HOW do you do it INFJs????

That's what I don't understand. Why would that level of depth be ill received? I think that the more information in a discussion, the more depth and the better the discussion can develop. Omitting information or trying to give as little as possible seems to be the worst thing to do in an open, free thinking intellectual discussion
Well if this were cosmology rather than biology and someone replied with a post full of quantum mechanical mathematics expressions it would not be well received lol. I think that's probably a close analogy. But we have a forum with some very clever and able people - it just takes a little time for a newcomer to get to grips with what's OK and of interest. There's possibly another thread in the making here for anyone interested in discussing neuroplasticity. I can understand why you reacted like you did but I don't think Dopamine intended what you saw in her post.

exactly- but it remains true that I should have been more careful
Yes - I had to read it a couple of times to see your intent clearly.
My experience in this thread felt like swimming. First I was wading, then I took a reaaally deep breath and now I'm wading again.

This forum is awesome.

Both of these books are a little outdated but they are the clearest and cleanest books written on the subjects. The Neuron- is a detailed cell and molecular book- but the authors are very good at explaining things in a clear way. I have 10 copies and give them to new students looking to understand. The Synaptic Self is a lay person book that outlines synaptic driven personality theory. I recommend both highly.

This is awesome. I think you should meet @Peppermint

Hi Pep!

That's a very different kind of wavelength lol.

Yes. If I likened that experience to swimming, that's where I would be drowning.
@Dopamine feelings?! Yeah we just have to ride them. They're a serious bother but I wouldn't be able to conjure some self-imposed meaning onto my life without them. Also, I really hate them. I don't have that balance! But I forget them the minute I find a new obsession which ranges from cooking to gardening to stalking. Also, I find laughter works. I always try to laugh at my feelings. And my stalking. I laugh at it.

This whole text should be in orange but i'm too lazy. Let it be whatever it means.
My experience in this thread felt like swimming. First I was wading, then I took a reaaally deep breath and now I'm wading again.

This forum is awesome.

This is awesome. I think you should meet @Peppermint

Hi Pep!


omg yes

this is the good stuff

I hope you can share some of your knowledge with us @Dopamine , perhaps in a different thread.
I’ll happily explain what I know to best of ability in these areas given the limitations of trying to post in this medium. I just need to finish being human for a minute. I can flip into scientist on demand for you soon.
@Dopamine you sound like a really cool person :)

This forum is the bestest for everything feelings, emotionally, mentally and everything else for INFJ's imo :)

As for feelings as an INFJ - I've accepted I'm just wired this way and learn to cope with it in a way I'm comfortable with. I've started to become more logical though, I think this is to do with the influence of my husband who is an INTJ. Whenever I have a meltdown he tends to make me think logically about why I'm feeling the way I am, mind you I don't always show him my meltdowns - those are as someone else said in the thread 3am in the morning :expressionless:

We are the schrodinger's cats of emotions, both feeling and unfeeling simultaneously.

Which is actually more confusing and terrible than you can possibly imagine.

This explanation is on point.
@Dopamine I just found this passage in C.S. Lewis's 1939 novel 'Out of the Silent Planet'. An account of first contact between a human being and someone from another planet. It is quintessential feeling judgement of the most exquisite sort - the light side of the Force:

Neither dared let the other approach, yet each repeatedly felt the impulse to do so himself, and yielded to it. It was foolish, frightening, ecstatic and unbearable all in one moment. It was more than curiosity. It was like a courtship - like the meeting of the first man and the first woman in the world; it was like something beyond that; so natural is the contact of the sexes, so limited the strangeness, so shallow the reticence, so mild the repugnance to be overcome, compared with the first tingling intercourse of two different, but rational, species.

Thank you, I’ll read these.

I’ll happily explain what I know to best of ability in these areas given the limitations of trying to post in this medium. I just need to finish being human for a minute. I can flip into scientist on demand for you soon.

Walking helps me process my emotions. I’ve done a loooot of walking in the past two months.
