I haven't done any research on this so sorry if this sounds 'philosophically shallow' lol, but what if god is the mind and it creates the world we perceive along the axis of time. Not sure if there's already a term for this belief, but it's something I think about from time to time. What is the meaning of 'me'? Why is it that everyone is given a single spectacle at birth to see through and create the world around them, rather than two or four - where every little detail from the bud of a flower to the ridges of your palm, is the result of a long chain of development of matter that first started out as a visualisation of the mind. I really believe the essential things in life such as time and sight and thought mean something much more than people think it means, but I don't know what. Keeps my imagination busy atleast haha. Sorry if it's really broad! I'm not very educated on all those big words :S