@Reverist ,
Very many thanks for your comments. I'm really sorry that I haven't picked up on them a lot sooner - got carried away in other threads and haven't looked in this one until recently. Over the last 2 weeks I have definitely accepted INFJ as my best fit type – one of my objectives in joining the forum was to resolve this through meeting and talking to people with that preference. Big tick for the Forum !!
I agree with you that MBTI does not define us; but a feeling that something unresolved is resolvable does frustrate me, and as
@Ginny implied, it can be easy to confuse the process of using one of your less preferred functions with the way you form and access content (such as memory). In addition, I’m intensely curious about psychology, and a lot of my force of interest in it is purely intellectual – a desire to understand. It’s easier to toss half understood ideas about in a face to face conversation of course, but I don’t have friends who have this kind of interest, so the Forum is a godsend.
It’s very interesting, your suggestion that there may be considerable Feeling going on in my recall of situations from the past. Let me give you an example from over 45 years ago:
...... if I shut my eyes, I'm actually still there, on the hillside, overlooking a bay several miles across. It's night in mid-winter and I'm surrounded by mountains - everywhere is deep in snow and there are steep glaciers tumbling down the mountain valleys. It's very cold, well below freezing, very still, very clear and the sea is dead flat calm - it's covered with growlers and bergy bits. The snow under my feet is crisp with frost. The stars are brilliant and the Milky Way is bright across the sky. A full moon is just rising over a valley 8 miles away across the bay – it's clear of the horizon and shines straight down the valley; there is the most incredible moon river running for miles across the sea straight towards me. The air is like a chilled German white wine. A cloud cascade is pouring over the highest mountain ridge, 10,000 feet up, some miles away to the west, and it scintillates in the moonlight. I have a bottle of Grand Marnier with me, and I get slightly tipsy on it while watching. Everything is lit up by the moon, and it's completely magical, sacred: I am enchanted. After half an hour I am cold and go in, and I can’t remember any more.
I think I left a bit of me behind and it’s still there.
Remembering this now with an MBTI hat on, the primary experience was a blend of Ni and Se harmony that I usually only get at will momentarily when I’m composing a photograph – but this was extended over a half hour at least because of the mystical web that Inferior Se sprays all over reality, turning it into Magic when I’m very lucky. I don’t have this level of recall for many place memories, and it needs a highly charged atmosphere for it to happen for me.
As far as thinking functions are concerned ….
I took mathematics at university and very much enjoyed it. I still occasionally pull out one of my old text books and read through it, a bit like re-reading a novel that you liked as a teenager and go back to every few years. Of course, I knew nothing about MBTI in those days, so I had no sense of a possible conflict with my preferred functions. Intuition is very valuable for maths, but you also need to be very good with Thinking skills. I got a good degree, mid-range 2.1, so was certainly proficient, but nowhere near the best in our year: there was probably a greater distance between the top 2.1 and the top 1st than there was between the bare passes and the top 2.1. Of course, I can see with hindsight that the Intuition and Feeling functions are primary drivers for me with these very cerebral type of activities. I need to be a bit in love with a subject to give it my sustained attention: it needs to speak to my inner core in some way and, ideally, I also need affirmation - then I can excel. I fell a bit out of love with maths towards the end of my time at university when I saw that, in its essence, it only really hit my “life-drama” goals tangentially!