How can we take it back? | Page 14 | INFJ Forum

How can we take it back?

I dont know what to tell you other than the fiat currencies narrative is lock, stock and barrel a radical capitalist critique based on old quotes from arch conservatives of a long distant past.

This is how libertarians can claim, and do, that its not capitalism or corporatism which is problematic and causing economic crisis and breakdowns but instead the "banksters", whatever that class of people as distinct from other capitalists may be (apart from Jewish that is).

The reality is that abandoning fiat currencies, or considering them the source of the present economic maladies and crisis rather than wild speculation, dependency upon financial sectors as a percentage of overall economy and deregulation, is a smoke screen. Requiring victorian like, or even earlier, boundaries upon government, that's not just demilitarised states (while others militarise to the max to take advantage), that's precious little law and order let alone health, education, social services or any of those other good things progressives generally hanker after on the taxpayer tab.

The only possible grounds I can see for the revival of a lot of this is the conspiracy theory network over riding any and all other critical opposition, even being mistook for the same, and it anti-semitism it all boils down to, its ironic because who is going to win if fiat currencies were abandoned? Well there's plenty of schisters out there speculating on gold, that should tell you something.

Its not in wide circulation as its been out of print but I'd recommend GDH Cole's books on economics, including what everyone wants to know about money or failing that GK Galbraith's books on Money or even if you could find it the conservative keynesian book Are These Hardships Necessary? By Roy Harrod.

What lot of people miss is that Orwell was writing a swiftian satire upon post war conditions, the victory gin, the cigarettes which fall to pieces out of the packet, the political intelligentsia's reviling of simple things like snow globes or seemingly apolitical hobbies or pass times like journaling or a day in the countryside were all exactly how things were at the time of writing.

It’s interesting how perfectly relevant these both are.
That’s is what is interesting about history…it’s written by the winners and if it’s forgotten it’s often repeated.
Like I said before…I have a great deal of belief that we are going to have the labor riots and the right to unionize and protest for better wages attempted to be no rights at all.
People here are scared to speak up because their jobs are often in jeopardy if they do, or even try to organize.
I think you are missing a component to American politics and the mentality of the current working class.
The thing is…that scared group is retiring now and Gen X is starting to come into it’s own and are beginning to ask "who ate all the cake?”.
The whole dynamic is changing and even though both references were to time long past…it is very relevant to today’s atmosphere.
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Orwell worked in the propaganda department of the BBC during world war 2

The BBC is run by the socialists linked to the city of london and wallstreet banksters

orwell gained a direct insight into the thinking of the champagne socialist intelligencia who were often members of the Fabian society and who today operate through groups like the tavistock institute

he was warning us of the vision of the future that the fabians were discussing amongst themselves at that time

Sci-fi writers like 'war of the worlds' writer H.G.wells were members of the fabians and they were speculating about various technological controls that could be placed upon humanity

orwell was very possibly an INFJ-INFP type

Another writer of the time who also wrote a warning book of a dystopian future was Aldous Huxley with his work 'a brave new world'

The difference between the two visions of a centrally controlled future system was that Orwells 'big brother' system was a police state that constantly watched its citizens at all times including in their own homes; big brother used fear and violence to control it's population and orwell described this vision as a 'jackboot on the neck of humanity forever'

His vision had also been informed by his own experiences in the british imperial police where he worked in burma and witnessed the savage repression of the locals by the British colonial system

Huxley also had contact with the Fabian society through his social contacts and from what he picked up from them he wrote about another system of central control where the world was controlled by the 'world controllers' (a vision of global state-socialist government) with the difference that the population were drugged into submission with 'soma' and were allowed outlets for sexual energies in organised 'orgy porgies'

Unlike Orwell's rule by the jackboot huxley's form of social control was one where the slaves learned to love their own slavery

Anyone watching the developments in our own system can see that the elites are creating a blend of the two!

Dumbing down, drugging, surveillance and violent suppression are the hallmarks of the modern system
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I dont know what to tell you other than the fiat currencies narrative is lock, stock and barrel a radical capitalist critique based on old quotes from arch conservatives of a long distant past.


All fiat currencies that have ever existed have all failed and our own are now teetering on the edge of collapse

To point this out does not ally you with 'arch conservatives' or any long distant just means you can see past your nose

This is how libertarians can claim, and do, that its not capitalism or corporatism which is problematic and causing economic crisis and breakdowns but instead the "banksters", whatever that class of people as distinct from other capitalists may be (apart from Jewish that is).

The free market people resent central control and that is what the central bankers do...they control things centrally and as a result we have seen monopoly capitalism thrive

But many of the 'libertarians' are of the austrian school of economics so really their debate is a debate over the heart and soul of capitalism as an ideology; they are arguing for decentrlaisation and they are criticising the forces of centralisation which have frankly lead us all to a very dark place

The reality is that abandoning fiat currencies, or considering them the source of the present economic maladies and crisis rather than wild speculation, dependency upon financial sectors as a percentage of overall economy and deregulation, is a smoke screen. Requiring victorian like, or even earlier, boundaries upon government, that's not just demilitarised states (while others militarise to the max to take advantage), that's precious little law and order let alone health, education, social services or any of those other good things progressives generally hanker after on the taxpayer tab.

I'm not even sure what you are trying to say there

Fiat curremcies always fail....this is just historic fact. The central bankers have created a ponzi scheme which is now nearing collapse

Mario Draghi might buy up lots of junk greek bonds and this will keep the system afloat for maybe abother year but the collapse is on the way

The only possible grounds I can see for the revival of a lot of this is the conspiracy theory network over riding any and all other critical opposition, even being mistook for the same, and it anti-semitism it all boils down to, its ironic because who is going to win if fiat currencies were abandoned? Well there's plenty of schisters out there speculating on gold, that should tell you something.

The sheisters manipulating the gold markets are the ashkenazi central bankers...wise up man!

Its not in wide circulation as its been out of print but I'd recommend GDH Cole's books on economics, including what everyone wants to know about money or failing that GK Galbraith's books on Money or even if you could find it the conservative keynesian book Are These Hardships Necessary? By Roy Harrod.

Failed keynesian economics!

Were you one of the band members that kept playing music as the titanic went down in a previous life by any chance?

Cos reading keynesian economcis as the keynesian titanic sinks smacks of desperation

“We watch the news about Syria and the situation is bleak. In May when I travelled to Jordan with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and visited Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps with fashion designer Georgina Chapman and her husband, film producer, Harvey Weinstein, the scale of the refugee situation was extraordinary to us. Conflict was forcing innocent people in love with their country to abandon their homes and bleed, in their thousands, across its borders. How are they able to cope with losing everything? How are the neighbouring countries expected to cope with the flood of human beings overwhelming their infrastructure and their already scarce resources?

6 months on and the numbers of refugees and internally displaced have climbed, not inch by inch, but in dizzying numbers: over 6.4 million people displaced inside Syria, over 3 million refugees outside Syria. Spirits have been broken, homes wrecked, lives destroyed, and a generation of children traumatized.

But somehow, still, in amongst the horror and the nightmares, there are still many small and glorious stories of survival and hope, resilience and dignity. I have already shared many of them with you, but there are more to tell. I'm sharing them in order to build a connection between the people I have met – Ayman, Ibrahim, Um Murad and the rest - and with you. Yes, you. I'm asking, on their behalf and UNHCR’s, for help, because if you could have the conversations that we had, if only you could sit and speak to the refugees, face to face, you would see that we really are the same, that we really are part of one family. And, at its best, a family does all it can to support each other.” – Neil Gaiman

Global Wealth Inequality - What you never knew you never knew
Shocking New Report: Superrich Have Grabbed Half the World's Assets

They're eyeing the other half.


According to a new report, the richest one percent have got their mitts on almost half the world's assets.
Think that’s the end of the story?
Think again.
This is only the beginning.

The “Global Annual Wealth Report,” freshly released by investment giant Credit Suisse, analyzes the shocking trend of growing wealth inequality around the world.

What the researchers find is that global wealth has increased every year since 2008, and that personal wealth seems to be rising at the fastest rate ever recorded, much of it driven by strong equity markets.

But the benefits of this growth have largely been channeled to those who are already affluent.
While the restaurant workers in America struggled to achieve wages of $10 an hour for their labor, those invested in equities saw their wealth soar without lifting a finger.

So it goes around the world.

The bottom half of the world’s people now own less than 1 percent of total wealth, and they’re struggling to hold onto even that minuscule portion.
On the other hand, the wealthiest 10 percent have accumulated a staggering 87 percent of global assets.

The top percentile has 48.2 percent of the world wealth.
For now.

One of the scary things about the wealth of the supperich is what French economist Thomas Piketty pointed out in his best-selling book,Capital in the 21st Century.

Once they’ve got a big chunk of wealth, their share will get bigger even if they sit by and do absolutely nothing.
Piketty sums up this economic reality in a simple and horrifying formula: r > g.

Basically, this means that when rate of return on wealth is greater than the overall rate of growth of the economy, as it has nearly always been throughout history, the rich will grow inevitably richer and the poor poorer unless there is some kind of intervention, like higher taxes on wealth, for example.

If r is less than g, the assets of the super-wealthy will erode, but if r is greater than g, you eventually get the explosion of gigantic inherited fortunes and dynasties.

This is happening now: If you look at the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest people in America, you see a lot more inherited fortunes in the upper ranks than you did a couple of decades ago, when the policies that held inequality at bay began to get dismantled.

In today’s top 10, there are more scions of the Walton family than entrepreneurs like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.
These people have essentially done nothing of value for society, and yet their undue influence shapes our political landscape with the wave of a wad of cash.

There have been moments in history when things were not so lopsided.
During the post-war period, inequality was contained because governments made sure their rich didn’t accumulate at such alarming rates by doing things like taxing their estates at a high rate.

At the same time, they created policies to lift the incomes of the less well-off and allow them to have some basic security.
But that’s an exception in history.

Most of the time, this kind of intervention did not happen, and so the rich kept gobbling more and accumulating more power to keep it that way until one of two things happened – a revolution or some kind of catastrophe or disruptive event, like a war, shook things up.

As the Credit Suisse report states:

“[Wealth inequality] has been the case throughout most of human history, with wealth ownership often equating with land holdings, and wealth more often acquired via inheritance or conquest rather than talent or hard work. However, a combination of factors caused wealth inequality to trend downwards in high income countries during much of the 20th century, suggesting that a new era had emerged. That downward trend now appears to have stalled, and possibly gone into reverse.”

That’s right.
We’re on a turbo-charged ride back to the days of Downton Abbey.

Piketty warns that we’re in the early stages of reverting right back to periods of massive inequality, like 19th-century Britain or 18th-century France, where great dynastic fortunes ruled and everybody else fought for scraps.

What the statistics and formulas don’t show is the kind of human suffering that results from this kind of extreme inequality.
While the global elite zip around the world in private jets and watch their stock portfolios expand on computer screens from within their gated mansions, the bottom half stays awake at night trying to think of how to pay for medicine for a sick child.

The things that give life dignity and meaning, like a quality education, a decent job, and the security of knowing you have a roof over your head and a doctor to care for you when you are ill grow further and further out of reach.

Anxiety never leaves because one unforeseen mishap can push you down into poverty, and if you’re already there, you spend much of your time searching, often fruitlessly, for a way out.

But there’s a little bit of anxiety percolating at the top, too.
On the June cover of the conservative magazine American Spectator, a cartoon shows an incensed mob looking on as a monocled fatcat is led to a bloody guillotine – a scene evoking the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.

The caption reads, “The New Class Warfare: Thomas Piketty’s intellectual cover for confiscation.”

In the story that accompanies the image, James Pierson warns of revolution and a growing class of suffering people who want to punish the rich and take away their toys.

That would be one way to address things.
Another would be the recognition that inequality is extremely destabilizing and dangerous, and that non-violent interventions are possible, as we saw in America with the New Deal.

Things like robust tax reform, unions, regulation, changes in corporate governance and CEO pay, affordable education, jobs programs, expansion of Social Security and universal healthcare.

Or we could just do things the old-fashioned way and wait for a disaster even bigger than the meltdown of 2007-'08.
In that case, fasten your seatbelts.
This ride could get very rough.

Lynn Parramore is an AlterNet senior editor. She is cofounder of Recessionwire, founding editor of New Deal 2.0, and author of "Reading the Sphinx: Ancient Egypt in Nineteenth-Century Literary Culture." She received her Ph.D. in English and cultural theory from NYU. She is the director of AlterNet's New Economic Dialogue Project. Follow her on Twitter [MENTION=1913]Lynn[/MENTION]Parramore.


Detroit water shut-offs bring U.N. scrutiny

Wow…where is the basic human dignity?

Did you notice it was directly tied to the fact they're in bankruptcy now and their creditors are cracking the whip? It ties directly back to the financial institutions...

They're all brainwashed to endure this travesty following the rules of money - both the low to no income persons to the city officials. They've all buyed in to the game - the illusion of money.

...and no....there isn't much human dignity when it comes to the large financial institutions. It never has and it never will. ...until the people stand up to them and say "No More".

Since I view everything now in terms of systems of energy - this is my take:

Right now the majority of people here in the US have been conditioned to be in a constant state of Fear. From research we know the devastating effects of this on the body - and the mind - which affect each other and the loop reincorces itself until you have a huge generation of marginal people. Plus how knows what else they've secretly done to people's minds and bodies. I can well imagine some horrifc things....but that's not pertinent here.

We know the human heart - in cooperation with the body - emits an electromagnetic field extending outward around the person in a sphere. We know our emotions generate a specific frequency relating the general feeling. I'll loosely group them into Love based feelings and Fear based feelings. We know our field can interact with other's fields and create a synergy of energy. Now imagine millions and millions of Americans walking around going about their day generating Fear in their energy spheres....

This Fear continues to increase exponentially due to one crisis after another feeding the Financial Instutions. When I think of this - in my mind I see a system where the color black equals Fear and it's covering 90% of the system.

We also know when people are caught up in Fear their cognitive functiong diminishes. We also know chronic stress diminishes cognitive functioning. These people literally can NOT think. Our society is really no better off (now this is from a thinking ability perspective) than other countries who have been oppressed and/or at civil war for years and years. This kind of .....what would you call this...mind control is the only words I can think going on all over the world.

Look at it.

Back to the energy aspect: If Fear is the color black and Love is the color white (absence of black) in my system theory model - then the logical action to take is increase the white - the Love - and the black will automatically decrease and Fear will be reduced.

Oh...I should say this idea of Love is unconditional love. Not "I like you Love"....not "if you give me something I'll love you Love"...or any of those myriad descriptions of Love. I'm talking about the fact you know "each and every one of those 1% are human beings and connected to the All just like you and me" Love.
It's like how I've fallen in Love with Air - the element Air. Sometimes it's playful and breezy and feels oh so good on a warm afternoon.... other times it's roaring and angry and tears things up. I may not like the results of Air....I may really enjoy the results of Air. Either way - it's still Air...and I unconditionally love it for what it is...which is simply Air.

Human beings are creating all of this misery for ourselves. So that's where it comes back to...our Selves.
Part of my mind says "Welll what about the ones taking from the masses? What about the conditioning? What about the other horrific atrocities going on everywhere every hour?" There is a part of me that wants to push back against the ones in charge. Part of me wants to DO some physical act. These are the Fear energies rising up in know...Anger is another name for Fear.
But then I tell myself...if you do these're contributing to the black section of the I not?

This stops me dead in my tracks.

I breathe.
I think of beauty I see around me every day.
I think of many many people trying to do the best they can with what they've got and showing compassion.
I think of my fellow lightworkers slogging through these hard energy days intentionally sending the energy of Love out into the world trying to increase the white.
I think of beloved Gaia (Pachamamma)

....and I call forth the greatest love in my heart I can muster. Sometimes it's a great love worthy of Rumi....sometimes it's the size of a pea. [shrugs]....but at least it ain't Fear. HaH!

The only logical action to take is learn to unconditionally accept one's Self and then this allows us to feel the same about others.
Did you notice it was directly tied to the fact they're in bankruptcy now and their creditors are cracking the whip? It ties directly back to the financial institutions...

They're all brainwashed to endure this travesty following the rules of money - both the low to no income persons to the city officials. They've all buyed in to the game - the illusion of money.

...and no....there isn't much human dignity when it comes to the large financial institutions. It never has and it never will. ...until the people stand up to them and say "No More".

Since I view everything now in terms of systems of energy - this is my take:

Right now the majority of people here in the US have been conditioned to be in a constant state of Fear. From research we know the devastating effects of this on the body - and the mind - which affect each other and the loop reincorces itself until you have a huge generation of marginal people. Plus how knows what else they've secretly done to people's minds and bodies. I can well imagine some horrifc things....but that's not pertinent here.

We know the human heart - in cooperation with the body - emits an electromagnetic field extending outward around the person in a sphere. We know our emotions generate a specific frequency relating the general feeling. I'll loosely group them into Love based feelings and Fear based feelings. We know our field can interact with other's fields and create a synergy of energy. Now imagine millions and millions of Americans walking around going about their day generating Fear in their energy spheres....

This Fear continues to increase exponentially due to one crisis after another feeding the Financial Instutions. When I think of this - in my mind I see a system where the color black equals Fear and it's covering 90% of the system.

We also know when people are caught up in Fear their cognitive functiong diminishes. We also know chronic stress diminishes cognitive functioning. These people literally can NOT think. Our society is really no better off (now this is from a thinking ability perspective) than other countries who have been oppressed and/or at civil war for years and years. This kind of .....what would you call this...mind control is the only words I can think going on all over the world.

Look at it.

Back to the energy aspect: If Fear is the color black and Love is the color white (absence of black) in my system theory model - then the logical action to take is increase the white - the Love - and the black will automatically decrease and Fear will be reduced.

Oh...I should say this idea of Love is unconditional love. Not "I like you Love"....not "if you give me something I'll love you Love"...or any of those myriad descriptions of Love. I'm talking about the fact you know "each and every one of those 1% are human beings and connected to the All just like you and me" Love.
It's like how I've fallen in Love with Air - the element Air. Sometimes it's playful and breezy and feels oh so good on a warm afternoon.... other times it's roaring and angry and tears things up. I may not like the results of Air....I may really enjoy the results of Air. Either way - it's still Air...and I unconditionally love it for what it is...which is simply Air.

Human beings are creating all of this misery for ourselves. So that's where it comes back to...our Selves.
Part of my mind says "Welll what about the ones taking from the masses? What about the conditioning? What about the other horrific atrocities going on everywhere every hour?" There is a part of me that wants to push back against the ones in charge. Part of me wants to DO some physical act. These are the Fear energies rising up in know...Anger is another name for Fear.
But then I tell myself...if you do these're contributing to the black section of the I not?

This stops me dead in my tracks.

I breathe.
I think of beauty I see around me every day.
I think of many many people trying to do the best they can with what they've got and showing compassion.
I think of my fellow lightworkers slogging through these hard energy days intentionally sending the energy of Love out into the world trying to increase the white.
I think of beloved Gaia (Pachamamma)

....and I call forth the greatest love in my heart I can muster. Sometimes it's a great love worthy of Rumi....sometimes it's the size of a pea. [shrugs]....but at least it ain't Fear. HaH!

The only logical action to take is learn to unconditionally accept one's Self and then this allows us to feel the same about others.
What a lovely an beautifully written couple of paragraphs.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful perspective…I really hope that everything can be done in a non-violent manner.
But, I believe that we’ll be forced to fight back at some point…look at what Gandhi did through nonviolent protest…but then he was killed by those who fought against him.
The same could be said for just about any figure in history that sides on the side of the people and not the government or the dictator or the bankers at Wall Street.
It’s a death sentence…that should tell you how serious certain people take it when their money is in jeopardy.
I think if we aren’t willing to lose everything for those things that we hold to be true, then it was never that important and you have been lying to yourself.
Completely depends on how many people are awake from the matrix. Majority are simply not ready to face the music of ewhat is really going on and the rest are comfortable enough to not rock the boat. If there is no real incentive or outrage; it is harder to rally and organize effectively to make changes. Large sweeping revolutions can still happen but only when the masses feel betrayed or the illusions and distractions from the controlling elite are swept aside somehow. Otherwise, digital and information revolution seems to be much more effective and reaching it's intended audiences for more support. Information is helping raise consciousness and forcing people to wake up.
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