I've never gotten the "energy" comment from anyone - but I've still experienced everything else for almost as long as I can remember as well.
Growing up as a child, I was always a bit more mature than most people my age... A lot of friends would always come to me for advice and for help with their problems. Of course, being so young and having my own personal issues at the time, it ended up that no one else was there for me when I needed it, time and time again... I realized that most were just using me for their own personal support system. I got fed up with being the therapist (which was quite hard for me at the time)... and ended up pushing many people away.
Now that I'm older and have been able to mature and move on, I've found that so many different people from all kinds of backgrounds find it easy to open up to me, many without knowing me for more than a day. I'm highly intrigued by it, actually. I've gotten a lot of comments over the years -- "You're so easy to talk to", "It feels like I've known you for years", "I can't believe I'm telling you this, but..." -- it seems that people seem to be naturally drawn to me and are compelled to tell me things they wouldn't usually tell to someone they barely know or haven't been close to for very long. I'd like to clarify and state that I'm a pretty big introvert for the most part - I don't usually initiate conversations, I don't like big groups, I shy away from socializing because it's usually emotionally and physically draining for me. I experience social anxiety in large groups of people and try to avoid them like the plague. I try to appear guarded and unsociable to a lot of people (specifically people like co-workers and most acquaintances/potential could-be friends these days..). To some I may even appear as unapproachable or even cold... or well, sometimes I feel that I'm projecting that, at least. However, when I'm engaged with someone in a one-on-one conversation, I'm a good listener, empathetic and passionate, understanding, open-minded, non-judgmental, and I always find it pretty easy to relate to most people in one way or another. Only those who are extremely close to me know who I truly am (pretty much family members only), while others get to see small snippets of this side of me when I do have the chance to truly engage with them.
I truly think that the main reason why people feel so comfortable talking to me about almost anything is because once they start talking to me, those positive traits start shining through... even if sometimes I try to hide them.
**TLDR; I've had the same experiences as you, 6string.