To me personally I figured I need to be aware of what sort of situation it is that I am in. Why I am having trouble to "turn my thoughts off" and what "kind of thoughts" these are.
Is it anxiety? depression? Or just some sort of overwhelm from too much? or from not enough? Is it undefinable mix of feelings or a hell of a lot of thoughts? Or a blend of these? Was it triggered? Do I need dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin or endorphin..?
I write Morning Pages as well as practicing some meditation for a regular habit in general to set a baseline..
Depending on what I find out about those questions I need to do one or another thing, or not do one or another thing.
If I'm unsettled and stressed then it might be low music, binaural beats, breathing, hot chocolate, ask for a hug, taking a walk to do the trick, and taking care of my needs (and the needs of the parts I've neflected).
Sudoku usually helps or I love hue for pure puzzling breaks. Sometimes it's engaging in an interesting topic, reading or learning. Sometimes it is just jotting down notes or talking to someone or to my inside.
If I am more calm and relaxed but want a break from thoughts I paint and listen to favourite music.
What I mean is.. there are different levels of restlessness, and if you have general categories for your own levels then it is easier to figure out what works when for you and when something doesn't.
I think at least to me it is vital to gain awareness or understanding of what you have unbalanced beforehand..
and I think in general avoid fighting or resisting it because then it is just getting stronger instead, like a child that wants attention, if you want. (That would mean.. if you try to meditate and not think but it doesn't work then meditate and just observe them..)
These things can be temporary guests with important messages, direct or indirect.