I read the atheist arguments and they seen too shallow -not deep enough- to me.
Most of them are from scientists, and science is reductionist. I feel like Science can't explain 90% of phenomena, let alone the spirituality.
But I think there is something that must exist. Why there are so many magical believers in the world? Why a concept that not exists should stay as an idea on many people in the world? Even mitological creatures stem from existents beings, example unicorns: horses, etc.
David Ritchey say on his book that this is an anomaly or even a mental illness. He (and his followers) wrote that being INFP or INFJ is having schizotypical personality (I can't remember where I read this), and that is untrue. We are simply normal human beings.
They patologized normal ways of being, just to say that the supernatural does not exist.
I know belief in God or the supernatural doesn't depend of culture, thanks to MBTI we know some people are simple wired to be believers and they are not crazy.
All the matter we can see is 5%, what if INFPs for example can see another aspects of matter that the rest of us can't? Many of them report experiences with aliens, others believe they are vampires or angels, and they are not insane.
And INFJs are aware of how other people perceive the world, INFJs not necessarily have magical thinking, I am a rationalist, for example, and I'm not the only one.
Atheits/skeptic arguments are even childish sometimes.
How can I know if God exists and what kind of God it is?
Most of them are from scientists, and science is reductionist. I feel like Science can't explain 90% of phenomena, let alone the spirituality.
But I think there is something that must exist. Why there are so many magical believers in the world? Why a concept that not exists should stay as an idea on many people in the world? Even mitological creatures stem from existents beings, example unicorns: horses, etc.
David Ritchey say on his book that this is an anomaly or even a mental illness. He (and his followers) wrote that being INFP or INFJ is having schizotypical personality (I can't remember where I read this), and that is untrue. We are simply normal human beings.
They patologized normal ways of being, just to say that the supernatural does not exist.
I know belief in God or the supernatural doesn't depend of culture, thanks to MBTI we know some people are simple wired to be believers and they are not crazy.
All the matter we can see is 5%, what if INFPs for example can see another aspects of matter that the rest of us can't? Many of them report experiences with aliens, others believe they are vampires or angels, and they are not insane.
And INFJs are aware of how other people perceive the world, INFJs not necessarily have magical thinking, I am a rationalist, for example, and I'm not the only one.
Atheits/skeptic arguments are even childish sometimes.
How can I know if God exists and what kind of God it is?