JGirl Well, the clarification of my gender was more for @
subwayrider than you. In one of his replies to you he said he can "understand where 'he's' coming from" referring to me. I am, in fact, a "she." But, ehem, anyway, I realize that while MBTI can give us some uncanny information about ourselves, it is still a generalized system. Every human being is unique in their own way. I try not to obsess about the fact that I feel like I no longer fit into a "type" perfectly. But, I can tend to obsess over things like this. (Is this an INTJ or INFJ thing...probably both with my luck, or neither) As for HSP, I don't know much about it aside from taking a fleeting online test I found on a forum (perhaps this one, i can't remember), and I can't even recall the results.
I remember when I originally scored as INTJ, for that point in my life it fit perfectly, but as I grow and mature as a human being, I feel like maybe I was really more INFJ all along, just in denial of how much the "F" was really there and/or too afraid to admit it. The more articles I read, I realize how hard it is to really differentiate between INTJ and INFJ. I read one article that said that INFJ's are the most "NT" of all the "NF's." Which I think is true. INTJ's are supposedly (one of) the most logical and methodical of all the types, not open with their emotion but guard it at all cost. But, I kind of feel like the same can be said for INFJ's as well.
It depends on the article, and it depends on the day. Sometimes I think "Yep, i'm just an INTJ, don't know why I questioned it." Then I will read another article and be like "Yes! This! Exactly! I KNEW I was INFJ all along and just ashamed of my emotions." So who knows. I am just a conundrum.