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Okay, now, how to explain it.
You see, when two demigods love each other very much...
You see, when two demigods love each other very much...
Okay, now, how to explain it.
You see, when two demigods love each other very much...
That ought to produce just another demigod.![]()
Very similar for me just me - except when I forget, but I get little nudges then lol .....No way for a simple answer, as God is love or the Word. God has become my very nature. God is in my mind....and my heart. He is in my thoughts and my actions. He once said, I Am. Well, He is. God is understanding. God is my life. God, the Creator. God, the merciful. God, the strength and power. I yearn to leave this place and be with Him. God, the revealer of things not seen. God, my salvation. He's the man.
No way for a simple answer, as God is love or the Word. God has become my very nature. God is in my mind....and my heart. He is in my thoughts and my actions. He once said, I Am. Well, He is. God is understanding. God is my life. God, the Creator. God, the merciful. God, the strength and power. I yearn to leave this place and be with Him. God, the revealer of things not seen. God, my salvation. He's the man.
Have you read Soren Kierkegaard? I think you'd like his works. Particularly Fear and Trembling.
Hi guys, I decided to create a thread on the topic of God as you conceive him/her/it/them.
I'm struck by the fact that often, we tend to approach this debate as opposing three 'factions': believers vs. atheists vs. agnostics. But in fact, it's possible and common enough to identify as a theist without necessarily committing to belief in the Christian God. So here, I am wondering about what kind of God you believe in, if you do; or, for those who either do not believe or remain agnostic: what kind of God would you consider believing in?
You are free to come up with your own subjective understandings of what "God" could be.
How I perceive God may seem a bit hypocritical to some. ♡ I do not believe in structured religion and it's dogmatic ritualism. Similarly as to why I can't claim being a true witch, it's too much ritual, leaves me feeling boxed in and not free, lol.
In my understanding of Christianity, I view Jesus as a teacher, spreading through word and deed about a way of being and not a god to be worshipped. We'll look at Catholicism as an example. I tease my Episcopalian friends about being rebel Catholics who don't want to follow the rules...because there are a LOT of rules in all religions, especially Catholicism, and because of this, I see many of them as cultish. To clarify, I have an issue paying homage to some big angry Father sitting on a fancied throne ready to strike me down the moment I make a mistake while trying to follow his tight and strict rules. And, if I don't follow said rules, Jesus won't be my friend and I'll not get my place in heaven with the rest of my friends and family and instead my spirit will be left to meander the earth bewailing the injustice of it all...seems like punishment to me, and why carry that ideology around?
Now, don't mistake my chippy reply as my renouncing God, because I'll not do that for or to anyone. I believe that there is a presence, a source of life, a feeling of love, if you'll humor me, that is just here, for me, in me, around me. This is in every face I encounter, especially when I make eye contact with the other person; it is in every flower, seashell, tall or short tree, on the wind, in a flame of a campfire, etc.-- insert any other natural object here. It is also in the face of a dying human, a spent leaf from a tree, a barren field in late I doing ok making my point that it is indeed mysterious?
Where there is consciousness, attention to inspiration, life, love, belief, faith, etc., there is God.
The lists are infinite ... but for me the final answer is, where ever I Am, there too is God, the Source of all that was and ever will be. I'm certian that others find comfort in their own path to what or who they show gratitude to for their life, and if they do not...well I just can't comprehend that ♡
Hi guys, I decided to create a thread on the topic of God as you conceive him/her/it/them.
You are free to come up with your own subjective understandings of what "God" could be.
I hate being so ignorant
I know no answers to anything.![]()
Damn. You beat me to my delete. Haha.LIAR
Well, from my point of view there is no such thing but I can't be sure of that. Thus there is no objective certainty nor a point of view that would be better than anyone else's.
I think that the better question would be; Why do you conceive godlike entity?
True, that is a very good question!
The thing about the concept of God is that it's different from the question whether God exists or not. That is, regardless of your stance on the question of God's existence, you share the fact of having a concept of God with people of very different beliefs (though it would be very interesting to research whether certain cultures/languages lack a concept of God!) — unless you consider that the concept of God itself is meaningless? This would be a fascinating stance to have, actually. I'll ponder this this afternoon, I'm a bit hungover so it's a perfect opportunity!![]()