You totally ingored Billy's evidence on that statement. But by your previous arguments, Ti wouldn't care where it came from, only that is was true..right @
Arsal ?
Ti types don't care about where the information is coming from as long as it holds true empirically, caring about the objective consensus is an inherently Te thing to do
Sorry to butt in, but actually @
Arsal is sort of right. I'm not sure I would use the word empirical exactly, although it does have more to do with your own experiences (not as much as Si, I'll come to that in a minute). But he is right that Ti does not (knowingly) look outside of itself for information. It also doesn't really hold "experts" in good stead. To me, not necessarily trusting expert opinion over my own is just logic, because the world is interpretable and if I don't think an expert is right, I just don't. I don't really care the Freud is supposed to be some master psychoanalyst, I personally think he was wrong.
I think @
Arsal 's point was that Billy wanted was untrusting of "teenagers on the internet" over Jung. I, myself, have never looked at the Jungian text of MBTI, seeing it as unnecessary. For a start, Jung could have got some of it wrong, so why bother? If I am really confused about something, I clarify by using outside texts (or if I'm stuck I ask people about it hoping someone will throw a spanner in the works and show any inconsistencies so I can get on with fixing the model), but if I have a clear thought, I will not be persuaded unless someone else's thinking fits the model I have already created. It's basically that Ti uses a personal model (while Si uses "empirical" evidence as in personal experience). Ti creates a model that everything is fact checked against. Freud does not fit my model. Lacan does to a certain extent. So, in my mind, Freud was an idiot but Lacan got it :-D I will be as likely to trust a teenager on the internet about a theory as I trust Jung, because no one outside myself is necessarily going to get it right, I just absorb their info so I have more fodder for my model. I hope that makes sense.
As for caring what others think - there's two different versions of this. There's caring what others think of your morals and caring what others think of your opinions. Ti does not necessarily care what others think of their opinions (guess it depends on the action of other functions) or need to agree with others on their opinions - they just go with what is plausible and what feels right. However, Fe would be mortified if other people found them rude, for instance.
EDIT: Just wanted to add, I'm not passing any judgement on Billy's type and not having a go at you Sonya! Sometimes because I type in a direct, sort of arrogant manner, people think I'm just going NO! YOU'RE WRONG! That isn't what I meant. I like discussing