- INFPishy
I just want to know if I have ever offended anybody or hurt anybody's feelings around here.
Sometimes, I say what's on my mind concerning a certain topic, and forget that some people personally identify with said topic. If I have done so, I apologize in advance.
Don't be shy to say it here or PM me about it, I am open to some constructive critiquing.![]()
@Odyne You're probably one of the nicest persons on this forum. And you are considerate of other's feelings (as the quote clearly indicates

For the most part I get the impression that I am well liked here. I know that I am not liked by everyone, but that's standard for pretty much anyone I would assume. But if anyone want's to give their impression (good or bad) go for it. It's likely I haven't already heard it somewhere before anyway!
@IndigoSensor I think your persona works for you. There's a sense of calm and reserve about you which makes you a great admin. You know when to hold back and when to step in.
Now that I've given a few honest opinions here, I'm a little nervous about what people have to say about me. lol.
I'm curious to know about what sort of impression I give people? Am I approachable or am I aloof? Am I hard to read? Based on what you have seen of me, what sort of career to you see me excelling in?
@TheDaringHatTrick You are approachable, extending a helping hand. I think you are serious, but in a strong, consistent, and know what's what sort of way. You are honest where it needs to be and you are good at being tactful. I also think you are fair when presenting your judgments or impressions. You're tough and that's an awesome quality.
I'm pretty sure I'm well enough liked on the forums, but I feel as if I might come off as unapproachable at times, especially to people who I might not be especially "close" with. If anyone could offer any insight on my potential drawbacks and negative aspects on the forum I'd greatly appreciate it.
@mf you are one of the first persons i met on the forum, and you were so open and relaxed. You are easy going and take things in strikes. I'd love to see more of your writings - awesome stuff, and see you post more.
Cool thread =) How do I come across?
@April You have a strong sense of self, with a dash of uncertainty mixed in. You are careful about the way you approach topics, and your objectivity is outstanding.
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