Spirituality, hmm. This journey we as an individual walk, with the myriad of paths, share one intangible experience, experienced through infinite perspective. What I choose to see, that choice being desire, creates my experience which will always reflect my desire. What desire? A question of what spirituality is creates a desire to know. A seeker. That's us as individual. Now what are we desiring to know in a world of percieved chaotic difference? Well the world, the universe, is also a seeker too. However, this seeker knows everything, because it is everything. It created this universal playground of happening. It, we can call consciousness. The all encompassing energy that motivates, is Love(God,Source,Universe). It is consciousness, it is Love. A vibration unceasing with no end. What would an infinite creator that knows everything do? Desire to know itself. And how would that come about? It would create individual points of itself that didn't know everything, but just as it desires to know itself, these creations would desire to know everything. So why do we as beings, aware to our seeking, never cease to stop desiring? We are Love looking at Love. Infinity looking at infinity, learning through creative expression and it's all creative expression. Anything that we do or don't do, whether it's under the cloud of Art or not. Breathing is art, walking is art, war is art, every pixel on this page is art, every atom in the pixel is art, every space between atoms is art, for it is all encompassing expression of one experience. The experience of Love. Love is infinite. You the seeker, is Love. There is only Love. Or God, or Source. Humans have done a splendid job of creating seperation with language and this big ol mind. There's no disconnect between the clothes you're wearing and the skin. Nor the seat under you, nor the floor under the chair. It's all one energy, one creative source. So then, we are aware to this energy because anywhere the seeker casts its awareness, it is looking at itself with senses. And senses not seperated by the brains identificationwith them, but through a understanding that consciousness is much bigger than what we believe it is, and not localized between our head and feet. It's all consciousness, it's all Love. We are the universe, we are the light, we are the Love. Sooo, my spiritual journey of my own created breadcrumbs has brought me to two fundamental questions. What is my relationship with my Self? And what is my relationship with Love,God,Source? These two questions of self inquiry expand my consciousness, and return me to myself through the balance of being aware that I am Love in form and also Love in infinite formless. Rememberence and forgetfulness. Birth and death. Eternally. So any and all that I am, is expression. Love is benevolence always, expressing always. How big do you think you are? A single life in a blink in time and if you don't live that life a certain way, you are cast into fire and punished? That doesn't sound like a benevolent creator. Or tickle the belief that we are sooo much more than what any of us has been told and that infinite Love is our birthrite? Ask from the beautiful gem that is your heart, "Dear God, Dear Spirit, what am I? Could even one bit of infinite love be true?" You will be surprised and happy at the familiarity of the response. You start expanding the core of your truth. All of our truth. You are Loved!! You are Love!! Forever!
Spirituality to me, is everything. All inclusive, no one is wrong. No one is right. There's acceptance of all walks, all religion, all practice, because when we see one another as divinity in different forms, it doesn't matter how we Love. We understand we're Loving the same thing in infinite ways.