How have others consistently described you?

I've been described as smart by my teachers many times consistently (even by my senior pastor, who is a very respected INTJ philosopher and theologian in our city, must be true I guess?!?). Wacky also, or "a idiot".
Other words are : weird (by my ESTP brother, but he also likes me alot!), different, calm, contemplative, intimidating, weak willed, naive, lazzy, "from another planet", dreamy, pleasant, funny, irresponsable, lost in my own world and so on...
I've been described as smart by my teachers many times consistently (even by my senior pastor, who is a very respected INTJ philosopher and theologian in our city, must be true I guess?!?). Wacky also, or "a idiot".
Other words are : weird (by my ESTP brother, but he also likes me alot!), different, calm, contemplative, intimidating, weak willed, naive, lazzy, "from another planet", dreamy, pleasant, funny, irresponsable, lost in my own world and so on...

I've been called a smart ass plenty of times, lol, and weird.
Goddamn Awesome.
~always happy
~ excellent listener
~sensitive time show them the picture from your avatar, I'm sure they will change their opinion :)

Do you think its true that you are a sociopath?
If no, why do you think people are calling you a sociopath...why they have this impression?

How I look has nothing to do with it.

It's mostly that I have a hard time conjuring up any kind of empathy for other people. While I can understand how people feel, I do not share in those feelings and more often than not do not care about them. It's not necessarily that I want anyone to feel bad, it's just that if they do I don't feel anything about it.

I have small slivers of myself that relate to other people but for the most part I just don't feel much for other people and their situations. So, it's not malicious, I am just indifferent and I think that people have called me sociopathic for that indifference and confuse not caring with malice.


Weird but in a good way
How I look has nothing to do with it.

It's mostly that I have a hard time conjuring up any kind of empathy for other people. While I can understand how people feel, I do not share in those feelings and more often than not do not care about them. It's not necessarily that I want anyone to feel bad, it's just that if they do I don't feel anything about it.

I have small slivers of myself that relate to other people but for the most part I just don't feel much for other people and their situations. So, it's not malicious, I am just indifferent and I think that people have called me sociopathic for that indifference and confuse not caring with malice.

Ugh, I guess these type of things happen only in some crazy countries, like U.S. for example.
If you would live in a more traditional country, like Romania, you would be treated different by people.

Edit: Also few people really care, most of them pretend they care, they can put on a act, imitate as if they are caring. If sociopathy is not caring, then the world is full of sociopaths.
So I think, probably the people who called you sociopathic had 0 idea of what they were talking about.
I find it funny how many people describe INFJs as "mature", at every two posts in this thread.
Ironiclaly, INFJs are very very immature. The ones that play the "deep" persona, are even more immature then the others INFJs. yet people call INFJs mature! Of course, it depends of what people are we talking about. You wouldn't expect from a ESTJ to call and name a INFJ mature. He will look at the "deep" INFJ, laugh with kindness, and say to him: "You need to stop being a child. You need to become a adult"...

to which the INFJ will reply..."I don't think you understand. I am "deep". I see things. I have that freakish Introverted Intuition, the lioness of all cognitive functions. I can woo you with my understanding, you will lost yourself inside my mind, in my intricate way of thinking. I think far far away, in the past and in the future, I look at the causes of things, my thinking easly flyes to the eternal. My thinking is like a eagle that you can never catch, I roar the skies of knowledge. You are a child, ESTJ. Grow up, you can never understand me, because I am far superior in thinking!"

To which the ESTJ will laugh again with understanding, and say to the INFJ ..."Still, you need to grow up, or you will remain a child for the rest of your life. One of us is right. I know I am, and I can prove it to you if you stay around me for a while!"

See here is where you and me differ

I see diversity as a strength

I think different personality types all bring something to the colourful mix that is humanity

But YOU see INFJ's as an abnormality that must be cured

You seem threatened by their way of thinking because it seems alien to you
I'm consistently described in terms of certain people: ryan gosling, Matthew mcconaghey, Channing Tatum, etc.

People on dating sites tell me I have really friendly eyes and a nice smile. Once someone told me I have a one-dimensional smile- he was drunk at a bar. People also sometimes think I'm aloof and judgmental.

Interesting mix: completely friendly looking, beneath that veneer judgment and haughtiness. Whatevs, haters are going to hate.
Quiet and standoffish at first meet. Some said that i seemed like a jerk and pretty obnoxious, arrogant, "uppity" etc.... I've always thought that was interesting, and funny, given how much i'm not that way. Angry-face too, even when i'm not angry, maybe brooding, don't know how to translate it.
People that know me have described me as easy going, weird, insightful, sensitive, intelligent, dramatic, creative, offbeat.
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See here is where you and me differ

I see diversity as a strength

I think different personality types all bring something to the colourful mix that is humanity
Me too, we actualy
think the same here.
But YOU see INFJ's as an abnormality that must be cured
I think you are using very far away from the truth words.
I don't see INFJs as a abnormality at all. I don't think INFJs are "weird" at all.
I just see INFJs as they are, or at least I try to. But I don't think INFJs are abnormalities, as I don't see humanity itself as a abnormality.

As for the curing aspect, if you mean a genetic kind of thing, no. But in a moral sense, yes, INFJs need to be cured. But then I think humanity itself needs to be moraly cured.

You seem threatened by their way of thinking because it seems alien to you
Muir, pardon me, but lyou make me laugh by your silly attempts to suggest that I don't know what it means to be a INFJ, because I am not one.

Let me tell you this, I am the essence of INFJ-ness. I've spent my life until now lead by my day-dreams like a dog in a leash, trained and subdued by my imaginations. On the other hand, I was also a thinker, a Ni kind of philosopher, a mixed up romanticist and rationalist. I was lonely, feeling lonely and alienated from the people and the world, unable to form real relationships with people, because of my self-centered character. Your typical "INFJ against the whole world". Oh, and I also had those delusions of specialness, just like almost every INFJ.
Don't tell me I am not INFJ. I am much more of a INFJ then you are now at your current years. I know what it means to be a INFJ, and I had enough of it!!!

Take it or leave it!
Ugh, I guess these type of things happen only in some crazy countries, like U.S. for example.
If you would live in a more traditional country, like Romania, you would be treated different by people.

Edit: Also few people really care, most of them pretend they care, they can put on a act, imitate as if they are caring. If sociopathy is not caring, then the world is full of sociopaths.
So I think, probably the people who called you sociopathic had 0 idea of what they were talking about.

I am usually pretty well received for the most part but I do think people get uncomfortable with my perceptions of certain things. For me, it's not necessarily a lack of an emotional response to things or people, it's that I take a step back to consider before reacting. I was not always this way and used to be prone to reacting, but was very sensitive and many feelings were magnified through a very deep depression and anxiety disorder. I hadn't properly learned to identify and work through emotions.

Now that I have, I come off as sociopathic but it's not exactly true. It may be that I have difficult feeling anything for other people. I can fake it. I can ask questions and feign interest. I can give solid advice and am an phenomenal listener. I just have no personal investment in the feelings or situations of others with the exception of those who I am very close to and who I have allowed into my inner world.

I do think that my way of thinking is more common in more traditional, conservative countries. In North America I think we're taught to cry for everyone lol. It's kind of bizarre.
Mostly just "weird". I've gotten "reclusive" a few times
I am usually pretty well received for the most part but I do think people get uncomfortable with my perceptions of certain things. For me, it's not necessarily a lack of an emotional response to things or people, it's that I take a step back to consider before reacting. I was not always this way and used to be prone to reacting, but was very sensitive and many feelings were magnified through a very deep depression and anxiety disorder. I hadn't properly learned to identify and work through emotions.

Now that I have, I come off as sociopathic but it's not exactly true. It may be that I have difficult feeling anything for other people. I can fake it. I can ask questions and feign interest. I can give solid advice and am an phenomenal listener. I just have no personal investment in the feelings or situations of others with the exception of those who I am very close to and who I have allowed into my inner world.
I get what you say, I think its interesting.
Because not many people make this difference. After all, there is a kind of idealism specific to many movements and people that says "love everyone", or "love the world".
Could it be some truth in it? Probably it could mean intentions, to have good intentions with everyone, a well wishing and serious attidute toward people.

But you are certainly right in saying that real and deep feelings can only be developed for close friends, people that we really do care, and they hold a special place in our heart.

I find it interesting how you think, and how you "check" yourself and your feelings. That must be Fi I think.

I do think that my way of thinking is more common in more traditional, conservative countries. In North America I think we're taught to cry for everyone lol. It's kind of bizarre.
I agree, you can't cry for someone who you didn't knew, talked to, and lived with.
America has a more idealistic and romantic "love everybody" or "spread the love" kind of attitude. I think this has to do with the West culture influence over the rest of the world, the power of the american way of lifestyle. But its just a idea.
On the other hand, I see traditional countries much more grounded and common sensical, even if they do not have satelites or nuclear weapons.
I do think that my way of thinking is more common in more traditional, conservative countries. In North America I think we're taught to cry for everyone lol. It's kind of bizarre.

Actually, I believe it is the opposite, North America is an individualistic society and many more traditional countries are collectivist societies. I am more of a 'collectivist' person and find the emphasis and promotion of independence in North America difficult.

There is a list of countries that tend to be more collectivist or more individualistic on here: