How do you express your spirituality?

Finding stillness.

And sometimes this:

It's a global network connection map <3


and a filament map of our observable universe.
The more that I draw into my Judaism, the more that I realize how in spiritual poverty I have been living.

It is tricky because I don't want to come from a place of condemning myself because I don't think that is a helpful way to shape behavioral changes in human.

But rather, what I mean is that I understand now greater than I have before that in order to prove the material world and structure of it is just that, there are certain things we need to cultivate and nurture.

I believe that charity and giving has died out as a value culturally and needs to be revived. I am trying to find ways to balance this is my own life. I'm fairly poor, but if you compared me to people in other countries or even single parents I'm living like a pauper.

I know that I need to donate more of my time and money to those in greater need than I am. And I wonder often how every day I can do this- how can I take care of my community within my own means? To me this is a spiritual question.

I try to set my intentions, I try to remind myself of what I am striving for and the values which existed before me that I try to embody in myself. How do I enrich my community? My mistake was to think: how do I enrich myself. And in the sense, yes, that to nurture us we also nurture others but to only focus on the self in the materialistic way that the economic world encourages, it is to lose sight of the thread of humanity underneath every single breath we take.

I feel an urgency to connect my spiritual self right now. I am wandering, trying to follow the path that I was here to commit. To some it is crystal clear but to others we have to just go where we are drawn and trust that we will be guided to where we are needed.
I attended church for four years hardcore! I wanted to get the gift of healing from God or any of the spiritual gifts the Bible promised me. I tried to live as spotless as possible. I even fasted for 30 days on multiple occasions, almost as long as Jesus. I fed myself the word of God from the Bible every moment for four years.
Nothing, not even all that time in the Church, all that time serving God...nothing has made me feel more in touch with my soul and spirit than when I went Vegan eight years ago. I feel closer to a “divine being” but it’s more of a “divine universe” feeling. I realized that the feelings I used to get in the Church mostly came when I was around the congregation and people were speaking in tongues and dancing. It was easy to get caught up in the hype.
So my answer is Veganism. That is how I express my spirituality every waking moment.
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The human body consists of two things, the part that belongs to earth and the inner heart(feelings, desires, wants).

The part that belongs to earth eats from the earth's food, drink. It's visible and can be touched. Another thing we most know is how the part that belongs to earth is meant to vanish in its nature so as all things in this world are meant to vanish.

The inner heart takes it's provision from things that are not meant to vanish or end, like the remembrance of god, heaven, hell. Things that will continue to be always.
That's why when we pray to god and mention how great he is or mention his attributes or read his book, we are in the process of feeding our heart just like we feed our bodies.

Praying to god is not about the words or the movements we do, most importantly, it's about our consciousness of him that will drop the white droplets to our dark fuggy hearts.

That's how i express my spirituality, through the mind, words and actions.