- Enneagram
- 2w1, 4w5
I've recently encountered my twin flame and whether anyone wants to believe me or not, we're in the chaser/runner dynamic currently. We both feel each other's emotions constantly despite keeping our distance from one another. She's in another country as well. It's a connection that science cannot explain and is entirely unconditional. It's not three dimensional. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. With any twin flame journey to union, there's much karmic residue and physical superficiality that needs to be smudged before the union. Be it past, present, or future (lust).There is already a recent thread on twin flames by @JustPhil here:
How I am understanding this is that you just met this person and do not really know her or have a relationship w/ her. You say she may already be in a committed relationship. You don't know much personal information about her.
This is why I am skeptical of the Twin Flame concept.
– Infatuation/lust is not a deep connection.
– Why do so many people who claim a person is their "twin flame" disrespect the fact that the other person is in a committed relationship?
– Why do people so often choose twin flames whom they know so little about?
– Why are people so ashamed of admitted lust and the feeling of potential deep connection for what they are?
– Unlike a Soul Mate, a Twin Flame is someone who helps you grow. The relationship may not be long-lasting. So, in this case, anyone can label anyone a "twin flame". Seems like projecting.
– You can't love or understand someone you don't know.
Please, let me explain my point of view. I come from a previously very scientific, cynical, and over-bearly realistic background and wish to address this ;
- How do you know this is infatuation? Twin flame love is unconditional. Period.

- It is not chosen, the universe makes it out to be. It is your other half. Ex. read up Plato's views the human soul. Yes, some people mistake their soulmate or someone with intense energies to be their twin flames from time to time. So, you may be half right.
- I think you're being entirely too cynical and skeptical of the concept of a twin flame and approaching your rebuttal with entirely too much negativity due possible resentment towards people who use the term loosely? Being in a legitimate twin flame reunion you are full of positivity and your auras are glowing. There is no comparsion!

- Yes. You can! Telepathy and emotional sharing exists with Twin Flames.
- Yes, you're absolutely right. They are your mirror of flaws and strengths. You're applying too much logic imo to something spiritual. Twin flame relationships are everlasting, even if not physical. The connection is via a cord/bond that cannot be broken. Even if they aren't physically together, there is always that magnetism and you may find yourself with someone who reminds of you them subconsciously.
- Again, they are your mirror. Do you not know your own reflection?

@btg3ar , pay no mind to the cyncism and just trust your heart and intuition. I suggest opening yourself more to spirituality if you look to have your union in this lifetime. Just be very careful opening up your chakras. Pay mind though, a twin flame relationship is not only the most intense loving-wise but it is also the most hurtful and mental anguish you'd ever experience. You find yourself incapable of walking away or not thinking about them. Naturally, it comes with the territory and the bestowing of immense wisdom that comes along with the journey. It is not an easy one.

Bare in mind she will be your mirror. Which means, the more you open your spirituality the more it will happen on her end and vice versa. Personally, I believe in human potential and how we've been held back, not in religion and I've had a spiritual awakening. I wish you two the best of luck and that your union is a prosperous one!