I assumed not. I see it as an example of Ne at work. There is no way to prove this. Nevertheless, Ne is about tangential patterns. Ne starts from a central event and expands on this. It seeks to find later links from this and see where the possibillites could lead. Generally getting further from the initial starting point to see where things lead. It generally does not seek to re-refrence the inital starting point. The initial idea you explained highlights this nature of Ne to extrapolate on things in a tangential pattern.
It looks like your so-called Ni failed to see through the appearance of the "
" which was mocking the obvious example of Ne.
Woops, I almost made an accident. What if it really happend? What if I killed the people? Maybe they would have become ghosts. Or maybe they would've become zombies and an invasion would have started. Oh oops, I'm driving. xD
Ni doesn't think about random shit like that. That's Ne's job.
Or you're ne assumed my ni fail was on accident, and not a purposeful thing to disguise the fact I'm really a black rapper.
Isn't Ni capable of taking a conclusion and expanding on it in a linear fashion of probable future events based off of the conclusion.
Ne: Central event --> possible extensions of an event or all the possibilities of what could have happened if an event took place. "X,Y or Z could have happened but it also could have been A or B".
Ni: Central event --> linear calculation of one possibility that is seen as most likely to happen by Ni. "After event happens, go to A, then A goes to B..."
These are what I understand to be a difference between Ni and Ne with imagining the future.
I agree with this post.
Btw people, infjs have ne. VUT. yup.
anyways, I don't have Ne and anyone who thinks I do honestly eitehr doesn't know me, or doesn't know crap. which ever is a closer blood relative.
Both N functions ask a what-if type thing, but the way they go about it is way different.
Ne seeks fulfillment of its reach.
Ni seeks understanding of its reach.
Ne says "i have gone as far as I can now, that is fine if I don't see one truth, because that was not my goal."
Ni says "i have gone as far as I can now, I pick apart all of these until I find the one truth. BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUTH."
off topic, but i fucking hate ambiguity.
edit: btw guys, lets not get too off topic on proving I'm really a P and not a J, thanks.
also: i really hate ambiguity and intp "omg theres too many truths out there to pick one" crap.
also also: Ni jokes mock things of this world, Ne doesn't. use that as a litmus test if you need a real world example.