How much harm does alcohol really bring you?


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9w8 sx/sp
I want you to be a critical as a few beers harming you and as lenient as a few strong drinks everyday is healthy for you.
Beer literally saved the world so....

But I cant drink it anymore. ..
As for not being able to drink it? Could be proof of a higher power f'ing with me.
Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT so of course it's harmful!

I've come across a couple of alcoholics(my uncle and his wife)..:m173:
Alcohol makes you overweight and unhappy.

I had a sip of what they were drinking. I was up all night depressed, having panic attacks, grown a long piece of blonde hair on my arm!(I have very dark hair) and howling at the moon
You could say I turned into a werewolf!
I couldn't imagine what it would've been like to drink a whole cup and here they were, could t last a day without alcohol!

They think 1 drink can solve all the problems in the world.
But it actually destroys their world!
Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT so of course it's harmful!

I've come across a couple of alcoholics(my uncle and his wife)..:m173:
Alcohol makes you overweight and unhappy.

I had a sip of what they were drinking. I was up all night depressed, having panic attacks, grown a long piece of blonde hair on my arm!(I have very dark hair) and howling at the moon
You could say I turned into a werewolf!
I couldn't imagine what it would've been like to drink a whole cup and here they were, could t last a day without alcohol!

They think 1 drink can solve all the problems in the world.
But it actually destroys their world!

You're either exaggerating or it was a psychosomatic reaction (i.e. all in your head because of what you already believed would happen)

One sip doesn't do this. It isn't even chemically possible for this to happen. Unless you have some weird unheard of alcohol allergy. I think more likely you either flipped out because of pre-existing psychological issues, you're incredibly exaggerating, or it just plain didn't happen.

Same argument could be used for food as well BTW.
In my late 20's now and realizing how shit of a drug alcohol is, it's stupid. I think completely cutting it out of your life, or not starting drinking it is the way to go. At the same time, I would never judge someone for drinking, we all live different lives.
In my late 20's now and realizing how shit of a drug alcohol is, it's stupid. I think completely cutting it out of your life, or not starting drinking it is the way to go. At the same time, I would never judge someone for drinking, we all live different lives.

Depends who you are and your body and brain chemistry.

Personally I self medicated with alcohol and have pretty much quit drinking alcohol since. I say self medicated because what I was doing was different from alcoholism. An alcoholic is physically addicted and they feel they can't live without it - that is something I never experienced personally. I drank because I wanted to, and I completely stopped because I decided I was drinking too much. It wasn't difficult for me, it was a simple choice. For some people it is difficult for whatever reason.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] Well Mr. Impossible, or Mr. Sprinkles, drinking alcohol is not always an easy experience! Some people aren't gonna be able to take 30 shots and hold their dinner, it's not easy to quit for some people.
Stop trying to be a hardass.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] Well Mr. Impossible, or Mr. Sprinkles, drinking alcohol is not always an easy experience! Some people aren't gonna be able to take 30 shots and hold their dinner, it's not easy to quit for some people.
Stop trying to be a hardass.

I never said anything like that. Fact is you're clearly blowing things out of proportion, not only once but twice now.

A sip of alcohol does not mess up a normal person like you described. If it did it wouldn't be popular. That's just how it is - if you don't like it then don't embellish your stories.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] I was being honest when sharing this experience so...don't know what you're talking about "blowing things out of proportion"
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] I was being honest when sharing this experience so...don't know what you're talking about "blowing things out of proportion"

Well we're here to talk about the actual effects of alcohol in general and your honest experience is honestly questionable as to whether it was actually caused by the alcohol.

I would say just about everybody who is healthy and old enough to drink would not be so effected by a mere sip of even the strongest stuff. Maybe you're strangely sensitive to alcohol but if even if you are, it'd be akin to a person severely allergic to peanuts talking about the merits of peanut butter. This is on the fringes of the topic at best.
Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT so of course it's harmful!

I've come across a couple of alcoholics(my uncle and his wife)..:m173:
Alcohol makes you overweight and unhappy.

I had a sip of what they were drinking. I was up all night depressed, having panic attacks, grown a long piece of blonde hair on my arm!(I have very dark hair) and howling at the moon
You could say I turned into a werewolf!
I couldn't imagine what it would've been like to drink a whole cup and here they were, could t last a day without alcohol!

They think 1 drink can solve all the problems in the world.
But it actually destroys their world!

That's... that's not how alcohol works. Not belittling your relatives drinking problems or anything similar, but a sip of a hard liqueur isn't going to send you into spiral of depression unless you have some significantly abnormal body chemistry. Alcohol is more of a relaxant then a depressant, it works by relaxing both muscles and inhibitions causing people to respond to their initial emotions more deeply then they would otherwise. Usualy this makes a depressed person more so but can conversely work in the opposite direction by making a person happier, or at least incline them to be happier(it's part of the reason why so many people drink socially). For someone who only drink moderately and isn't already suffering or celebrating they tend to remain a bit more even keel if only a slightly bit more relaxed.
I personally tend to think that alcohol is seriously destructive, I once read a PKD book in which one of the minor plot details was that the society had prohibited all alcohol but legalised every other sort of mind and mood altering narcotic substance there is imaginable and I think about that still.

However, even if alcohol didnt have any physical and mental side effects which were personally ruinous its socially ruinous enough to warrant real careful use.
My father was an alcoholic. He also became angry while drunk. My brother was an alcoholic, I believe its partly what killed him. So knowing that this runs in the family, Im probably an alcoholic, however I dont have to drink. Sometimes Ill go on binges, where I seek to deliberately get drunk while other times I will go a month with nothing to drink. I think of myself as a happy drunk. I believe others do too because I become more of an exovert while drunk. Overall, these days I tend to adamantly believe in non processed whole foods as to being the only thing you should put in your body.
My father was an alcoholic. He also became angry while drunk. My brother was an alcoholic, I believe its partly what killed him. So knowing that this runs in the family, Im probably an alcoholic, however I dont have to drink. Sometimes Ill go on binges, where I seek to deliberately get drunk while other times I will go a month with nothing to drink. I think of myself as a happy drunk. I believe others do too because I become more of an exovert while drunk. Overall, these days I tend to adamantly believe in non processed whole foods as to being the only thing you should put in your body.

I'm inclined to agree with this, even the binge drinking occasionally as opposed to regularly (the drinking habits of the irish are what they have been made out to be, I'll be honest and say they are actually worse), what I find is that I cant really drink and relax because I know the havoc I've witnessed with family members drinking destructively (its not my dad or my brothers though, although I do think one of my brothers is an angry drunk sometimes).

The question of how much should anyone drink for some people ought to have the answer of nothing, nothing at all, not a drop but in my experience they are unlikely to get this message themselves or from others.

Most of the alcoholics I've known have an addictive personality structure and a dozen other quirks or psychological issues besides, they cant handle crisis, mundane challenges or responsibility and consequences at all but alcohol is like one big giant lens on the thing. So while sober they could be difficult to live with and require lots of patience, co-regulation and assistance from others, the sort that is unlikely to be forthcoming from anyone other than family or helpers, paid usually, when intoxicated they are going to be much worse.
How much harm does alcohol really bring you?

Depends on the person answering Methinks....

Tremendous harm speaking for Myself (and only for Myself and My experience). Alcohol was a critical contributing factor in My brother's untimely death. The autopsy revealed the cause of His death to be carbon monoxide poisoning however I believe He would have escaped the fire had He not been intoxicated. I miss Him so much- everyday, His death still takes My breath away an entire decade later.

I have abused alcohol at times in My life- to push through social anxiety, cover up emotional pain, to numb out or because I caved to peer pressure.

The harm outweighs the benefits imho.