Have you ever thought of committing suicide?

Another great question for a job app:
Can you explain the voices you hear in your mind?

For individuals with psychosis, ask specifically about hallucinations and delusions.

  • Can you describe the voices you hear?
  • Can you tell if they are male or female?
  • Can you stop the voices?
  • How many different voices do you hear?
  • Do you hear these voices from within your own mind, or do they seem to come from somewhere outside of you?
  • Do you know who these voices are? Do you recognize them?
  • What do the voices say to you? Do they say anything positive, or do they say negative or hurtful things to you? Do they threaten you or anyone else?
  • How do you cope with the voices? Do you do anything about them?
  • Do they command you to do anything? If so what kinds of things do they ask you to do?
  • Have you ever done what the voices ask you to do? What led you to obey the voices? If you tried to resist them, what made it hard to do?
  • Have there been times when the voices told you to hurt or kill yourself? How frequently has this happened? What happened?
copied Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

Final question regarding the above: Do you distinguish a difference between hearing voices and thinking?
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These are a few of my favorite things. For @flower .
I wonder an awful lot about things: many things.
I wonder how many different ways different types of brains can think.
Surely, they are not all like flowers or leaves of one sort.
One can but wonder the creativity another with ADD might have over the multitudes of creativity if a calm mind were to be grafted in. Frustrated, but there is so much beauty. Too many frailties can exist when the intricacies of two are combined into one. To look down on someone's own child with ADD is debilitating, and can cause life-long side effects. To not accept what the doctor says to the parents is an egotistical landslide. To send them away from the nest in like condition is a problem for the child and someone else. That child is, after all, the product of the two parents. Someone shamed for their actions instead of receiving help can, at certain times, hate their own life. Offer to get them help, and they might threaten suicide if one goes through with getting help. It reminds me of "I'm not broken, so don't try to fix me". The demons, to me, are the parents in this story.

Ask if they have ever thought about committing suicide and they will say "NO".

If my parents belittled me, punished me, and verbally accused and assaulted me; I may at least "think" about suicide. Sure wouldn't feel loved.
Know of a story where a guy said he had demons trying to get him all the time. His parents tried to help. He was trying new meds, but they kept after him. The doctor, years later, found something that worked. He went and hugged his Mother and thanked her. A little while later, he went in the yard and shot himself. In his note he left, he said the demons had finally gone away and stopped haunting him. Said he wanted to die while he had a moment's peace.

How do we guard against that? Sad and true story. Let's "fix" someone, why don't we?
Know of a story where a guy said he had demons trying to get him all the time. His parents tried to help. He was trying new meds, but they kept after him. The doctor, years later, found something that worked. He went and hugged his Mother and thanked her. A little while later, he went in the yard and shot himself. In his note he left, he said the demons had finally gone away and stopped haunting him. Said he wanted to die while he had a moment's peace.

How do we guard against that? Sad and true story. Let's "fix" someone, why don't we?
There are many a study pointing out often those who come out of depression at first will end up attempting, as the up gives them the energy to finally complete it. It is actually quite sad....
One can but wonder the creativity another with ADD might have over the multitudes of creativity if a calm mind were to be grafted in. Frustrated, but there is so much beauty. Too many frailties can exist when the intricacies of two are combined into one. To look down on someone's own child with ADD is debilitating, and can cause life-long side effects. To not accept what the doctor says to the parents is an egotistical landslide. To send them away from the nest in like condition is a problem for the child and someone else. That child is, after all, the product of the two parents. Someone shamed for their actions instead of receiving help can, at certain times, hate their own life. Offer to get them help, and they might threaten suicide if one goes through with getting help. It reminds me of "I'm not broken, so don't try to fix me". The demons, to me, are the parents in this story.

Ask if they have ever thought about committing suicide and they will say "NO".

If my parents belittled me, punished me, and verbally accused and assaulted me; I may at least "think" about suicide. Sure wouldn't feel loved.

Is it just the parents though? I think society in general looked down on people with mental health issues. Not just their own families.

If we look closely at these parents we may find they were troubled people themselves. Maybe they had mental health illnesses of their own. Not that there's any excuse for their actions. But perhaps we can understand the place they were coming from.

Some children who go through these terrible experiences in childhood seem to turn out well. Perhaps they work through their issues, maybe find a place of self-acceptance. Some even make peace with their parents later on.

And then some who commit suicide seem to have loving families. No one can make any sense of why they did it.

I sometimes wonder do we get the kind of childhood and parents we need for our growth.

Fortunately there is now more understanding of mental health issues than in the past. Hopefully children with mental health illnesses grow up feeling loved and accepted. Will this stop suicides though?
The term "mental" health should be changed. Some people think others look down on them because of it. We don't say "kidney" health issues. It should be more acceptable for those in need than worrying about a straight jacket or being called mentally ill.
Tried to thank you for your likes, but couldn't get access to your profile page; so, thank you.
The term "mental" health should be changed. Some people think others look down on them because of it. We don't say "kidney" health issues. It should be more acceptable for those in need than worrying about a straight jacket or being called mentally ill.
Tried to thank you for your likes, but couldn't get access to your profile page; so, thank you.

I agree with this.
Catch up with you later. Thank you.
The term "mental" health should be changed. Some people think others look down on them because of it. We don't say "kidney" health issues. It should be more acceptable for those in need than worrying about a straight jacket or being called mentally ill.
Tried to thank you for your likes, but couldn't get access to your profile page; so, thank you.

The term "mental health" is just another tool society uses to bludgeon broken people into conforming and performing to society's demands be it work or education ect.
I suppose one could interpret that as an implied prerequisite for the job.

I'd write, 'No, thanks'.
The differentiation between mental and physical health is an important one. Mental health treatment requires special practitioners, not your family doc.
we do discuss heart health, and other system health. They all require specialized care and treatment.
there are far too many that trivialize mental health care, and too many that are not receiving appropriate treatment.
as to asking about mental health in an interview or on application, it is a major violation of health care privacy.
Has anyone here ever worked at a suicide hotline before? I had never considered getting a job doing that, until earlier today when the idea just came out of nowhere. So before I go in the YT rabbit hole, im curious if anyone has experience and if they dont mind sharing it publicly or privately.
Sadly there’s too many misdiagnoses, stigmatization about trauma, sensitivity, sex, religion, orientation, etc.

I recently had a childhood friend who committed suicide after loosing both his parents and though my brother was best friends with this guy, I could’ve been more pressing with him, and again on the topic of regret, the father of my children was shot in the head, I don’t think this is the place for a joke like that.

No. Not everyone can be aware of signs of abuse suicide, depression, etc, but it needs to be a safe place to talk about these things and do something about them, not further stigmatize them.
I only hope that it continues to feel like a safe to reach out here as I have learned to do.
The issue with mental health is that people think you're weak if you're struggling and not to bother anyone with it. If people were allowed to express everyday frustrations and difficulties with others without feeling judged or made to feel simple or weak, maybe many would be less likely to internalize the struggles and deal with them alone or fear sharing them.

Too often, you're made to feel as if it's a question of your strength as a person or inability to be tough or know how to handle situations well, rather than being a typical person who is simply struggling. You're made to feel as if there's something unusual. Or worse, only people with real medical issues have real issues.

Mental health issues are "all in your head" so you can manage and control them is what you're made to feel, and so it's your inability to manage your issues that is the problem. With these insensitive and perspectives out there, yes, mental health problems will continue to be an issue.
I think I have what's called passive suicidal ideation..

I don't actually ever have a plan and wouldn't carry it out but when faced with stressful situations I flirt with the idea of possibly being diagnosed with cancer or getting hit by a truck.

I don't know I think these types of thoughts about death are pretty normal.

We are all going to die so thinking about how and when particularly when we are overwhelmed seems natural.

I've always had the attitude that I'm already going to die so I'll just see how. I don't feel the need to be in control of that. For some it's a control thing- to determine when a given event will happen.

Nobody likes uncertainty but we all gotta live with it.
Mental health issues are "all in your head" so you can manage and control them is what you're made to feel, and so it's your inability to manage your issues that is the problem.

this has the potential to be a severe problem, it’s the inability to take into account the factors. That are contributed to a situation to create any sort of diagnoses to begin with. Finding a dialectic between what can we work on, and what environmental factors contribute to this.

I agree that we all have our traumas to heal from and that takes community that is aware of these issues and willing to make a difference and make a safe place for it to be shared.

Also, I agree with @slant that accepting death frees you to the moment of right now. Nothing to be prevented, just learning to understand where you are knowing where you’re going is nothing to be afraid of, but while we’re here, understanding what we can, accepting our limitations, and doing what we can in the latter.
That seems less ideational and more considerate than anything.
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