Silently Honest
Retired Staff
Wait why would you cry ten times a month? There's a line between healthy tears :mcry:and excessive bawling.:mpaddy:
Well I get really lonely in a world of E's so I try to act like one and it never really works out. Plus I get stressed out because I like to see everyone happy yet can't seem to make myself happy.
I don't think its excessive it varies between the 3 and over 10 so its not that bad. I find it really helps me feel better. I just usually do it when I think of all my friends I've left behind.
I've always considered that a bit of a cop out. Sure, you can only get to heaven through christ, but all your strength has to come from inside yourself.
Jesus Christ was an INFJ. You're an INFJ, would you want someone elses entire purpose and strength based upon YOU? Nor does Christ. You've gotta be able to hold yourself up, and move to him through the power of your own belief.
I been crying a lot lately because I always have mini mental break down like ever other week. I am always depress on my current statue on school and people around me. I get a little better after I cry but it is just always stressful.
I would have to say that I am troubled teen. :mcry: