How do you know someone is INFP?

It's very possible that many folks who test INFJ are actually INFP - it's not about what we look like, it's about our preferences. It's not bad to be an INFP, not at all. There's no reason why we should fight it or say it's not positive.

All MBTI styles have both positive qualities and negative qualities, because we're all human and we all react to stress differently.

(Hears the Pollyanna music coming).

But seriously - be yourself. Read up on the styles. You might be an INFP, and it has nothing to do with organization or being on time or having a clean apartment. Those things can factor into it, yes. But your preferences and communication styles are the real factors. You can be a messy, disorganized, late INFJ and you can be a clean, extremely organized INFP. But how you respond to people and what you *prefer* are bigger tellers than those other things.

Which is why some folks are on the line, and some aren't.

Try to examine it for yourself: Which is stronger in you - Ni or Fi?
I've always tested as an INFP because I'm messy and forgetful (I may have ADD). Then I realised that the MBTI is about preferences more than about abilities, and I thought that I could be an INFJ because I love to make to-do lists and I feel very satisfied and accomplished when I have managed to organize something in a "perfect" way.

But then I read some articles on Vicky Jo's and most of them indicate to the direction that I'm an INFP, after all-- specifically these bits:
1. Vicky Jo claims that it is extremely rare for an INFJ to suffer from ADD or to claim to suffer from ADD. I have thought of the possibility of having ADD (and I've even been diagnosed with it but the doctor said that I'm a borderline case, meaning that my ADD isn't very "bad").
2. Vikcy Jo claims that INFJs are socially graceful. I feel socially awkward.

Plus I read an explanation for INFP organizing behaviour: the shadow function Te. Vicky Jo wrote that INFPs often like to organize even though they're not very good at it, and that this are explained by Te being the shadow function.

What I hate about INFP descriptions, however, is the stubbornly widespread belief that we're bad at logic and math. Like, what does that mean? I've gotten top grades in all three logic courses at university and I study math as a minor... I'd rather not be told that I suck at what I intend to do for a living, thank you very much. That's as stupid as the belief that women suck at math...
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Again, it's really not about what you do...but how you do it, and why. The reason behind it is probably more telling than actually doing it. Are you messy because you want to be and it's comfortable, or does mess freak you out because it's chaotic (but you're messy anyway)? Do you feel better when things are started or when they're finished? Do you like endings more than beginnings? Do you like finalizing things? If you're coordinating things do you feel there's always room for more information and/or ideas, or is there a point when you feel everything's been said that needs to be said and we need to start things NOW?

Only you can figure out whether or not you're an INFP or an INFJ. But the Fi vs Ni and Fe vs Ne can make a huge difference in style. I'm a messy INFJ but my mess always bugs me. Always. I hate living in chaos. I can find everything, but I hate not having a place for everything.
2. Vikcy Jo claims that INFJs are socially graceful. I feel socially awkward.
...What? O_o
I'm pretty sure most INFJs on this board would disagree with what she said there, as I've noticed many seem to think they come across as cold or arrogant to others, which I would not define as socially graceful.
I think the main difference I've noticed between me and my INFP friend (although this is only in our case) is that she's very unwilling to commit to sides or take action to make things better, whereas I always try my best to (diplomatically) tell people if they're upsetting/hurting others and try to actively create a peaceful environment.
I think INFJs seems more proactive and less lost in their thoughts than INFPs...
Again, it's really not about what you do...but how you do it, and why. The reason behind it is probably more telling than actually doing it. Are you messy because you want to be and it's comfortable, or does mess freak you out because it's chaotic (but you're messy anyway)? Do you feel better when things are started or when they're finished? Do you like endings more than beginnings? Do you like finalizing things? If you're coordinating things do you feel there's always room for more information and/or ideas, or is there a point when you feel everything's been said that needs to be said and we need to start things NOW?

Only you can figure out whether or not you're an INFP or an INFJ. But the Fi vs Ni and Fe vs Ne can make a huge difference in style. I'm a messy INFJ but my mess always bugs me. Always. I hate living in chaos. I can find everything, but I hate not having a place for everything.

Mess freaks me out because it's chaotic, but I'm messy anyway because I... I don't know why. I even schedule my life so that I have time to clean up and organize, but too often I just can't bring myself to start, continue or finish projects such as cleaning up if it's not something that I'm supposed to do for someone else (like, when I worked as a cleaning lady, it was easy to sweep and vacoom, but when I should sweep and vacoom my own house, I think "oh well, I have so many other things to do... I'll relax for a while now and do it tomorrow!" And soon it's so messy that I freak out.

I don't know about the endings or beginnings... I like endings of things that I don't enjoy very much and beginnings of things that are going to be fun, of course! Just like everyone, I assume.

But I guess that a good plan sooths me in some way... I have studied at a university for some years, and the first three years I felt aimless and didn't get all that much studying done because I didn't know what I want to do with my life and what the purpose of my studies is... but now that I have figured out what I want to do and what I'm studying for and I have a clearer vision of what I have to do etc, I feel much more energetic and have gotten much more done!

"Only you can figure out whether or not you're an INFP or an INFJ."

Damn! :D It would be so much easier if it could be measured from my DNA or something and I wouldn't have to figure it out by myself!
I honestly don't know about Vicky Jo. Quite honestly, I know many INFJs that are just plain spacy, which some might see as very ADD-like, and many INFJs are also pretty socially awkward. I'd suggest hunting for answers for a while longer before you take that as truth.
Yeeeah, it's tough to say, because no one is exactly one thing or another. I think Vicky Jo's site might be very general, and perhaps it speaks to overall NF or INF folks, but not all of it is set in stone. I think she looks at the whole individual and makes her judgment calls based on who the "perfect" INFJ should look like, but I find myself scratching my head with some of the information. Perhaps some of the information can be due to environment rather than type.
is it possible to be an INFP if you smile very veeery much, in front of everybody? and always (when there's oportunity, and where's there is no! )making jokes, but mostly stuff that not much people get except 1-2 friends near you who know your thinking pattern, AND (mostly) are N as well. I'm engaging much people while I'm in such mood (which is i guess 80% of time) but they think i'm nuts.
ah...well.. so is it possible to be INFP and not ENFP after this info?
can anyone reply ?

is it possible to be an INFP if you smile very veeery much, in front of everybody? and always (when there's oportunity, and where's there is no! )making jokes, but mostly stuff that not much people get except 1-2 friends near you who know your thinking pattern, AND (mostly) are N as well. I'm engaging much people while I'm in such mood (which is i guess 80% of time) but they think i'm nuts.
ah...well.. so is it possible to be INFP and not ENFP after this info?
is it possible to be an INFP if you smile very veeery much, in front of everybody? and always (when there's oportunity, and where's there is no! )making jokes, but mostly stuff that not much people get except 1-2 friends near you who know your thinking pattern, AND (mostly) are N as well. I'm engaging much people while I'm in such mood (which is i guess 80% of time) but they think i'm nuts.
ah...well.. so is it possible to be INFP and not ENFP after this info?

Chloe, it's a little tough to understand what you're asking (but it could be the language barrier). I'll try to take a crack at it.

What you look like or how you smile doesn't determine your type. What determines type is your preferences for things - and humor (and our response to things) is one of those things that transcends type. If you're asking if it's INFP-like to smile a lot and making jokes, then I couldn't tell you. I know a lot of people who smile a lot and make jokes but I can't use those reactions to determine someone's type.

You'll have to bring more information to the table. That description is not enough to assume someone's type, in my opinion.

I have a sister who Is an INFP.

This is what I have observed.

*They like to sleep and daydream allot.

*They like to be alone when working or day dreaming.

*They like to be open with themselves to people they consider close (family in peticular)

*They tend not to be judgemental.

*They like to listen to what others are saying.

*They are very sensitive and can be extremely passionate abouts things, when they feel that what they love is being threatened (insulted) this insults them greatly (they take it as a personal insult)

*INFP's tend to enjoy things such as art, music, film, video games, writing and reading.

*INFP's like taking lone strolls or they like walking along side with a close friend or family member, usually talking about things that they enjoy.

*INFP's can be very loud when around close friends or family members that share the same interests as them.

*INFP's tend to be shy and are not generally keen on social gatherings unless it is a family event.

*INFP's are uncomfortable with breaking rules. However they will if encouraged (Me and my younger INFP sister broke into a factory the other day for her photography assignment at 3 am in morning)

*INFP's apperciate sports such as martial arts, figure skating and dancing etc. and will sometimes take part in these activities. However they are not known for their sporting abilities.

*INFP's adore tragedy and drama, they love riddles and puzzles. INFP's are attracted to sad things. My sister in piticular loves Watership Down, Silent hill (The Japanese games) and Plague Dogs.

*INFP's are often forgetful and need to be reminded to do things such as taking care of their personal hygiene and school work.

*INFP's tend to get along best with INTP's, INFP's, ENTP's and ENFP's. However they are open minded and are willing to accept those who are willing to accept them.

I love my INFP sister and I look forward to working along side her on our path to directing films and writing music. :mlove2:
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I can relate to some of this. People get funny ideas about me because I struggle with the pleasantries and social rituals. It can feel a bit pressuring when someone gets out the baby pics, someone else talks about their nephew graduating from MIT, and another about their daughter's wedding. I smile, nod, but am reduced to saying things like "ooooh" "wow" "ah, I see", etc. I am happy for them, but it can feel like certain reactions are demanded and that makes me shut down a bit. I do try to smile at people.


It's not so much that the INFP likes to blame everything on something, it's more of about the INFP's frustration with unfulfilled potential.

If the INFP sees someone who is capable of doing a lot more good and is not doing it out of sheer apathy, that wouldn't sit well with the INFP. It all goes back to the idealism and high standards that they set for themselves which they inadvertently set for others too.

The difference between the INFJ and the INFP is that the INFJ is willing to settle and say "Oh well, that's just how life is *shrug*" Whereas the INFP will see all that unfulfilled potential to do more and blame it on apathy. Hence, the INFP appears "whiny" to people who don't understand their idealism, or find it to be too naive.


I have a sister who Is an INFP.

This is what I have observed.

*They like to sleep and daydream allot.

*They like to be alone when working or day dreaming.

*They like to be open with themselves to people they consider close (family in peticular)

*They tend not to be judgemental.

*They like to listen to what others are saying.

*They are very sensitive and can be extremely passionate abouts things, when they feel that what they love is being threatened (insulted) this insults them greatly (they take it as a personal insult)

*INFP's tend to enjoy things such as art, music, film, video games, writing and reading.

*INFP's like taking lone strolls or they like walking along side with a close friend or family member, usually talking about things that they enjoy.

*INFP's can be very loud when around close friends or family members that share the same interests as them.

*INFP's tend to be shy and are not generally keen on social gatherings unless it is a family event.

*INFP's are uncomfortable with breaking rules. However they will if encouraged (Me and my younger INFP sister broke into a factory the other day for her photography assignment at 3 am in morning)

*INFP's apperciate sports such as martial arts, figure skating and dancing etc. and will sometimes take part in these activities. However they are not known for their sporting abilities.

*INFP's adore tragedy and drama, they love riddles and puzzles. INFP's are attracted to sad things. My sister in piticular loves Watership Down, Silent hill (The Japanese games) and Plague Dogs.

*INFP's are often forgetful and need to be reminded to do things such as taking care of their personal hygiene and school work.

*INFP's tend to get along best with INTP's, INFP's, ENTP's and ENFP's. However they are open minded and are willing to accept those who are willing to accept them.

I love my INFP sister and I look forward to working along side her on our path to directing films and writing music. :mlove2:
My best friend is an INFP, and just about everything on this list describes her. I love her to death for who she is :mlove2:

I have a sister who Is an INFP.

This is what I have observed.

*They like to sleep and daydream allot.

*They like to be alone when working or day dreaming.

*They like to be open with themselves to people they consider close (family in peticular)

*They tend not to be judgemental.

*They like to listen to what others are saying.

*They are very sensitive and can be extremely passionate abouts things, when they feel that what they love is being threatened (insulted) this insults them greatly (they take it as a personal insult)

*INFP's tend to enjoy things such as art, music, film, video games, writing and reading.

*INFP's like taking lone strolls or they like walking along side with a close friend or family member, usually talking about things that they enjoy.

*INFP's can be very loud when around close friends or family members that share the same interests as them.

*INFP's tend to be shy and are not generally keen on social gatherings unless it is a family event.

*INFP's are uncomfortable with breaking rules. However they will if encouraged (Me and my younger INFP sister broke into a factory the other day for her photography assignment at 3 am in morning)

*INFP's apperciate sports such as martial arts, figure skating and dancing etc. and will sometimes take part in these activities. However they are not known for their sporting abilities.

*INFP's adore tragedy and drama, they love riddles and puzzles. INFP's are attracted to sad things. My sister in piticular loves Watership Down, Silent hill (The Japanese games) and Plague Dogs.

*INFP's are often forgetful and need to be reminded to do things such as taking care of their personal hygiene and school work.

*INFP's tend to get along best with INTP's, INFP's, ENTP's and ENFP's. However they are open minded and are willing to accept those who are willing to accept them.

I love my INFP sister and I look forward to working along side her on our path to directing films and writing music. :mlove2:

You did a perfect job in describing me too o.O

I have a sister who Is an INFP.

This is what I have observed.

*They like to sleep and daydream allot.

*They like to be alone when working or day dreaming.

*They like to be open with themselves to people they consider close (family in peticular)

*They tend not to be judgemental.

*They like to listen to what others are saying.

*They are very sensitive and can be extremely passionate abouts things, when they feel that what they love is being threatened (insulted) this insults them greatly (they take it as a personal insult)

*INFP's tend to enjoy things such as art, music, film, video games, writing and reading.

*INFP's like taking lone strolls or they like walking along side with a close friend or family member, usually talking about things that they enjoy.

*INFP's can be very loud when around close friends or family members that share the same interests as them.

*INFP's tend to be shy and are not generally keen on social gatherings unless it is a family event.

*INFP's are uncomfortable with breaking rules. However they will if encouraged (Me and my younger INFP sister broke into a factory the other day for her photography assignment at 3 am in morning)

*INFP's apperciate sports such as martial arts, figure skating and dancing etc. and will sometimes take part in these activities. However they are not known for their sporting abilities.

*INFP's adore tragedy and drama, they love riddles and puzzles. INFP's are attracted to sad things. My sister in piticular loves Watership Down, Silent hill (The Japanese games) and Plague Dogs.

*INFP's are often forgetful and need to be reminded to do things such as taking care of their personal hygiene and school work.

*INFP's tend to get along best with INTP's, INFP's, ENTP's and ENFP's. However they are open minded and are willing to accept those who are willing to accept them.

I love my INFP sister and I look forward to working along side her on our path to directing films and writing music. :mlove2:

great list! most those could be INFJs too, but still, very good!
In a way yes, the only differences that I could possible think of out of that list is the fact that INFJ's tend to be more grounded and less ''dreamy'' in a sense.

more conformation of my J! :D
Instead of wasting our time debating, why don't we just take a proposed INFP and do two things; both as effective.

One: Tie cement blocks to them and throw them in the river. If they survive, they have earned their right on this planet. If they don't, GOOD! GET A SCHEDULE PUNKS. c wat i did thar.

Or two: Being much simpler, just get a blood sample and find out that way.

I really don't understand what's so complicated.... :m056:
Instead of wasting our time debating, why don't we just take a proposed INFP and do two things; both as effective.

One: Tie cement blocks to them and throw them in the river. If they survive, they have earned their right on this planet. If they don't, GOOD! GET A SCHEDULE PUNKS. c wat i did thar.

Or two: Being much simpler, just get a blood sample and find out that way.

I really don't understand what's so complicated.... :m056:

That's a lot of brave talk coming from an guys truly are unaware of what's behind the INFP's innocent mask :m085::mlight::m179: