I have been called intimidating when I talk about sex, which I think is kind of hilarious *glares* I do know more about sex than you do *evil grin*
I have been called 'too nice' by people who are nicer than I am.
When I talk about comic books said person looks at me in surprise and says, "You're a nerd!" and I quickly slam them back to reality with a quick and angry verbal retort. I am NOT a nerd >:O*angry vein pulsing*
I have been called wise beyond my years by 60 year old women, lol...
I have been called humble with no understanding of what exactly that means
I have been called charismatic *nods* I concur.
I have been called intense by lovers.
I pay no mind to haters, or may just not have many at all... jury is still out on that one. It's been a while since I've heard a bad remark about myself.
I've been called silly, in the most endearing way which makes me bashful after defensive. "What! No I'm not!" *looks into endearing eyes* "Oh, okay

I have been called mysterious by people who have never made an effort to talk to me and truthful and open by people who decide to start a conversation, lol... "Well of course YOU think I'm mysterious" *rolls eyes* "Douche bag."
I have heard that I am resilient, by my mother. If I weren't so resilient I'm sure I'd be dead.
When I criticize my father he tells me I'm cold or I'm a bitch lol I can only laugh at this 66 year old man and his ongoing immaturity.
I have been told by 'friends' who I all together do not like that I am admirable; they admire me and I loath them, go figure.
When I get excitable or passionate about something I get called scary lol
When I get angry I get called hilarious hahaha XD those two should be in the reverse don't ya think?
On those rare occasions that someone has the gull to call me quiet I have to restrain myself from telling them that I just don't like their company and instead give them a death stare *shrug* usually gets the point across.
Oh, oh! My high school Teen Leadership teacher told me I have a chip on my shoulder. It was the biggest compliment not meant to be compliment that I have ever received hahaha XD lol smh poor guy.
The one thing that people have told me that would be negative is that I am an angry person though that is something that is all together not always in my control -hormone imbalance *shrug* it's just a think I will forever deal with. Oh! And that I burn bridges -runs in line with anger.
Haven't had many other negatives.............. Lol I'm sure there's more, I just haven't heard them yet