"How do i seem?" FOR EVERYONE

For the most part I get the impression that I am well liked here. I know that I am not liked by everyone, but that's standard for pretty much anyone I would assume. But if anyone want's to give their impression (good or bad) go for it. It's likely I haven't already heard it somewhere before anyway!

If anyone here is a J-type poster boy, @IndigoSensor, it is you. While you're an open-minded individual, you speak with conviction and it seems like you have a very good sense of who you are and you're unapologetic about it. Even if you feel doubt or unease, even at your lowest points, you've always maintained a very strong presence. Sometimes I get a sense that you're between worlds; you've got one foot placed firmly in the present, and the other in the spiritual realm. You don't often see such a careful balance of both.

I've always admired your openness and your impressive ability to introspect. It certainly doesn't hurt that you're a whip-smart fellow either. When you look at any of your photos or videos, it's difficult to miss the depths of spirit and the intelligence in your eyes.

I'm pretty sure I'm well enough liked on the forums, but I feel as if I might come off as unapproachable at times, especially to people who I might not be especially "close" with. If anyone could offer any insight on my potential drawbacks and negative aspects on the forum I'd greatly appreciate it.


Of course you're well liked on the forums, hon. You've got charm and you're a very open and warm person, even when you're out fighting your battles. You strike me as a person who values fairness and integrity, and you do your best to live in accordance with your ethics... even if you know you will get hurt. You put your family and friends first, and you're an extremely empathetic individual.

You are one of the people I greatly admire on the forums and I wouldn't change a single thing about you. I only wish I had a friend like you in real life.

You are a very warm person, you always have something nice to say. You are also very deep and spiritual and grounded in your beliefs.
Once again another great idea.

I have been told before that I can be quite intimidating on this forum. This came as a surprise to me.

Does anyone else think this?

(Say nice things or I'll punch you)

@Poetic Justice: you're one of the least intimidating people here IMO, if anything you seem very congenial and with a ridiculous sense of humor ;D Greatly appreciate your presence here =)

*tentatively lowers arms from her face* please don't hurt me, Mr. Poetic Justice, sir!
I have cats. They need me. Without me to forget to feed them, and to wake them up while they're contentedly sleeping on the couch, whatever shall they do? Think of the CATS, PJ!
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:D But seriously, you seem to have a strong personality on occasion. Do you think you're someone who resists backing down to make a point? I think INFPs have a passionate streak, so when someone challenges our personal feelings or beliefs, we go into fight mode i believe. Other INFPs can confirm or deny this. Just a guess.

I generally agree with this.

@Poetic Justice My experience of your posts has been that you know that you know what you know (and you seem to be on the ball about what you know - I think that's part of your potency), you know where you stand and you are comfortable with that. You don't seem to waver in it or express too much worry about it, and you don't ask for permission to be who you are. It's not so much that you're easy-going (although in some ways, you are), but I think it's that you believe in what you think and you don't make apologies for it because you also feel you are valid in your belief. There is a sense of balance with this. I can see how some people could find that intimidating, because in some ways you leave it up to others to be comfortable in their own skins, but truly it is a good quality or set of qualities to have. You simultaneously seem to express a value or honour code, and while you do know a lot and have a sort of power or potency, it's pretty clear that you wouldn't intentionally use it for ill even though you'd be able to if you wanted.
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then i hit backspace and its all gone

one of these days a wise man is destined to invent the all important yin to the backspace yang, thus completing the long-withstanding broken equation. he will call it "the forwardspace." all momentarily deleted documents will be called back forth from the dark recesses of nothingness, simultaneously saving the western hemisphere alone thousands of wasted working hours every month, and in turn rid the world of unnecessary heartache's headache's and global warming.

the only thing we know for sure is its not this guy

Do I seem like a bitch?

Bitch in the whiny, not mean, sense (though if I seem mean, that is not good either).

Or do I seem like a jerk? I think I can come off very cold and harsh sometimes.
one of these days a wise man is destined to invent the all important yin to the backspace yang, thus completing the long-withstanding broken equation. he will call it "the forwardspace." all momentarily deleted documents will be called back forth from the dark recesses of nothingness, simultaneously saving the western hemisphere alone thousands of wasted working hours every month, and in turn rid the world of unnecessary heartache's headache's and global warming.

the only thing we know for sure is its not this guy


lol, one can only hope that day comes sooner rather than later ;)

Do I seem like a bitch?

Bitch in the whiny, not mean, sense (though if I seem mean, that is not good either).

Or do I seem like a jerk? I think I can come off very cold and harsh sometimes.

Not at all. You do seem jaded though.
Haha, this thread brings me back to when I was called an asshole on here and the same poster de-repped Dove to tell her how horrible I was.

I'm not that bad am I guys?

[MENTION=2495]88chaz88[/MENTION] I kind of lol'ed at this, to tell you the truth. No, this isn't at all how I see you.
[MENTION=2495]88chaz88[/MENTION] at times you can seem to be lacking in the tact department. However, I usually find it to have well founded reasons behind it and you usually know when to back off (and on the few times when you haven't I told you to :D). So I would not be so inclined to say you are "bad" by any stretch of the word. Sometimes your honesty and directness is very well needed and welcomed in my eyes. You very much have a sensor vibe, and that is definitely a good (and needed) thing in such a heavy intuitive environment. You're definitely a good guy and clearly have a good heart.
@88chaz88 at times you can seem to be lacking in the tact department. However, I usually find it to have well founded reasons behind it and you usually know when to back off (and on the few times when you haven't I told you to :D). So I would not be so inclined to say you are "bad" by any stretch of the word. Sometimes your honesty and directness is very well needed and welcomed in my eyes. You very much have a sensor vibe, and that is definitely a good (and needed) thing in such a heavy intuitive environment. You're definitely a good guy and clearly have a good heart.
And my reason for lacking tact is... hmm
I'm a demon bunni dammit! You'll take my honestly and you'll LIKE it!

Chaz takes the blurry N conversations and polishes it up to a S shine of clarity?
GODDAMNIT! Ijust wrote a post for like every person in the forum. then i hit backspace and its all gone

If you're writing a long post it's usually a good idea to copy it every now and then. You don't need to paste it anywhere. Just select all your text and copy
Poetic Justice: Yes it is that mean little avatar that makes you so intimidating...I love the symbolism of it though. You seem very open and direct. Open in the sense that you give credit to the sides of an argument/discussion, not just your own opinion.

88Chaz88: Who wouldn't like Mr. I Has a Tinychat????

Anita: I admire your approach to life. The questions you devise speak of someone who has traveled the path of within at great lengths. Many people are afraid to ask the questions for fear of the answers. You seem to embrace the hidden which makes your inner spirit seemt to shine.

Dimension X: Perhaps you mistake Warm for accomodating. I would say you seem ernest in your attempts to be honest which can sometimes be mistaken for a lack of warmth. Truthseekers often get mistaken for cold people. Most people are more concerned about being reassured rather than knowing the truth. Disingenuous pandering to someone's ego does them little good. You can give someone a weak light or build them a bonfire. Being accomdating means shedding only the merest light upon a situation, being truthful is like building a bonfire--which provides the real warmth?

That Girl: You are definately logic driven. However mixed in is this really sweet and vulnerable soul searching. The path only seems hidden when you focus on your feet rather than enjoy the walk. Everybody stumbles at times and feels out of place/sorts. You will find the answers you look for because you keep searching.

Odyne: Never taken any offense to what you have said. You always seem thoughful in your posts. I would say you approach life carefully with genuine concern for others. Who else would worry if they offended and put out a blanket call for everyone to announce if you had? Be careful that you leave energy to care for yourself just as much as you do others. That is the trap of those who live a life of service and care.

Soul of the Laurel: You seem very driven and focused. It is a rare talent to have the inner fortitude to achieve and you are a shining example of a young lady. It also shows great strength to be so determined to succeed in a male dominated field. At the same time you also have an artistic outlet so it shows that you are striving for balance in your life.

IndioSensor: You exude a quiet strength and calmness that belies your claims of inner turmoil. It seems obvious that you have worked harder than most to achieve balance and serenity in your life. Yet with that you willingly choose to be an admin and take care of sometimes distasteful/confrontational things even though it has an effect on you. You seem very strong and determined to help others which is admirable.

Mf: Okay you were just kidding about not being open and welcoming..right? You are one of the funniest people around here. The only thing I can say is that I probably don't want to be one of your roommates given how much you complain about them...

The Daring Hat Trick: Sorry not much to say. I think you always provide a thoughtful response but seem a bit reserved.

Trifolium: Your avatar always makes me want something sweet. You seem concerned about the greater good, both in yourself and in the world. You seem driven to make the world a better place. Large visions take a long time. Don't overlook your smaller victories in the process.

April: One of the first people to be friendly toward me. I find you inquisitive and forthright. I always get the sense that you are on the edge of your seat. That you see the world for its possibilites but aren't ignorant of its pitfalls. Your enthusiasm for life is evident and makes you seem so alive.

Dragon: You seem blunt and intense. Not bad qualities but ones that can be misunderstood. You come across as demanding but that isn't a bad thing either. Temper your energy with a bit of softness and understanding and I think it will serve you well. Life isn't black and white, embrace the shades of grey.

Do I seem like a bitch?

Bitch in the whiny, not mean, sense (though if I seem mean, that is not good either).

Or do I seem like a jerk? I think I can come off very cold and harsh sometimes.
No wai. Still far away to that land, to say the least.
but you seems tired. Like Anita said, jaded too. And...tired. Cynical.
@Odyne You're probably one of the nicest persons on this forum. And you are considerate of other's feelings (as the quote clearly indicates :D)

@IndigoSensor I think your persona works for you. There's a sense of calm and reserve about you which makes you a great admin. You know when to hold back and when to step in.

@TheDaringHatTrick You are approachable, extending a helping hand. I think you are serious, but in a strong, consistent, and know what's what sort of way. You are honest where it needs to be and you are good at being tactful. I also think you are fair when presenting your judgments or impressions. You're tough and that's an awesome quality.

@mf you are one of the first persons i met on the forum, and you were so open and relaxed. You are easy going and take things in strikes. I'd love to see more of your writings - awesome stuff, and see you post more.

@April You have a strong sense of self, with a dash of uncertainty mixed in. You are careful about the way you approach topics, and your objectivity is outstanding.

I don't recall,anyone ever being deliberately,or obviously,offensive,on this forum.Lotts and lotts,of authentically sweet people.That's my story,and 'm stickin'to it:because,it's the truth...=-) Heart seeks
Anita: I always look forward to you posts :) You are a lovely person, and extremely inquisitive and insightful. Your questing to know and to understand in a warm and friendly way makes you very approachable, and I think even has a magnetic-like force on many here on the forums. Your thoughts about the world are very refreshing.

That Girl: When I read your poetry, I'm as inspired as I am insanely envious of your creative genius! I see a mind that is very good at correlating the essences of life with eachother; you understand how to use metaphorical language to paint pictures of concepts as if they were almost tangible objects. After seeing your interview videos, I found that a lot of the assumptions I was making about you subconsciously were affirmed. You're extremely intelligent, but with a level of quirkiness that makes your personality intriguing. You're open to questioning the world, but you also stand firm to what you know and understand. I can certainly see Ni in you.

NiennaLadyOfTears: Your stories don't really seem too unbelievable to me. I know people who have been through a lot, so I'm not usually very skeptical when people talk about their hardships. While there have been instances of malicious storytelling on the forums, you seem to be quite genuine with good intentions. Also, you don't seem to be that much of an attention seeker.

IndigoSensor: You're awesome :D My first impression of you when I saw your INFJ video on YouTube before I even joined here was good. Actually, it hasn't really changed all that much. You have a certain something that really sets you apart from anyone I've ever come across online and irl. You're a distinct character with a definite maturity and well developed personal style. I'd say you're a very much admired member here.

As for me, I really have no idea how I come across here. I don't get the impression that I come across as very approachable. Is there something any of you guys think I should do more of/ less of?
April: One of the first people to be friendly toward me. I find you inquisitive and forthright. I always get the sense that you are on the edge of your seat. That you see the world for its possibilites but aren't ignorant of its pitfalls. Your enthusiasm for life is evident and makes you seem so alive.

Aw that was awfully kind of you Sonya, thankyou =)
I just want to know if I have ever offended anybody or hurt anybody's feelings around here.

Sometimes, I say what's on my mind concerning a certain topic, and forget that some people personally identify with said topic. If I have done so, I apologize in advance.

Don't be shy to say it here or PM me about it, I am open to some constructive critiquing. ;)

Honestly I've never been offended by any of your posts, on the contrary you've always seem to put across your ideas in a very tactful manner, which I've appreciated. I think you are sincerely a really kind hearted person [MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION] :)