1. How would you try to catch the eye of another person?
I've learned a few tricks here

If I'm trying to catch a person's eye in a lighthearted setting, I'll simply show interest; listen and lean in a bit when they talk, attempt to be warm and open, etc. If it's in a seductive setting (i.e. club

I know I don't go anywhere, but it's fun to play on the wild side a little), there's a easy little trick that works fairly well; catch their eye, send a little smile (smirk) with "mysterious" eyes, and then look away (not quickly; calmly). It's small, but it screams invitation
2. How would you respond if they tried to catch your eye?
That's where I have problems; it depends on how attractive I find them, I guess. If I'm not interested, I'll simply act as if I don't notice anything. Some people think I'm oblivious; I'm not. A lot of times, a friendship will not move past a friendship if there is obviously no intention beyond that.
If I do find them attractive, I flirt back, although a lot of times it is kind of clumsy lol
3. Is there ever such a thing as too much interest shown by the other party?
4. Would you ever ask somebody out before they had demonstrated distinct interest in you?
5. Do you take risks in relationships?
Not especially. I take risks in making people interested with me; I flirt a little too much for my own good, sometimes, but it's all in good fun.
Of course, if it's a serious relationship, I would probably be more or less willing depending on what my partner wanted; he's the lead, and most of the time I'll follow (although I have clear boundaries).
6. Once you have made contact, do you try to define the dating relationship? Or do you go with the flow?
Nope. I don't like the commitment straight away. I like it to start light and get heavier as necessary.
7. What is your opinion on the existence of "love at first sight"?
Sure. I don't think that'll happen to me, though, because I'm way too reserved from true relationships for that.
8. What is your opinion on gestures of physical affection when in a relationship?
I like affection. I like cuddling. I like the strength in a man's arms

I don't like fondling. I don't like overly sexual connotations. I'm nervous when it feels like he's just looking to "get some."
9. On a first date, how do you usually act?
I don't date unless I'm fairly comfortable with the person, usually. If I didn't know him, it'd probably be extremely awkward :B
10. Would you ask your date out again?
J/k, it would depend on how everything went, and he'd probably have to be the one to ask because I'm always nervous about how the other person thinks of me ("What if he doesn't want to go out again; he'll just think I'm being pushy/ clingy...")
11. How would you like to be approached by an interested person?
Charisma goes a long way

I like someone who is confident and entertaining. Some girls think charming guys are always bad news; I like the playfulness and freedom behind it. If I think he's not being honest with me, I'll know and I'll get rid of him
12. How long does it take for you to decide to date exclusively?
Too long according to most of the guys that have taken an interest.
13. What do you do that you consider a "dead give-away" that you like somebody?
I'll want to talk to people I'm interested in. I'll usually gravitate or want to gravitate towards them. I might be nervous, and I might try a little too hard, but that depends on whether or not I have to be a deciding factor in the conversation.
It's not really that obvious, though. It's rare for me to be that interested in a guy, I guess :/
And ... for those in current relationships (I'm going to answer these too anyways):
14. How do you keep the relationship going?
I show interest. Once it's going, and once you have me, it's done. I'll do whatever I can to make it with you; I hate letting people down. But there also has to be open, sincere, and honest communication from both sides; I need to know that I'm doing things right because it's too easy for me to get insecure.
15. What challenges do you face in expressing your love?
I'm sometimes afraid that I'm being too clingy or that I'm going too far; I want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. I can withhold sometimes because of that.
16. What signals should a confused partner look for in order to be assured of continued interest?
If I'm willingly walking up to you and either hugging, leaning on, or holding your hand, you're basically pretty close to me. I have this distinct notion that I shouldn't invade people's space, but when I'm really comfortable with someone I know it's not a problem to. I might be crabby sometimes, I might be moody, I might bitch at you and be a little cynical or a little dark. That means I'm comfortable with my more negative aspects around you; it doesn't mean I don't like you :B (that makes everyone want to be close to me, huh?)
And if you look me in the eye and ask, straight forward, serious, and sincere, whether or not you mean the world to me, I will respond whole-heartedly that I really care for you. That's an absolute sign that I do; if I didn't, I'd beat around the bush a lot. :B