How Important are Men's Opinions About Women to Women

Opinions are like assholes; everybody's got one. And I'm a-ok with that little nugget of truth. I even encourage it out of curiosity. At the end of the day, it won't change how I do things.
@Flavus Aquila ... why not just ask this:
I'm trying to understand why women spend so much effort on presenting themselves a certain way around men (appearance, perfumes, ways of speaking, etc).

Women's self presentation seems to vary significantly depending on whether they're home, among other women, or around men.

I was actually hoping that women might be the ones providing the insights on this thread.

Ask them questions, to get more insights.

Instead if this:
How important are men's opinions about women to women?

*Some topics of being judged, notions of beauty, attitudes, etc. came up in another thread*.

:p Your OP put me in defense mode...because of the way it was lead.. "being judged" for example. I could have structured a much more positive answer. My appologies, yes, my bad...
but Darlin you need to voice up, put out what your true/actual questioning is. You tend to ask evasive questions and, at least from a woman's perspective you're going to receive a vague if not hostile answer because of this, especially from an INFJ.

The simple answer to why us women get all dolled up and smelling nice is because most men are visual...if it looks nice & sexy it must be, secondary is if it smells nice & sexy it must be. Most women know that to get noticed by a man she has to spark a connection of some kind with him or he will move on to the next gal...if she can look good, sound good, smell good, she can get his attention...and if she sparks an emotional connection in him, it's a slam dunk :D he's all hers at that point.

(***my appologies ladies for selling out our secrets, but sometimes it just has to be :)***)
@Flavus Aquila ... why not just ask this:

Instead if this:

:p Your OP put me in defense mode...because of the way it was lead.. "being judged" for example. I could have structured a much more positive answer. My appologies, yes, my bad...
but Darlin you need to voice up, put out what your true/actual questioning is. You tend to ask evasive questions and, at least from a woman's perspective you're going to receive a vague if not hostile answer because of this, especially from an INFJ.

The simple answer to why us women get all dolled up and smelling nice is because most men are visual...if it looks nice & sexy it must be, secondary is if it smells nice & sexy it must be. Most women know that to get noticed by a man she has to spark a connection of some kind with him or he will move on to the next gal...if she can look good, sound good, smell good, she can get his attention...and if she sparks an emotional connection in him, it's a slam dunk :D he's all hers at that point.

(***my appologies ladies for selling out our secrets, but sometimes it just has to be :)***)
I've just started a thread asking why it's so important to have "the right question" vs an honest question (as a subtopic).

In terms of this thread's topic, you seem to be saying that a positive opinion is important to cultivate in men, insofar as you want to cultivate a connection with them.

That sounds logical.
I've just started a thread asking why it's so important to have "the right question" vs an honest question (as a subtopic).

In terms of this thread's topic, you seem to be saying that a positive opinion is important to cultivate in men, insofar as you want to cultivate a connection with them.

That sounds logical.
Yes--What causes you to ask a woman out/second date after an initial meeting? ...isn't that too what a healthy male seeks from a healthy female a positive "connection"?? A common ground.. the 'spark'?

Plz don't read any sexual undertones, I'm trying to respond to your 'logic'. Where's your stack--are you an INFJ?

In the context of this thread, yet theoretical of your new one, let me pose this question directly: Why would you need to differentiate between a 'right' question (which implies vagueness or deceit) and an 'honest' question, of which a 'right' question on topic should consist of any way in all hopes of an honest answer from it's recipient?? :m075:
Sandie33 said:
The simple answer to why us women get all dolled up and smelling nice is because....
...women are ugly and stink!