How Do You Know You're an INFJ?

As a word of caution, I wouldn't use my quick little run-down as a confirmation of type. In my experience, most feeling types can relate to this list one way or another. Fundamentally, though, INFJs and ENFJs are primarily concerned with their relations with others. INFPs and ENFPs are more concerned with others relations to themselves.

So, what are NTs concerned with?
So, what are NTs concerned with?

Douchebaggery. :P


In a nutshell, T's are more concerned with the relationships between ideas. Again, the expression of the function (introverted versus extroverted) determines the direction of the relationship. Ti prefers to work with parts, whereas Te is more comfortable with working with wholes.
you already feel like this place (INFJf) is a second home to you.
First post and I already feel home.

After a couple years testing and a lifetime of being who I am, INFJ is the best fit for me. Every time I read a description or characteristics of INFJ I always feel as if it describes me to the letter. Most don't feel as if they are special or will make changes, but while I try to remain humble I get the overwhelming sense of that higher calling and need to help. It just.... feels right. Of course nothing is ever for sure.

welcome. it sounds like you've come to the right place.
MBTI isn't real. If you're fairly reserved, open, agreeable, and conscientious then you can be INFJ if you want.
Read this and it clicked; a torrent of memories, symbols, and events highlighting INFJ followed and I started seeing Ni-Fe-Ti-Se stuff everywhere.
This is the best site I've seen for type descriptors in a while. Worth checking out:
Yeah I just checked out this description the other day, but looked at it again since you mentioned it. I think it is a good one too. I feel I relate to a lot it. Including the career section; I am interested in like 95% of the careers listed.

Read this and it clicked; a torrent of memories, symbols, and events highlighting INFJ followed and I started seeing Ni-Fe-Ti-Se stuff everywhere.
Well...I read SOME of that. It was A LOT. And a lot of big words, which, I love me some big words, but that was a lot. Anyway, there was a lot of stuff in there I really related to. Even though it was a lot more complicated than most descriptions of the cognitive functions that I come across, I actually liked it better for that. It didn't simplify the Fe function to just "You will love people so much and want to make the world a place with bunnies and rainbows so everyone can live happily ever after even if that means you have to die for the sake of your fellow human beings, especially if they are strangers: people with Fe love dying for's like their favourite thing." Okay, so maybe I am exaggerating but that aspect of Fe really gets to me. Like, if it's someone in my family or one of my closest friends I would pretty much do anything for them; OR if I saw a stranger hurting for sure I would help them...but most descriptions I read seem to imply that Fe makes you this completely selfless saint or something. And i'm...not. Anyway, that was a point was that they broke it down and explained that it's so much deeper and more complicated than that, so...I liked it. Thanks for sharing.
MBTI isn't real. If you're fairly reserved, open, agreeable, and conscientious then you can be INFJ if you want.

True. The field of psychology deals primarily with that which cannot be objectively measured.

Are you on the INTJf with the same avatar?
Because I thought I was an INTJ until I hung around a lot of INTJs and came to the conclusion that I'm nothing at all like male INTJs. a very odd distinction actually as I do get on quite well with female INTJs, the males are so stuck in their own heads however and completely absent of the big picture I find them very obnoxious and annoying as well as often immature. There are exceptions to every rule obviously. I also have a different way of handling human relationships to people I'm not close to from what I have seen.
My typing took about 2 years to become fully apparent. I was first typed as ENTP based on my then current behaviour and self image. I took the test more and more (also the various available) to see if it came out the same and as I became more honest it changed. I then finally went through the test with friends and family several times, who would say if my behaviours/habits matched what I was answering. My true type could only be evidenced by stripping away many self images and untruths which gave my original result. The final INFJ description was perfect when taking out extreme factors such as unusual experiences or traumas, then the adding of the '4' on the enneagram scale sealed the deal. One thing I think gives explanation to this long process, is the fact INFJ's can beat themselves up, can become prone to grandeur and tend to over analyse to give distorted readings.
The unique thing however made me quite sad as I've never believed it so but got told contrary (almost constantly) plus the rarity of males makes me feel quite misunderstood and alone.
Because I thought I was an INTJ until I hung around a lot of INTJs and came to the conclusion that I'm nothing at all like male INTJs. a very odd distinction actually as I do get on quite well with female INTJs, the males are so stuck in their own heads however and completely absent of the big picture I find them very obnoxious and annoying as well as often immature. There are exceptions to every rule obviously. I also have a different way of handling human relationships to people I'm not close to from what I have seen.

I actually only know one INTJ IRL, and he is a male. I agree with what you are saying. I find that I don't understand him at all really. I mean, I guess I sort of understand him but I don't relate to him at all. He is definitely stuck in his own head and totally and completely either clueless or uninterested in giving of himself to other people ever, unless it is of some benefit to him. Even just simple commonly courteous things, he will refuse to do. Which I consider to be rudeness. Possibly it's just how I was raised, I don't know, but still.
i took the test to find out my type, and the description of infj is exactly how i am.
it does not feel special. it feels isolating and frustrating. i'm curious as to why you would feel that having this personality type would be too good to be true?
edit to say that this is in reference to the original post. sorry