Has anybody walked up to you in person and typed you?

La Sagna

I did it! I'm a butterfly!
I had an interesting experience today. Somebody who I had never spoken to but who has heard me speak in class came up to me today and told me that she thought that I was an INFJ. She's an INTP and has been studying the MBTI functions for the last few months. Now I have a better idea of what an INTP is like. She is very bright but very odd and speaks in a very odd way.
Was it a psychology class?

I can't see a similar situation happening to me, people generally don't walk up to random strangers and talk about MBTI without some sort of relevancy, such as mutual study.

It'd be interesting though...
Was it a psychology class?

I can't see a similar situation happening to me, people generally don't walk up to random strangers and talk about MBTI without some sort of relevancy, such as mutual study.

It'd be interesting though...

No, it's a sociology class. I had brought up Jung's concept of intuitives and sensors relating to Plato and Aristotle so I guess she figured I might have some concept of the MBTI. It definitely took me by surprise.
I had an interesting experience today. Somebody who I had never spoken to but who has heard me speak in class came up to me today and told me that she thought that I was an INFJ. She's an INTP and has been studying the MBTI functions for the last few months. Now I have a better idea of what an INTP is like. She is very bright but very odd and speaks in a very odd way.

That's very interesting! How was her speech odd, if you don't mind me asking? Was it her tone of voice, or just how she put her sentences together?

No one has walked up to me and typed me (yet), but I do remember taking an MBTI test in one of my business courses. Something funny I noticed is that only the people who scored "xNxx" cared to remember their result.

Anyways, I got INFJ as a result (it wasn't a very good test), and my friend, who scored ENTP (He might have actually been a mistyped INTP, though) said he didn't believe I was an introvert, and I didn't believe he was an extrovert. That's as close as I can get. Unfortunately I don't know of anyone else in my daily life who finds much interest in MBTI/Socionics, which is why you see me hanging around here quite a bit :P
No, it's a sociology class. I had brought up Jung's concept of intuitives and sensors relating to Plato and Aristotle so I guess she figured I might have some concept of the MBTI. It definitely took me by surprise.

Oh! She was probably very excited to find someone to talk to about the subject. It seems people's knowledge of MBTI comes from those "which fictional character are you?" test you see floating around. Hearing you mentioning the subject must have been like spotting a social unicorn. ^^

Still, you share a common environment so it's not completely random. If you were sitting in some public place talking about it with friends, it'd be considered awkward or rude if some stranger butted in.

Unless you live in a really chill place where everyone's open and friendly.
That's very interesting! How was her speech odd, if you don't mind me asking? Was it her tone of voice, or just how she put her sentences together?

No one has walked up to me and typed me (yet), but I do remember taking an MBTI test in one of my business courses. Something funny I noticed is that only the people who scored "xNxx" cared to remember their result.

Anyways, I got INFJ as a result (it wasn't a very good test), and my friend, who scored ENTP (He might have actually been a mistyped INTP, though) said he didn't believe I was an introvert, and I didn't believe he was an extrovert. That's as close as I can get. Unfortunately I don't know of anyone else in my daily life who finds much interest in MBTI/Socionics, which is why you see me hanging around here quite a bit :P

I don't know too many people who have any clue what the MBTI is or are even interested in it. That's why I was very surprised when she said INFJ as most people would have no clue what that is let alone be able to type somebody.

She speaks very slowly and deliberately and almost robot like I would say, very detached and I would say cerebral. She is very much in her head when she speaks and there is literally no emotion coming from her. She had stood out to me as somebody very different when I had heard speak in class.
Oh! She was probably very excited to find someone to talk to about the subject. It seems people's knowledge of MBTI comes from those "which fictional character are you?" test you see floating around. Hearing you mentioning the subject must have been like spotting a social unicorn. ^^

Still, you share a common environment so it's not completely random. If you were sitting in some public place talking about it with friends, it'd be considered awkward or rude if some stranger butted in.

Unless you live in a really chill place where everyone's open and friendly.

I do think that she was thinking of me as some sort of unicorn :). It really seemed out of nowhere to me but she has heard me speak in class over the last couple of months so that would give her some material to type me so I guess it wasn't something completely random. She was working on some theory about how it is easier to type people when they are under stress, although I don't think I'm stressed in class so I don't think that's what gave me away.
yes, and i have also typed other people too. Sometimes they've never heard of mbti...and then i ask if they are interested, and if they want to take a test on my phone. It sounds incredibly dorky and cheesy now that i have written it here..lol...but people are generally interested

also...i ask most of my family and friends too....It doesnt hurt to ask

i suppose this stuff is getting more popular now

i was originally typed by another person too. i got enfp and intp and didnt relate, untill an intp friend from uni said i was infj and showed me a description that i thought made a lot more sense
No. Though I would suppose if you were talking about Jung in a large group you would peak someones interest. I cant imagine being informed enough just to be able to look at someone and feel you know them well enough to type them. You would have to be exceptionally observant of them. Watching and listening.

Its funny now that I say that I realize I deliberately shut people out of my mind. I deliberately dont listen or watch. I absorb so much information from people instantly and I do not want to.

Given the sorts of people I consort with on a day to day basis I'd figure they were plotting on me and needed to be removed from the equation.
I have never been typed at random. I have however typed many other people at random. I am getting quite good at speed reading people and when they do test I am usually spot on. I have long since stopped caring if people think I'm a geek or not. High school finished for me in the year 2000 so all that school yard crap was over for me back then. I no longer have any fear of social rejection if I'm not accepted move on.
Maybe its just me but I avoid taking notice of anyone deliberately. When I hear people talking privately about anything, I shut it out. When in a situation where a group discussion is taking place I am fully present.
I find it a little odd and creepy that a person would do this. Although its clear this is what my cousin did to me long ago even though he never told me. Ha!
I had a co-worker aggressively type me as an INTP once. Never really interacted with him, but he seemed deadset in thinking he knew the most subtle and intricate layers of my personality. I told him he was wrong about a lot of things, but that didn't faze him; he said I was too balanced, logical, and practical to be an INFJ. I got the sense that he'd been manipulated by one before and had a host of negative feels from it.

So I just avoided him when I could and ignored his comments when I couldn't. He eventually stopped seeking me out. Negative punishment won the day ^.^
Not in-person. But over Skype. I gave off INTP vibes. The person who typed me was ENFP.
I used to be able to type people based off their favorite movies. It was a neat party trick, but I've forgotten the methodology... should have written it down.

I think I would find it offensive and annoying and even a bit intrusive that someone is trying to figure my shit out and then trying to present it to me like they have the first clue about who I am and how I operate.
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I think I would find it offensive and annoying and even a bit intrusive that someone is trying to figure my shit out and then trying to present it to me like they have the first clue about who I am and how I operate.

Absolutely! What people often tell me is that they "can't figure me out" or "can't read me". They can fuck off, nobody needs to read me.
Absolutely! What people often tell me is that they "can't figure me out" or "can't read me". They can fuck off, nobody needs to read me.

That's exactly what I think. When stuff like that comes up, I almost want to laugh. So what, you want me to just pull back the curtain and reveal all my inner gears and cogs so you can figure out how to have a conversation with me?

It's people like this that I don't want close to me at all. I don't appreciate being treated as some kind of bizarre human puzzle. You'll know what I want you to know, no more, no less. I am not a game for you to play.
I was actually typed on sight by an ENFJ 9 years ago and introduced to MBTI this way. Because of temperament being genetic, there's a science to typing people based on biological features and movement. I'm not a master but I'm quite good at it.

There's a few books on genetics and personality, one good book on typing biologically, and several others on physiognomy. Oddly enough INFJ are usually the best at reading types.