All these Court Ordered Fines and Settlements against Wall Street Banksters this year for crimes committed from the 2008 crisis and massive Mortgage Fraud/Robo Signing etc., also including the Banksters guilty of Libor Manipulation.
Should either be split among the people at years end like a tax return or paid directly into a national unemployment fund or even a unemployment supplement as these Fu@$ing Bankster's raped the economy for trillions illegally, went unprosecuted, received record bonuses during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, and even destroyed whole communities even major cities like Detroit.
Many of us working class men and women have suffered mentally and physically from dire economic loss, including homes, cars, families split up, lost jobs that have never came back, lost income that has never been regained, have had to start over financially, have full time work but since the crisis have taken upwards to a 50% pay-cut. Some are working 3 part time jobs for minimum wage.
People are going hungry and without health care, and the list of atrocities from the 2008 Financial Crisisal is nearly endless.
Give the money back to the people!