Help on how to bring up a topic for discussion.

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I suppose the idea that if people at least begin to consider they are wrong they may persue looking past their own initial stance or thoughts.
Some people need to be persuaded, with logic and reason. Initial stances and thoughts need to be followed and understood for that by you. That is what it means to acknowledge and value an opinion.
I could but I am starkly aware that my opinion is not liked or wanted. At least not in a way that won't draw ire from people.
The goal, however small chance there may be is to solve problems. Many people don't like to hear they are part of the problem (go figure). So the best hope is to get these listen.
I know how funny and futile that sounds. Yet it has been my focus since I could think for myself. Still convinced there is a right combination of words to get everyone (or at least most people) on the same page so that we can all move forward in a same direction to accomplish an end result that benefits everyone.

I come off as short and dismissive because I don't see a reason to spend time on thoughts or ideas that can't work or have been proven not to work to accomplish that end goal. I do feel as if the argument and statements I make are well beyond many of the responses I get. Meaning, I have already contemplated them, there is no new relevant information in them to consider or that is relevant to the end goal. HOWEVER i understand how someone who cannot see beyond one of their own thoughts like this may feel as if it's being dismissed. I'm not sure I can do anything about that. There is just so much time and information that would have to be spent getting them to see how it doesn't work. All the while fighting their denial in the process.

We ( humanity) are on a precipice. If half our population dies, we've basically resolved ourselves to the slow death of the human species. Well never get off this planet. Which is not to say that assures our survival but at least it gives us a chance where none was before.
It's not that your opinion is not liked or not wanted, it's that you act like a total asshole about it. You constantly demean and condescend to people who disagree with you. What's even more frustrating than that, is that you refuse to even examine the other perspective. Do you think no one else here has friends or family with opposing political beliefs? It's not the most important thing in a relationship to agree on every political stance. You are the one who constantly draws a line in the sand. In the post I'm quoting right now you leave absolutely no space for discussion. You see yourself as right and those who disagree are wrong. You think your opinion is the one that will save the world. Try being more moderate because you come off like a fanatic.

So here's to you learning how to pretend to not waste everyone's time here. You haven't even shown a willingness to try to be open to others in this thread. You of course, are just the reviled prophet here to spread the good word.
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You’re ridiculed for being immovable. Accept that not everyone agrees with your opinions and stop insulting those who don’t agree with you. It’s just that simple.
I'm sure that after being insulted myself the statements I make in response probably feel like insults when they are only highlighting the truth.
I'm sure that after being insulted myself the statements I make in response probably feel like insults when they are only highlighting the truth.
What is your truth?
1) Check forum rules
2) See if it violates specific rules such as the ones related to pushing a political agenda and/or ad hominem attacks and button pushing.
3) If the answers include “Yes” or Yes but what about.....” don’t post it.

So a medical journal says everybody who is liberal is psychotic. While in itself the topic may be debatable, from the outset you are placing anyone who aligns with liberals on the low ground requiring them to fight an uphill battle to meet you in the middle. I wonder if you’ve made any similar negative threads about liberals before which would establish a theme of an anti-liberal political agenda? Hm? As such it gets increasingly harder to believe— or to dispense with dancing around it, you love trolling liberals and like to bask in their shock or outrage.

There’s nothing to win or defend here. Infjf is not some vital battleground that will determine the future of the country and it’s annoying when people treat it as such or use that as an excuse for the real goal of just getting the last word in. Additionally there is definitely no magic combination of words that will miraculously solve the issue while keeping one’s heels dug in i.e. knowing that some day you can get them to see that you’re “right”.

Thread: “Crowdsourcing ways to help me call you crazy and not get banned for it.”
Infjf is not some vital battleground that will determine the future of the country and it’s annoying when people treat it as such or use that as an excuse for the real goal of just getting the last word in. Additionally there is definitely no magic combination of words that will miraculously solve the issue while keeping one’s heels dug in i.e. knowing that some day you can get them to see that you’re “right”.

Can I get a hallelujah?!
I am ridiculed for how I bring up topics for discussion. I am told I should think before I post. In an effort to be more thoughtful I am asking for ideas and thoughts on how to discuss topics.

As an example a recently found that according to a well established and respected medical journal liberals specifically have been proven to be psychotic. If I create a thread to discuss this medical understanding I do not wish to offend anyone. So how can I choose my words better in order to make others feel more at ease? How can this be discussed without offending? What should my thread title be? What should my words be? What should my deminure be?

Well first you'd need to post the link to the article. Then add your own critical thinking to the post. Last take the time to back up your ideas instead of alluding to past posts (which are never linked to, btw). And stop making excuses as to why you refuse to reinforce your ideas.
This is such a friendly thread! :rainlove:
Respect is incredibly important to me. No matter what the situation or setting, I treat everyone I meet with respect. I do recognize and value and appreciate that you are your person with your own experience. I want to hear your story because it helps me understand who you and where you have been. I want to know what brought to your knees and your greatest joys. It doesn't bother for people to disagree or argue. I don't feel there is any reward in winning an argument or being right. I think having a discussion of different opinions is absolutely healthy because it challenges us to look what we and why we believe those things. The challenge is to do that respectfully.
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