I do not believe you are seeking better understanding. Growth requires humility. I remember back when I was still new here, I witnessed for the first time your supercilious way of being shine through in posts to members that were genuinely attempting to have a real conversation with you. I posted an article to you, about the importance of humility to which you responded with keyboard laughter and a strange dismissal along with claims to knowing better... I believe that you really do believe that, and it shows in your condescending responses to members that have tried in vain to engage and share information. This goes for people that have contrary and positions indistinguishable from your own.
Despite your belief, the backlash you are facing is not due to your ideological affiliation. It matters not that you are a die-hard Trump supporter, consider yourself the greatest American patriot, adhere to libertarian and/or Republican ideals. It is very possible for people of offering political backgrounds to coexist and engage in a mutually beneficial conversation about policy and ideals.
The problem stems not from those with contrary views to your own being out of touch with reality, but in your patronizing, contemptuous, and arrogant approach to addressing other members. It is a failure on your part to recognize that you are not dealing with over generalized labels applied to large swaths of the fleshy population, but with actual human beings. Each with their own ideas, opinions, levels of intelligence, understanding, and ways of being. You address these differences with utter disrespect. The insults to intelligence, the accusations of being out touch with reality, the name calling, the blatant dismissing and ignoring of other's legitimate posts that may or may not run counter to your worldview is unacceptable in my opinion. It is rude at best and abusive at it's worst.
There is are several cognitive distortions in your approach and it all leads to how you treat others and how others in turn respond to you. Overgeneralization, blaming, fallacy of fairness, negative bias, all or nothing thinking, labeling, and double standards are just of few of the distortions that make a reasonable conversation anything but possible.
I know you don't care and I don't care that you don't, but I greatly dislike the way you talk to people on this forum. I dislike the way you make people feel when they try to converse with you. (Even those that agree with you) It is not that they are too sensitive or are liberal snowflakes. It is that it is unpleasant to engage with you and no one has to put up with the insults. You are not perpetually correct and your attacks on other member's worldviews and intelligence, then claiming to be a victim of ill will is a betrayal of your attempted projection of intelligence.
Before seeking to enlighten the world, first seek to enlighten yourself.