How acutely aware are you of your Ni?

I think I have some decent understanding of my Ni because I have strongly associated with a visualization in my head. The Ni moves somewhat similar to a spider, though weaving incredibly intricate, 3-dimensional webs, connecting many different aspects of many different things in many different ways. I think because I have come to focus so intently on my intuition in my life, I grew up around an INTP, who had quite a strong Ti & Se, and other influences in my life, I am much more able to participate in the association between ideas, objects, symbols, etc. And I think by consciously desiring to, & working to, see, remember, & understand the connections between the different items, I am now better able to recognize the process as it happens, perhaps because I have attempted to practice Ne, or perhaps because I have attempted to 'see' what it is my brain is doing & has done, which has given me the ability TO actually see what it is doing & has done (& why).

I'm still not particularly coherent, I am still not very capable of expressing these understandings that I have achieved through (comprehensible) language, especially in a palatable & coherent way (perhaps a consequence of trying to force myself into my subconscious processes, an understanding somewhat irreconcilable with the vocabulary I know how to utilize & with my consciousness (even more difficult to express to other consciousnesses (especially those who do not have dom Ni))).
I’m not too aware of Ni. I guess you could say it’s just “there”? and I just go about my day. Observation, analyzation and intuition is just something I don’t need to know if its already a part of my personality, it’s just already ingrained. I do have moments of severe daydreaming and pondering, just millions of ideas spurring through. And it can be a huge distraction at times.

But I will say that each INFJ is different. It honestly depends on childhood experience, environment, and circumstances. Some INFJs can identify more with their Fe function more than Ni, and some are the opposite.
Not every INFJ is the same really.
Not much. I don't 'feel' the Ni as in "oh this is supernatural power" or something like that. Ni to me is perhaps similar to an ongoing process of reflection, looking for inception and conclusion, looking for their connection and coming up with insights which are similar to cracking a nutshell. I don't think I realize that it's a unique perspective because I assumed everyone has that in a certain degree, not until I learned about cognitive functions anyway.
How does it "come off" to others ?
I've heard multiple times I look stoned (even when I'm not :D)
Kind of annoying. Rather than trying to grasp my genius, people take me for a hippy.
Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. ~ Schopenhauer

Anyways, best pratical example of all functions is this imho. This has one of few pratical examples of Ni. Doesn't really explain the dynamics but at least it's understandable for everyone.


Source : Linda Berens' book "Dynamics of personality type".