HOW do you do it INFJs????

I test on the Myers Briggs as an INTP with a 1% T. That used to make me wonder if I was really an INFP or a true split- Nope. This shit right here, I am definitely an INTP.

According to Myers and Briggs, the four preferences are just pointers to a stack of cognitive functions, ordered by priority.

If you're INTP, you'd use the functions Intraverted Thinking (deductive reasoning) and Extraverted Feeling (connecting with others, though this is usually considered pretty repressed).

On the other hand, If you're INFP, you'd use the functions Intraverted Feeling (judgment based on personal values/emotions) and Extraverted Thinking (inductive reasoning, though this is usually considered pretty repressed).

If you "fit the model", you should identify with one of the stacks.
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INFJs are like teddy bears, but the kind that have a seam ripped open, so when you hug them some of the stuffing comes out, and eventually they just hemorrhage cotton everywhere and die
I am flopping around like a sad dying fish over some dude who hurt my feelings. It’s absolutely ridiculous and unwarranted. There is zero logic to feeling this way over this guy, in this situation. Yet, I remain the salted slug before you.

How do you people stand it? HOW? How do you run around feeling your feelings all of the time? this is horrible. I do not understand. How on earth can you take this all of the time????
tenor (14).gif
According to Myers and Briggs, the four preferences are just pointers to a stack of cognitive functions, ordered by priority.

If you're INTP, you'd use the functions Intraverted Thinking (deductive reasoning) and Extraverted Feeling (connecting with others, though this is usually considered pretty repressed).

On the other hand, If you're INFP, you'd use the functions Intraverted Feeling (judgment based on personal values/emotions) and Extraverted Thinking (inductive reasoning, though this is usually considered pretty repressed).

If you "fit the model", you should identify with one of the stacks.

alright so I know this won’t make sense probably, but I kinda use the INTP stack and INFP stack as interchangeable- I don’t integrate them seamlessly. I have to kinda mental switch. Like- “okay this is the stack that works best here.” I really identify with both profiles with the exception of when either one talks specifically about the T/F functions. Those don’t flip. I’m both. I am far more comfortable in the INTP stack. I am a pretty solid introvert. Having a lot of feelings feels like getting slowly roasted by an infinite desert sun. The sun feels nice at first. And then things just keep getting hotter until your skin peels off. Pass.
But on the other hand, I think about humanity and it’s fate every single day, for a good portion of the day. I am driven by those questions whole sale. I love my friends with absolute abandon. I’m both. And neither. It’s weird.

feelings are terrible.
There is zero logic to feeling this way over this guy, in this situation.
Feelings don't run a logical track.

They flow.

Feelings are brief, they are a spark to ignite a more concrete emotional resonse.

Instead of examining the feeling, feel it in the moment without reacting to it then let it go, then closely inspect the emotion(s) the feeling brings in and you'll get a clearer picture of why the feels are there. Feelings are simply flashes to get one to notice the emotion. It's also why feelings are confused/referred to as triggers. ;)

How do you people stand it?
It comes as natural as breathing.

feelings are terrible.
No, not once you understand them and their purpose. Feelings are quite healthy, they only become unhealthy when we try and fight them. ;)
alright so I know this won’t make sense probably, but I kinda use the INTP stack and INFP stack as interchangeable- I don’t integrate them seamlessly. I have to kinda mental switch. Like- “okay this is the stack that works best here.” I really identify with both profiles with the exception of when either one talks specifically about the T/F functions. Those don’t flip. I’m both. I am far more comfortable in the INTP stack. I am a pretty solid introvert. Having a lot of feelings feels like getting slowly roasted by an infinite desert sun. The sun feels nice at first. And then things just keep getting hotter until your skin peels off. Pass.
But on the other hand, I think about humanity and it’s fate every single day, for a good portion of the day. I am driven by those questions whole sale. I love my friends with absolute abandon. I’m both. And neither. It’s weird.

feelings are terrible.
You ever thought about ENTP or ENFP?
Having a lot of feelings feels like getting slowly roasted by an infinite desert sun. The sun feels nice at first. And then things just keep getting hotter until your skin peels off. Pass.
The trouble is that the term 'feeling' is over-worked. It can mean emotion, or it can refer to intuition (e.g. 'I felt something wasn't quite right') and it can also apply to the MBTI judging process called feeling. They are all quite different and in particular many of our emotions are involuntary for all types. However people with a competent preference for the feeling functions are as much in control of them as you are of your thinking processes and in its own way it is just as rational - but based on values and emotion rather than pure logic of course. So - we all still have problems controlling our involuntary emotions, but feeling types can also focus emotion voluntarily on a choice or judgement we need to make.

Many people with feeling judgement preferences have as much difficulty managing their thoughts as you do your feelings. For example, INFJs are prone to 3am thinking storms that just won't stop come hell or high water and drive us nuts.

Both T and F types can be pretty proficient at both thinking and feeling, but the MBTI preferences determine which we have better control over. As an example, you yourself were showing good feeling judgement in the thread where you were concerned about your failing graduate student. That's because you are prepared to put his needs somewhat above those of yourself and your team in order to give him a chance to succeed - that's classic feeling function.
I try to think logically about my feelings. I try to think through the really intense ones. If I didn't, I'd be a basket case. In that way, I'm not at the mercy of emotion.
Sometimes it feels like untangling a huge knot in my mind. I don't think feelings are illogical. There is always a reason that we feel something. I think it's important to accept that feeling as valid, allow ourselves to experience it, even if it hurts and then work out ways to move on from it. Probably easier said than done with certain types of pain. But it's what has worked for me.
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I think it's important to accept that feeling as valid, allow ourselves to experience it, even if it hurts and then work out ways to move on from it.

OP - This is a good example of what someone with a developed/prominent Feeling function might say (and believe). Inferior Fe/Fi types tend to devalue emotions unless/until they learn to accept them as a part of themselves. I'm an INTP, and it's easy for me to tell myself to accept my feelings as valid, informative, etc., but my default mode of operation is to ignore them, because they get in the way of my Ti. I'm learning that there is a balance to be achieved, however... Fe can function in tandem with Ti; I just haven't gotten to that ideal balance (and probably never will).

These Feeling types have the same emotional struggles as Thinking types, but they tend to deal with them in a more cognizant manner, which makes sense if you view these "attributes" in terms of more repressed vs. less repressed.
These Feeling types have the same emotional struggles as Thinking types, but they tend to deal with them in a more cognizant manner, which makes sense if you view these "attributes" in terms of more repressed vs. less repressed.

My thinky-intellect is repressed
We both have T and F and can develop both sides of ourselves as we see fit. All that's being tested is your predispositions , this is not something that is fixed or life defining. We know from neuroplasticity that the brain is malleable and subject to change. I would caution against taking letters too seriously.

I don’t. It’s just an easy way to talk about it. I do not think you guys would appreciate it much if I went off on the neuroscience in this. Yes you have
Neuro plasticity, but it is not that simple at all. Trust me- your brain doesn’t work that way.
We are the schrodinger's cats of emotions, both feeling and unfeeling simultaneously.

Which is actually more confusing and terrible than you can possibly imagine.
I agree completely with this statement, i thought something on that line too.
For me is like the coexistence of pain and happiness, their effects and their causes. I came to understand that happiness is sometimes a form of pain that hides beneath lies or fate and vice versa.