How do you relate to your avatar?

mine is abouit trying to get all the stuff inside out in a blog. .
Sarah Palin pretty much sums up what I bring to the forum. A go-getting attitude that quickly deteriorates to a whole lotta derp.
Well, my avatar is a lion facepalming.

And why it is that is because internet mostly makes me do that.
And stupid comments make me do that as well.
You know, facepalm.

So far this forum has been OK though.
Trying to care less.
I drew it.
I don't know why but not long ago I couldn't stop thinking about floating objects and animals. Pretty wicked :/
The icon comes from Final Fantasy III (US) and is of a character named Relm who fights by drawing enemies (a Pictomancer). As I am an illustrator and blonde gal, I feel that the icon of a quirky artist chick represents me well. I also hold Final Fantasy III as my favorite video game of all time. =)

"In her pictures she captures everything: forests, water, light... the very essence of life..."
Isn't this delicious? *grins*

Nah, I like the pic. I like the mood, I like cakes, and what it signifies (Not telling nor attempting to dissect, for fear of canceling the effect)
This picture represents a whimsical, lighter side of myself which few have the chance to see when I'm in school.
Just minutes before this was taken, I was directing my lab partners in how to make precise, clean incisions in the pig that we were dissecting. It was serious business. XD

I can often easily flip between these two parts of myself, and I think this avatar does a decent job of showing that.
It is I with a flower in the hair. Oh wait no, it's a picture from facebook of a girl I sort of used to know, chopped up in paint.
It resembles me.
Or I resemble it.
/gets all pseudo-zen on you.
the avatar was just striking - exotic green eyes, beauty, exotic, and lower half of her face covered = mystery. I am not sure I relate to it, except to appreciate a stunning piece of beauty.
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It's a picture of the most badass Anime character ever created.

Oh, and the music from the series I still listen to today.
It's the two sides of me that I'm still trying to integrate - feeling and thinking, wanting and avoiding, power and vulnerability. It's hard :(