Let me first start by saying that I am skeptical of most claims of paranormal activity. I feel that the majority of these reported incidents can be debunked. Now, this doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that these individuals had some sort of experience that frightened them. I just think that there is most likely a logical explanation for these occurrences, even though they may at first seem paranormal in nature. I believe that all reported occurrences should be carefully scrutinized in order to separate truth from the falsehood. That being said, once every other possibility is ruled out for one of these peculiar happenings, I am not a denier. I will believe. And that is for obvious reasons…I have had strange things happen to me that cannot logically be explained. And believe me, I tried to find reasonable explanations for every one of them…and there weren’t any.
I will first start with the house I grew up in. I was around 7 yrs of age when we first moved in and my parents had the house built for them so everything was brand new. I was very excited to be living in such a nice house and couldn’t wait to get in. The first time I walked through the front doors, I immediately felt uncomfortable. I wouldn’t leave my mother’s side. I was frightened. I felt like something was watching us and it didn’t feel friendly. I didn’t say anything to my parents, but my mother noticed that I seemed uneasy. She told me that she chalked it up to me just getting used to a new environment.
The first night there, I would not sleep in my room. My mother didn’t understand and was mad that I was being so whiny about being alone. I told her that there was something “wrong” but I couldn’t explain what that something was. I asked her if I could go downstairs for water. She agreed and came with me. It was dark and when we got to the door of the kitchen, my mother flicked on the lights. The floor was COVERED with these black bugs! The white floor looked completely black! My mother got everyone up and we rushed out the door and over to my g-mom’s house for the night. I couldn’t sleep at all. To my mom and dad, this was a bug problem and they had to get an exterminator. To me, it was a warning. I am very sensitive and I knew that bad things were going to happen in that house. I didn’t want to go back.
After the exterminators cleared everything out, we went back. Everything seemed fine at first. Then after about a week, weird things started happening…and then kept happening for the next 12 years of living there. I will talk about a few of them:
-On one occasion, I got a weird feeling while being in my room. I walked out into the hallway and into the bathroom. As I was looking at the faucets on the sink, they turned on full blast out of nowhere! I would calmly turn them off and leave. It was disturbing but I wasn’t willing at that point in time to blame it on anything paranormal. This would happen to me several more times while living there.
-I remember when we all went out to dinner one night. It was cold out so there would be no reason for the windows to be open. When we pulled up to the house, every single window was pulled wide open! Still can’t be explained.
-I felt that there was something evil in the house, but at the same time, I also felt like there were children there (remember that for later). Anyhow, one night we were all in the family room watching “The Sound of Music” which is very rare for all of us to be together in one room. All of the lights were out throughout the whole house except for the one room we were in (also rare). I was laying on the floor near the door that led up to the bedrooms. I started to hear giggling from upstairs and it sounded like children playing. I look around. We are all there so who the hell is that? I didn’t want to say anything because to me, if you acknowledge it, then it will come after you. I just laid there tensely waiting for someone else to say something. My mom says to my dad, “K--, do you hear that?!” My dad didn’t so he muted the t.v. That’s when I jumped in to say I heard it too. She said, “It sounds like there are children playing up there!” Everyone hears it now and we are scared. My dad grabs a bat out of the closet and starts up the stairs with all of us trailing behind him. When we get to the top and turn on the lights, my brothers toys are scattered all over the hallway! None of us slept that night. I had to tell myself repeatedly, “this really just happened” because it was so unbelievable. We all slept downstairs that night.
-My sister’s bedroom was huge so all four kids would play in there a lot. One night, we were all in there having a good time. My sister was wrestling with my two brothers and I was laying in her bed with my body under the blankets, moving my legs back and forth as if I was making a snow angel. I was laughing and enjoying watching my sister kick their butts when out of nowhere, I feel legs kicking me back from the opposite direction. Whatever it was, it was imitating my movements from the opposite direction and kicking right into my legs! I totally lost it. I screamed, jumped up and threw the covers off of me. I was trying to tell them what happened while crying and they were very frightened. They knew I wasn’t pranking them. I was visibly shaken.
-My sister had a dresser in her room that was very bulky and extremely hard to move. It would take the effort of two strong grown men to even try and tip it over. One day, she and I were arguing. When I fight with my sister, I usually shut down and walk away, but in my mind I have stabbed her a few hundred times over. As I am sitting in my room, plotting her demise, I hear noise and then a huge bang coming from her room…then a scream. We all ran in there. This dresser was flipped over and moved to the middle of her room. My sister watched the whole thing and was hysterical. There was no way to explain it. But I became concerned. Whatever this was, it had my back. I felt like it liked me. And I know that sounds strange…
-My brothers (both) started sleep walking. At first, we didn’t think anything of it. Then, something happened. One day, my mom, sister and I went shopping while my dad and brothers stayed home to swim. When we returned, there were two police cars in front of the house. They were out back talking with my father and a female officer was holding my little brother (he was 5 at the time). Apparently, while my dad and my other brother were in the pool, my youngest brother went inside and fell asleep on the couch. An hour later, the officers come to the back of the house with my brother. My father was confused. They told him that my brother was up the road at an intersection of our street and the highway doing backflips. I know it sounds crazy but this is what they said. My brother does not know how to do backflips. The only reason they knew where to bring him was because the girl that lived on that corner was a good friend of mine and saw the whole thing. She actually contacted me recently and brought this incident up. She is still perturbed by it. She told me that she went up to the corner to get my brother and when he looked at her, his eyes were completely black. This was very scary. No one could explain it. Yet, it was let go.
-My mother is a nurse and at the time, she had the night shift and so did my father, so she asked me to put my little brother to bed. He always slept in their room when they were gone, so I put him in their bed at the end of the night. He was a very hyper child and was hard to put to sleep. After about a good hour of him giving me issues, I told him that if he didn’t go to sleep, I was going to spank his butt. I wasn’t serious at all and he knew this so he started to act up again. Let me first say that my parent’s bedroom is one that I avoided. There was something wrong with that room. Especially my father’s side of the bed. I would NEVER go over there. But that night, I was laying on his side because my brother would not. Anyhow, I threatened that I would spank him. When he didn’t listen, I threw my arm back, as if I was going to hit him, and when I did, something caught my arm in mid-air. It was pitch black in there and even so, I wasn’t going to turn that way, but I was scared to death…I couldn’t even speak. My brother sensed something was wrong and I choked out, “turn the lights on”…he started crying very loudly and my other brother finally walks in the room and turns the lights on to see what all the commotion is about. My arm drops as soon as it comes on.
-I would be in my room reading, drawing or daydreaming. I would hear my mother calling me very loudly. When she yells, it’s annoying as hell, so I yelled back, “what?!?!” I get no answer but hear her shouting my name again. I open my bedroom door and walk to the top of the stairs… ”what do you want??!” I yell. I didn’t get any response so I go down the stairs, walk around the house…no one is home. This happened on several occasions.
-When inside the house, there was always an oppressive feeling. Very negative. Constant fighting. Never positive. But as soon as you walked out the front door, you felt like a different person. I feel like my father and my brother were possessed. My brother doesn’t remember anything before the age of 9. And at 9, he turned into the sweetest kid. Before 9, he was like a devil child. The words that would come out of his mouth were unbelievable. He would chase you around the house with knifes saying he would f’ing kill you…he was insane. I was afraid of him. And then at 9, this behavior just disappeared. I won’t get into the things my father did, but let’s just say, it was a difficult time for me.
There was so much more that went on, but I just wrote a few off the top of my head that stood out. Some, I can’t get into.
I left there when I was 18 yrs old. I came back a few years later to visit while I was in the area. My mother had left my father at this point so him and my sis were the only ones living there (brothers in college too). Anyhow, the night I slept there, I woke up because I heard a woman scream. Then I felt a pressure on the side of my leg and I thought our cat had jumped onto the bed and laid on my leg like she usually did. I put my hand down to pet her but there was nothing there. Strange. But I felt calm and went back to sleep. The next morning my father was sitting in his recliner with a strange look on his face. He looked scared. He looks at me and says, “Did you hear anything strange last night?” And I said, “I thought I heard someone scream.” He says, “A woman?” I say, “yes”. Now he looks like he is going to cry. He then tells me, “I heard a woman scream loudly in my room, then I felt something sit on the bed. I thought it was the cat and went to pet her but she wasn’t there. Then I checked on you and your sister then shut and locked my door hoping to keep whatever was in my room away from you two.” First time he ever seemed to show concern for his children. He was that scared. Then he told me that these things stopped while I was gone.
Guess it was my fault.
This house still stays on my mind. It was a new house with no history so it must have been the land. I had several dreams about the house after leaving...there was a creek running under the house and that there were children playing nearby. I felt like children died there, but didn’t know how. I contacted the historic society a few years ago and told them about my experiences and about my dreams. I couldn’t believe the response I got. Where my house was built, there was an old school house there in the 1700-1800’s. And there originally was water where my house was built! I could go on and on about this, but I think I have written enough for now.
I will write more about the new house when I get more time!