fled the country in time? If i was a jew would i have managed to get out of the country?
Now that i see it happening here i realise the truth: many people simply would not have known what was going on until it was too late. Many who did get an idea would have lived in denial, others would have simply kowtowed to save their own neck
The difference was that the germans were already angry and had their national pride damaged by losing world war 1 only 20 years before. The US people did have 911 though which helped to create that kind of nationalistic anger which helped the bankers achieve their aims (like passing the 'patriot' act soon after)
When i went to visit Buchenvald concentration camp what struck me was how far out in the country it was. How many germans in the cities would have known what was going on there? They would probably just have seen the odd person dragged away or noticed that faces were missing in their day to day routine
How can all this happen though...surely there are checks and balances to stop people like that right?
If you look at Hitler he had a coup...the 'Munich putsch' where he captured some officials at gun point and marched to take over the city with his band of followers. the army opposed them and shot at them killing Hitlers bodyguard and several others. hitler was jailed and wrote Meinkampf...but in a matter of years that guy writing that book in prison was the supreme leader of germany having passed the enabling act (after burning the riechstag parliament and blaming his political opponents in a falseflag operation) which gave him total dictatorial powers
In a few years he turned it all around and caused a clamp down in his country
So how can it happen? It can and does happen
The banking cabal behind the fed have been slowly extending their power for decades and they built the UN with the aim of making that their central government
Its happening and current levels of gun crime are going to seem pretty insignificant compared to what they have planned for us, so yes as subwayrider says its a case of taking the short term pain over gun crime now to protect ourselves from far greater pain down the line
Its an unfortunate trade off