Gun control? Read some history.
England tried to disarm colonists in North America to prevent them from being able to revolt due to new taxes to pay for the Seven Years War. After the Revolution, the creation of the U.S. Constitution and the Amendments. There is a reason why the 2nd Amendment is the 2nd.
Great Britain did try to confiscated the fire arms of the colonists in Massachusetts. And Great Britain did levy taxes on the American colonies to pay for the Seven years war without allowing the colonies to have representation in the British Parliament. The colonists did raise and army and fight a successful rebellion with the aid of a major European power. The Americans who wrote the bill of rights were concerned with many things which brought on the second amendment other than the possibility that their new government would have to be overthrown violently. There was also a large population of Indigenous people that were slated for genocide and another large population of African Slaves that had to be violently kept in chains.
One of the first things Hitler did was to disarm his country. It was all down hill from there.
This is a much repeated fallacy.
More recently....and very briefly mentioned in the media...Czech Republic...they had no firearms to fight the Russians, they were illegal to own....WE supplied them.
Czechoslovakia did rebel against their Soviet oppressors and were brutally crushed in 1968.
in 1989 the people of Czechoslovakia peacefully overthrew their communist government.
The problem is the overwhelmingly ever increasing lack of respect of fellow human beings. It's in the news every single day. Criminals get caught, dragged into the courts, and let off to do it again and repeat.... I have read of people with up to 22 felony convictions being arrested for yet another visit to court. "Don't do it again" is coming quite popular in modern society.
This is certainly a problem. Private ownership of firearms for personal protection from armed criminals is a strong argument for gun ownership.
The ultra liberal media is controlling how the population thinks and coming up with their own daffynitions. Such as "assualt weapons". Modern thinking, thanks to the media, has a semi-automatic rifle as an assult weapon. Our soldiers do not go into battle with a semi-automatic rifle. They are or are capable of full auto. SOme are belt fed. So how did a semi-automatic rifle become an "assualt weapon"? The media.
If the media really was "ultra liberal" then we would see headlines every day saying "
Known Insurrectionist Fraudster poised to take control of the Government"
Semi automatic rifles can fire 45 rounds in 60 seconds, they are not machine guns but you would be foolish to think that well trained militia could not launch and effective assault with them.
The media will also put forth any type of shooting on the news. And hash it to the bitter end. If they can they'll interview the sick individuals preschool teacher......Rather than giving the whacko what he/she/it is looking for... a name in history....they should be totally ignored. One shooting happens, the media dramitizes it and another happens within days. What would happen if they were ignored?
If it bleeds it leads, this is more an indictment of capitalism in journalism then liberal ideology
The person in Maine was almost screaming for help. The system ignored him as it do to many others.
and where, exactly, could that help come from? a typical township will spend $1 on mental health services for every $100 on police
We've become a society that says it's okay to be bad,,,,,until it goes too far. Then it's "why did this happen, we have to do something", then some professional poltickian gets another useless feel good law passed.
feel good laws like the assault weapons ban [expired], anti bump stock legislation, the Violence Against Women Act, various attempts to temporarily remove firearms from demonstrably insane individuals....
How do we get away from this? It doesn't take a village to raise a kid. It takes 2 parents that give a damn. Allow parents a slap their kid for doing wrong on the ass went needed. I was and I did. I'm still here. I've never been arrested. I'm a productive member of society. Make the parents responsible for what the kids do. Make the kid responsible for what they did.
advocacy for slapping children is poor parenting advice.
A firearm is a tool. So aren't screwdrivers, pencils, box cutters, knives, diesel fuel and fertilizer............... Take away one, there is another.
An individual spouting an ill informed opinion on a divisive and life threatening topic is also a tool.
The largest mass murder wasn't done with a firearm.
Are you referring to the Chicxulub impact event?