How close to reality is North Korea's threats?

The US has been conducting military exercsies in the south which has alarmed the north

They have moved bunker busting bombs to s.korea and have flown B52 bombers over the south practicisng bombing

This deeply alarmed the north who have extensive underground bunker systems. They are now worried that the unstable zionist controlled US is planning a 'pre-emptive' strike against N.Korea who is still trying to perfect its long range missile deterrent

The US then followed up these exercises with flights over the south with nuclear capable stealth bombers that also practiced dropping bombs in the south

The US is a war economy and the people who control it have a vision of a one world government, but to achieve this they must destroy any resistance.

If it helps to overcome nationalistic indoctrination then think about it this way:

Are the north koreans flying nuclear capable bombers near the US? Are they floating nuclear capable tomahawk missile firing war ships in US waters?

The answer is NO

It is the US that is threatening N.Korea with its aggressive exercises.....their behaviour would worry anyone

[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] logic


I guess you forgot about the nuclear tests/missile launches that caused even their old friends China and Russia to turn their backs on them.
From what I've seen, it looks like North Korea might have really gone off the deep end now. They have described themselves as being in a 'state of war' with the south and have a plan to strike the U.S..

The thing about it is that they don't realize how ridiculous they look to the rest of the world. Their mindset hasn't seemed to of been updated for 50 years.

I don't know why they are acting like this though. I'd like to see an experts take on it. What is driving them internally to act this way? Of course, that might not be possible to know given how secret and totalitarian they are.

I think this guy knows what he's talking about:


They're still influenced by Japanese fascism and its 'purest race' propaganda-- but Korea has also been a very xenophobic country for a long time, mostly because they've been annexed by the Mongols AND the Japanese (and occupied by the Americans, Russians and Chinese). The North sees itself as the 'true' independent Korea and the South as an occupied part of the country that is being oppressed/controlled by the Americans. They are being told that people in the South long to rejoin the North… so any antagonism against the Americans is going to be well received by the people.

What the people don't realize is that much of the North Korean economy revolves around war profiteering in Africa and the Middle East-- so the nuclear and rocket tests are like advertisements for potential buyers.

The Americans might be trying to destabilize the country-- it is more vulnerable now because the new leader is young and practically untested… if they show that his threats aren't causing anyone to back down and give them aid, then combined with all of the recent problems (there was a huge currency scandal a while ago where people basically lost all of their money because he knocked two zeroes off of the North Korean Won-- it caused riots/protests in a country where protests can get you killed) as well as the threat of a coup from his generals, it could cause problems.
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When thinking about the leadership in North Korea, wouldn't it serve us to project the conspiracy theory consciousness on them? Don't they behave pretty much the way you would expect when viewed this way?
i'm personally not worried about NKorea

it would only take a natural disaster or epidemic

and if he decides to burn his bridges before then, well it'll be on him

the world is a lot bigger than the common NKorean realizes
@muir logic


I guess you forgot about the nuclear tests/missile launches that caused even their old friends China and Russia to turn their backs on them.

No you didn't bother listening to what i said

The logic is:

Central control=bad

Decentalised power=good

I haven't said the N.Korean regime is a bastion of freedom i just said they are trying to maintain their independence from the central bankers

I as a citizen of the UK can't do much about the way society is structured in N.Korea but i can do something about how society is structured in the UK

Its really the job of the N.Korean people to sort out their internal structure

Its our job to sort out the internal structure of our countries. To that end i think citizens of the 'west' who are controlled centrally by the central bankers should if they don't like the direction things are heading in take a long hard look at the power structures in their own countries and try and do something about that

We shouldn't be distracted by N.Korea (which is basically responding to aggressive US foreign policy) we should be dealing with our own problems

Of course the corporate media which is owned by and controlled by the central bankers will want to divert everyones attention away from their own economy and try and create a bogeyman outside of the country to focus peoples attention on
N.Korea is basically aware of the agenda of the people who control the US which is to create a global government controlled by them

They know because they and all of us and watched it happen, that the US will bomb, subvert, invade and occupy countries

N.Korea doesn't want to be another victim.

All these manouvres and sabre rattling moves are a form of expression...its a language within itself

The N.Koreans are saying through that form of communication, as loud as they can:

''Do not mess with us, we are not weak, we will not submit, we will resist to the last man and we will inflict heavy casualties on you if you attack us''
N.Korea doesn't want to be another victim.

All these manouvres and sabre rattling moves are a form of expression...its a language within itself

The N.Koreans are saying through that form of communication, as loud as they can:

''Do not mess with us, we are not weak, we will not submit, we will resist to the last man and we will inflict heavy casualties on you if you attack us''

Maybe you should go there, since it's the only place that you can be safe from the central bankers.
They live like kings and queens, and the last subway stop in Pyongyang is heaven.

I cannot think of a more decentralized form of government than that of North Korea… and the fact that they're enslaved by a cruel, oppressive dictator who forces them to wear pictures of his grandfather on their chest under penalty of treason instead of the central bankers who are going to do a lot of scary things that haven't happened yet is an important distinction to make.

Enjoy your freedom!
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Keep it coming....more!:m088:
Maybe you should go there, since it's the only place that you can be safe from the central bankers.
They live like kings and queens, and the last subway stop in Pyongyang is heaven.

I cannot think of a more decentralized form of government than that of North Korea… and the fact that they're enslaved by a cruel, oppressive dictator who forces them to wear pictures of his grandfather on their chest under penalty of treason instead of the central bankers who are going to do a lot of scary things that haven't happened yet is an important distinction to make.

Enjoy your freedom!

If they are being controlled by one egotistical person who is ruling under a cult of personality as you seem to be saying then that is a system which has power centralised as much as you can get

N.Korea is under a central authority not a decentralised authority (or were you being sarcastic about that lol?)

Youre still missing the point i made earlier. What i said was:

I don't believe N.Korea is a bastion of freedom, but i believe it is being shaped to a certain extent through the perception of an outside threat.

When people feel threatened they tend to seek shelter where they can. If a strong man says ''i will protect you'' then many will agree to his terms in order to gain his protection

The same tactic is being used in the west. The western leaders are more subtle about it but they are using N.Korea as a bogeyman to frighten their own population in order to make them feel unsafe so that they seek protection under the wing of the central bankers

The teachings of the philosopher Strauss who taught many of the neo-cons was that a country always needs an enemy to define itself against. The film 'the village' was about the same psychological trick. the film was made in the wake of 911 when there was lots of media hype about an islamic bogeyman

It used to be the nazis but before that they were 'the hun' and the newspapers said they were nailing babys to church doors! Then came the nazis (they were ruthless), then the government used the soviets creating a climate of fear that is often called 'the red scare'. Hollywood played a big part in creating those divisions and fear of the other. Kubrick sent the whole thing up pretty well in his film 'Doctor Strangelove, or how i learned to love the bomb'

Once the USSR collapsed the US power elite needed a new bogeyman so they have created one out of Islam. If Islam fell off the edge of the world tomorrow i guarantee you the US government would find a new bogeyman for the US public to be frightened of....well they would probably just use N.Korea!

The point i was making before is that i as a citizen of the UK can't do much to improve the corrupt regime in N.Korea....that is for the Korean people to take care of. But i can do things to try and improve the corrupt regime in the UK

So what i'm saying is we shouldn't let the power elite pull a sleight of hand and let them create bogeymen or let them draw us into a new war so that we direct our anger at a foreign peoples instead of at our own corrupt leaders

We've been suckered into that too many times now...we need to get more street wise and focus or energies in the right place
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Youre still missing the point i made earlier. What i said was:

I don't believe N.Korea is a bastion of freedom, but i believe it is being shaped to a certain extent through the perception of an outside threat.

When people feel threatened they tend to seek shelter where they can. If a strong man says ''i will protect you'' then many will agree to his terms in order to gain his protection

The same tactic is being used in the west. The western leaders are more subtle about it but they are using N.Korea as a bogeyman to frighten their own population in order to make them feel unsafe so that they seek protection under the wing of the central bankers

Yes, I agree. Fear is an excellent motivator. On the other hand, I don't think that anyone is particularly afraid of North Korea-- every headline I've read has read something to the effect of 'these are empty threats'.

But yes, people ARE united in their hatred of a thing-- Hitler had the Jews, Americans had the commies, etc... and while we're on the topic, Alex Jones and David Icke have the establishment. They tap into the frustration that people have over legitimate reasons and then exaggerate those concerns into a cartoon for profit. They deal in half-truths designed to cause outrage, because that's what people listen to... it also has the unfortunate effect of being louder than reality.

North Korea isn't the boogeyman, but they ARE a genuinely repressive state whose economy relies on things like supplying uranium to Iran, and selling advanced weaponry to terrorists and unstable African nations. There are also numerous human rights violations, and if you're not military in that country you're nothing. When it comes to dealing with countries who convince their citizens that they're an inherently superior race and that nuking America would be a righteous act, it's really not so hard to make them seem unpleasant.

The teachings of the philosopher Strauss who taught many of the neo-cons was that a country always needs an enemy to define itself against. The film 'the village' was about the same psychological trick. the film was made in the wake of 911 when there was lots of media hype about an islamic bogeyman

It used to be the nazis but before that they were 'the hun' and the newspapers said they were nailing babys to church doors! Then came the nazis (they were ruthless), then the government used the soviets creating a climate of fear that is often called 'the red scare'. Hollywood played a big part in creating those divisions and fear of the other. Kubrick sent the whole thing up pretty well in his film 'Doctor Strangelove, or how i learned to love the bomb'

Once the USSR collapsed the US power elite needed a new bogeyman so they have created one out of Islam. If Islam fell off the edge of the world tomorrow i guarantee you the US government would find a new bogeyman for the US public to be frightened of....well they would probably just use N.Korea!

Yeah, I get it-- I studied truth and propaganda in university. But just because this concept exists, it doesn't mean that your narrative about poor little North Korea and its righteous stand against the evil Americans and their central bankers is in any way a reality. This isn't AT ALL a case of a bigger nation bullying a smaller one... North Korea IS the provocateur-- they're doing it because they CAN, and because they want AID. If they weren't the provocateur here, then HOW do you explain China and Russia's condemnation of their acts, when just a few years ago when the North BOMBED AN ISLAND in the South both Russia and China were strongly against taking any sort of action?

This is about a country with a ridiculous need for self-reliance (Juche) that makes the military more important than things like the food and health of normal people, and supports a regime which can't be sustained without aid from the US-- yes, the US was giving AID to a country that considers them the number one enemy.

You're obsessed with constantly making things into some stark black and white good versus evil drama, but the world isn't like that. You're not on the GOOD side and the establishment isn't on the BAD side. Even the central bankers aren't looking to destroy the world-- as I've said numerous times before, it's more profitable and EASIER to pacify people by giving them enough to survive and be comfortable. The only reason people are upset is because some people have MORE than they do, for the most part it has nothing to do with not having enough for themselves. Things could definitely get better, but the outrage is over the imbalance and FEAR of one day being in a desperate situation, NOT about actual hunger or actually being in a desperate situation.

As for the USSR-- are you saying that they were never a threat? You don't think that nuclear annihilation was ever a valid possibility? What about escalation and the arms race? Was that a fiction? Oh wait-- were the governments developing nuclear weapons for use against their own people? Maybe people never actually fight and there have never been any wars whatsoever?

And the Nazis-- yeah, maybe in your head they really weren't such bad guys.

The point i was making before is that i as a citizen of the UK can't do much to improve the corrupt regime in N.Korea....that is for the Korean people to take care of. But i can do things to try and improve the corrupt regime in the UK

You really have no idea, do you?

Comparing North Korea to the UK is absurd. I don't care if the most corrupt bankers in the world are running the entire western world, everyone on this site has a loooooooong way to go before their life gets as bad as the majority in North Korea. Yes, it's annoying that the rich are getting richer and the middle class is disappearing. It's annoying that all of the wealth is just sitting at the top and not even doing anything... but trying to make it into a big terrifying fascist plot where everyone's going to be enslaved or desperately fighting to maintain their freedom is just not reality.

So what i'm saying is we shouldn't let the power elite pull a sleight of hand and let them create bogeymen or let them draw us into a new war so that we direct our anger at a foreign peoples instead of at our own corrupt leaders

We've been suckered into that too many times now...we need to get more street wise and focus or energies in the right place

There isn't going to be a war in North Korea-- that's absolutely absurd. There's absolutely nothing to gain from such a war, and even if there were, there definitely wouldn't be an invasion of the US. If the goal is to distract the people, then there are already TWO wars going on that have actually made people MORE angry at the government… you think that another one would somehow have the opposite effect? How could anyone with a brain in their head possibly think that THREE (four?) wars would make people MORE likely to support the government? North Korea isn't even interesting for resources-- it's basically a lot of mountains with maybe some ores and minerals and such-- and it's surrounded by HUGE countries that already trade with the US-- including one of their very biggest trading partners, China. There is very very very little to gain by going into North Korea. Even the South, apart from the obvious emotional aspect of it all, is really uneasy about the prospect of reunification.

This situation is mostly interesting because it might be that the US is calling their bluff (and it IS a bluff, the only real difference is whether the North Korean people KNOW that it's a bluff or not-- some probably do) and trying to destabilize the North... if that happens and the regime topples, then it could be very very bad, but more likely it would even lead to peaceful reunification (which is problematic and I would definitely not feel safe in the country if the borders opened up, but that probably won't happen for years anyways).

What we have right now really isn't as bad as you seem to want to believe. Of course, we need to do something about wealth disparity but if you're not willing to be realistic about the problem and insist on making it into something cartoonish, then you're worse than the people you're so upset with...
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Are the north koreans flying nuclear capable bombers near the US? Are they floating nuclear capable tomahawk missile firing war ships in US waters?

The answer is NO

Is the north pointing thousands of artillery pieces towards the south yes
Is the north testing nuclear capable missiles that the south is in range of yes
Is the north testing nuclear weapons yes
Is the north using all its resources to increase its military instead of feeding its starving people yes
Is the north making military threats against the south and the US yes
Has the north actually attacked the south in recent years yes

Is the US an ally of the south yes
would you expect an ally to come to the aid of another yes
Wouldn't it be cool if the north could sell a nuclear weapon to each country that is keeping the international banks out of their economy?
When I see the images of Kim Jong-un surrounded by his yes men generals, it's hard to not think he is playing pretend like a little boy in his sand box. (Look at all the neato stuff Dad left me!)
Only his toys however crude they may be, are more deadly.
Seems like just the type of person who would intentionally try to ignite WWIII.
I don't agree that banking is not a factor in all this but i'll put that aside for a bit

Is the north pointing thousands of artillery pieces towards the south yes

The N.Koreans don't want to destroy the southern koreans. They were once part of the same nation, but they are concerned about a US military presence in the south

Is the north testing nuclear capable missiles that the south is in range of yes

The aim is to build long range missiles. Nuclear missiles are a deterrent (unless you are the US in which case they have been used as an offensive weapon but against a non nuclear capable enemy that couldn't hit back)

So if they develop the capability to hit the US or to hit more US military bases (because they have them all over the place) then that will ensure that the US will not attack them

The world has polarised into two groups as i've said. One group is extremely aggressive and keeps attacking and invading the other. The aggressive group is the one which has the western central banking system

So N.Korea see the US attacking all its enemies like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakisthan, Libya, Syria while talking about attacking others for example Iran

Remember that the president of the US George Bush named N.Korea as one of the 'axis of evil'

So N.Korea are very concerned that they may be attacked in the future

Is the north testing nuclear weapons yes

Yes it is petrified that the US will attack it and wants to be able to defend itself

If it developed its long range missile capability and launched a nuclear strike at the US it would cause some damage; the US however would retaliate by completely annihilating the entire country of N.Korea...every man woman and child. The N.Koreans are not stupid and know this. Their concern is in having a deterent

Will the school bully come up and try and beat you up if you are carrying a big stick? He's far less likely to try it

Is the north using all its resources to increase its military instead of feeding its starving people yes

It sees the US as a far more immediate threat than the starvation of its people

Is the north making military threats against the south and the US yes

It is trying to sound tough in response to the increased US military activity in the south to try and look strong as a an animal puffing up its chest

Has the north actually attacked the south in recent years yes

Do you mean the shelling of a small island? That occured at the same time as the US were carrying out massive naval exercises

The US also has a long history of creating false flag events; have you heard of the gulf of tonkin incident?

Is the US an ally of the south yes

The US government was trying to control as much of the globe as possible as the world was polarising in the cold war. After carpet bombing cambodia and spraying agent orange and mines all over vietnam it didn't suddenly decide to be good friends with doesn't give a shit about korean's all about control

would you expect an ally to come to the aid of another yes

The US doesn't care about the korean people it just wants to maintain its military bases around the globe for geo-political reasons
It sees the US as a far more immediate threat than the starvation of its people

bullshit. Is it not possible that the elites who run N Korea are even more ruthless than the elites that run the US?
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Yes, I agree. Fear is an excellent motivator. On the other hand, I don't think that anyone is particularly afraid of North Korea-- every headline I've read has read something to the effect of 'these are empty threats'.

lol then why publish the story at all?

It is to make people think they are constantly in danger and that there are bogeymen out there just itching to kill them all if it weren't for their heroic government (run by bankers) to protect them (Orwell covered all this in 1984!! Its all there for people to read and understand)

But yes, people ARE united in their hatred of a thing-- Hitler had the Jews, Americans had the commies, etc... and while we're on the topic, Alex Jones and David Icke have the establishment. They tap into the frustration that people have over legitimate reasons and then exaggerate those concerns into a cartoon for profit.

Hitler was trying to build his country up after it had surrended in a war he and many others in the military felt they hadn't lost

The corporate powers in the US were deeply threatened by communism as it threatened to take all their personal fortunes away so that's why they created the red scare

David Ike and Alex Jones are aware of the agenda of the establishment that is why they are concerned. Alex is advising people to cling to their guns but Ike is definately not trying to incite poeple to violence, uite the opposite. He has even said that he believes that the power elite actually want people to riot so that they can come down hard and bring in new laws. So trying to lump those guys in with Hitler is absurd!

They are not trying to instigate a land war in Europe!

They deal in half-truths designed to cause outrage, because that's what people listen to... it also has the unfortunate effect of being louder than reality.

Which 'half truths'?

Had you ever considered the possibility that those two men who have spent years researching all this stuff and who are fed tons of information by insiders, whistelblowers and many others might actually know more than you?

They're not half truths its just that you don't know the full story!

North Korea isn't the boogeyman, but they ARE a genuinely repressive state whose economy relies on things like supplying uranium to Iran, and selling advanced weaponry to terrorists and unstable African nations. There are also numerous human rights violations, and if you're not military in that country you're nothing. When it comes to dealing with countries who convince their citizens that they're an inherently superior race and that nuking America would be a righteous act, it's really not so hard to make them seem unpleasant.

N.Korea is playing the same game the US government is. The US government make N.Korea and Iran into the bogeymen and the N.Korean government make the US into the bogeyman!

What you will find is that in both countries there is a privileged elite who is using fear to rule over the mass of people

Yes N.Korea is trying to aid its allies because it sees the US as its enemy. Its all still the cold war playing didn't end. That polarity is still there.

What i'm saying is that neither pole has it right! Both poles are dominated by corrupt, lying, murdering elites and i think we the people need to wise upto that or what will happen is those two insane power elites will keep playing both populaces against each other!

Yeah, I get it-- I studied truth and propaganda in university. But just because this concept exists, it doesn't mean that your narrative about poor little North Korea and its righteous stand against the evil Americans and their central bankers is in any way a reality. This isn't AT ALL a case of a bigger nation bullying a smaller one... North Korea IS the provocateur-- they're doing it because they CAN, and because they want AID. If they weren't the provocateur here, then HOW do you explain China and Russia's condemnation of their acts, when just a few years ago when the North BOMBED AN ISLAND in the South both Russia and China were strongly against taking any sort of action?

China and Russia don't want an escalation!!!!!

They are both quietly building their gold reserves. They do not want a direct confrontation with the US. They want to see the US fiat currency system collapse

This war is not being fought with bombs and bullets its a currency war!


This is about a country with a ridiculous need for self-reliance (Juche) that makes the military more important than things like the food and health of normal people, and supports a regime which can't be sustained without aid from the US-- yes, the US was giving AID to a country that considers them the number one enemy.

The US buys off lots of people. They send CIA agents into countries with bags of money all the time

They were funding Pakisthan for ages now they are bombing it with drones

First they try to buy them off them they send in the military (see confessions of an economic hitman)

You're obsessed with constantly making things into some stark black and white good versus evil drama, but the world isn't like that. You're not on the GOOD side and the establishment isn't on the BAD side.

No i'm not but i'll tell you what you constantly do which is to try and put words in my mouth

The establishment is about controlling the people and holding onto their personal fortunes, if we have to use the words 'good' and 'bad' (YOUR WORDS NOT MINE) then i would say it is a bad way of doing things

For exmaple in the UK our government has just made changes to the tax laws. they have increased taxes for the poor and they have decreased taxes for millionaires. the amount they have saved the millionaires is nearly thee times the amount they are taking off the poor; i don't think that is a good way to build a stable, healthy and happy society

Even the central bankers aren't looking to destroy the world-- as I've said numerous times before, it's more profitable and EASIER to pacify people by giving them enough to survive and be comfortable.

I think it was me that said that!

I said that they have put comforts before meaning and purpose (consumerism) and that i think that is wrong

But yes they have rigged the system so that most people only ever have just enough to get by...i don't think that's a good system

The only reason people are upset is because some people have MORE than they do, for the most part it has nothing to do with not having enough for themselves. Things could definitely get better, but the outrage is over the imbalance and FEAR of one day being in a desperate situation, NOT about actual hunger or actually being in a desperate situation.

No the outrage is because many people have paid money into pension schemes all their lives just to see them go up i smoke. many people have saved up money just to see the bankers keep interest rates artificially low so that their savings dissapear. people are angry at losing their jobs and losing their homes and losing their public services when they have worked hard and paid their taxes.

Meanwhile they watch as their government pays their tax money to the bankers who have crashed the banks through recklass trading and allow the bankers to continue gaining massive bonuses despite crahsing the banks and they also watch the bankers get away with fraud after fraud after fraud

The public are also watching the corporations being empowered and watching themselves lose any stake in society

I could go on and on

As for the USSR-- are you saying that they were never a threat? You don't think that nuclear annihilation was ever a valid possibility? What about escalation and the arms race? Was that a fiction? Oh wait-- were the governments developing nuclear weapons for use against their own people? Maybe people never actually fight and there have never been any wars whatsoever?

Russia saw a revolution that was funded by bankers in the US for example Jacob Schiff. The bankers wanted to open up Russian markets so that they could exploit them (capitalism needs to do this). However Stalin took power and he prevented this from happening

The red army invaded nazi germany from one side, the allies invaded from another side

The US then dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan even though japan wanted to an end to hostilities. the US did this to for a number of reasons. They wanted to test out two different types of bomb and they wanted to send a message to the rest of the world to watch out as the US had a new weapon (especially to the russians who they now saw as a new threat in Europe)

There were voices in the US camp that wanted to attack Russia, some even wanted to use the bomb!

The Russians were undestandably shocked at the US's new terror weapon. Like the Americans and Brits however the Russians had also captured many nazi rocket scientists and their research. the Russiand managed to build a nuclear bomb far quicker than the US predicted, testing one in 1950 announcing to the world they also had a bomb

This then saw two ideaologies facing off against each other: capitalism and state capitalism (russia wasn't really communist as it never got past the dictatorship of the proletariat stage)

The US has become a war economy due to world war 2. The arms race not only served to create a situation of 'MAD' (mutually assured destruction) where neither country would fire at the other but it also sevred the big war profiteering corporations who made enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world 3 times over!

The US were basing their thinking on game theory. here's a good documentary about it:

And the Nazis-- yeah, maybe in your head they really weren't such bad guys.

Why do you keep trying to put words in my mouth or twist what i'm saying?

I have given my opinion about the nazis many times on this forum. let me spell this out for you once and for all in bold type:

The nazis WERE bad guys. They were a centrally controlled system, part of a male dominated solar, phallic cult

Here is a picture of the floor in Wewelsberg castle that served as the SS headquarters. It is a picture of the black sun:

View attachment 17847

Do not try and twist what i'm saying; i have repeatedly criticised the nazis

You really have no idea, do you?

Comparing North Korea to the UK is absurd. I don't care if the most corrupt bankers in the world are running the entire western world, everyone on this site has a loooooooong way to go before their life gets as bad as the majority in North Korea. Yes, it's annoying that the rich are getting richer and the middle class is disappearing. It's annoying that all of the wealth is just sitting at the top and not even doing anything... but trying to make it into a big terrifying fascist plot where everyone's going to be enslaved or desperately fighting to maintain their freedom is just not reality.

You are trying to twist what i'm saying again

I have not said things are good in N.Korea, i said i can't do anything about the situation in N.Korea, but i CAN do something about the situation in the UK

Let the Koreans deal with their corrupt leaders....we need to focus on ours

There isn't going to be a war in North Korea-- that's absolutely absurd.

They want a war with Iran

There's absolutely nothing to gain from such a war, and even if there were, there definitely wouldn't be an invasion of the US.

Who said anything about an invasion of the US

You know man....again and again before i actually even say anything to pespond to your point i have to untwist the twist you are trying to put into what i've said

It would be much better if you listened to what i'm saying in the first place

If the goal is to distract the people, then there are already TWO wars going on that have actually made people MORE angry at the government… you think that another one would somehow have the opposite effect? How could anyone with a brain in their head possibly think that THREE (four?) wars would make people MORE likely to support the government? North Korea isn't even interesting for resources-- it's basically a lot of mountains with maybe some ores and minerals and such-- and it's surrounded by HUGE countries that already trade with the US-- including one of their very biggest trading partners, China. There is very very very little to gain by going into North Korea. Even the South, apart from the obvious emotional aspect of it all, is really uneasy about the prospect of reunification.

The US is a war economy it wants to maintain a state of perpetual war (Orwell spoke about htis in his book 1984...its all there for people to read and understand)

If it is not actually in a shooting war it will want to justify the creation of weapons by creating threats

It creates threats all the time: the red scare, the 'axis of evil', the war on 'terror', the war on 'drugs' etc

It wants to be at war all the doesn't know any other way

How can you declare war on an abstract thing like 'terror'? You can't!!! Its absurd...think about it for a minute!

This situation is mostly interesting because it might be that the US is calling their bluff (and it IS a bluff, the only real difference is whether the North Korean people KNOW that it's a bluff or not-- some probably do) and trying to destabilize the North... if that happens and the regime topples, then it could be very very bad, but more likely it would even lead to peaceful reunification (which is problematic and I would definitely not feel safe in the country if the borders opened up, but that probably won't happen for years anyways).

What we have right now really isn't as bad as you seem to want to believe. Of course, we need to do something about wealth disparity but if you're not willing to be realistic about the problem and insist on making it into something cartoonish, then you're worse than the people you're so upset with...

yes i agree they do want to destabilise the north

There are also inevitably voices in the US (usually called 'hawks') who will be saying the same thing people like General macArthur was saying about the Russians at the end of world war 2: ''we need to hit them now and we need to hit them hard before they develop a bomb''

There are hawks in israel at the moment who want to attack Iran even though that might drag Russia in and spark off world war three!

There are also 'doves' who argue for a more reasoned approach. fortunately the doves prevailed at the end of WW2 and over 60 years later Russia still has not attacked the US with nuclear weapons as the hawks feared they might
bullshit. Is it not possible that the elites who run N Korea are even more ruthless than the elites that run the US?

The US elites have killed far more people in many countries through many different means....they are also the only people to have used a nuclear bomb on anyone else

They've supported fascist dictators from pol Pot to hitler (yes US bankers funded him to create a sheild against communism) to Bolshevism to Pinochet to the argentinian junta etc

They're at the top of the ruthless tree
wow! I had no idea, And the US has imprisoned its population inside its own boarders, used them for slave labor, starved them, taught their children to rat out their parents to a tyrannical government?