"can be a problem on their end"
1. I have made up my mind not to be attracted, I forget that they haven't automaticly decided that themselves. the difference between me being at 100% not, and them being at not 100% not, whatever their percent is, its not 100%. Also, its fair to say that just because I'm not interested doesn't mean it automatically makes them not interested. I said forget as in I feel guilty that I may be hurting them unknowingly.
2. Teenagers have their highest sex drives at 16-18. I also meant natural as in it is a thing not desearving of scorn. The fact that they may be interested isn't inherently a bad thing.
3. Just last week I had a guy who found out I was together with someone, who was a month before saying in clear words and actions he wanted to be my friend. Then once he found out I was taken, he got really really pissed at me, insulted me subtly and repeatedly, called me ugly and then told me that if I was taken (I wasn't at the time we met) that I should tell him when he expressed "interest". His interest was expressed as friend only, and so I didn't tell him immediately upon dating someone that "don't talk to me anymore I'm taken" because that was not the relationship I had with him, or so I though. Not to mention if I was wrong, thats a totally awful thing to say to a guy, if he was indeed being a friend. Naturally, I was very upset and am still upset.