I think it's pretty obvious that not only are FJ's more prone to love than INTP's, but they're also more open and comfortable with openly discussing it.
Most of the romance threads on INTPforum get bashed you know, because we have better things to talk about.![]()
He did that when drunk the other day
It was..... beautiful
*wells up*
We should periodically remind him of this lest it be forgot
I think that's bullshit, I'm an INTP and I have no trouble discussing love (or any other emotion). It's surprising the romance threads get bashed on INTPforum~ as a concept I feel love is as interesting to discuss as any other.
We've discussed this, the chances of you being an INTP are minimal.
INFP maybe, or FJ?
I can't possibly comprehend you as a T.
Expression of emotions certainly can be volatile and perhaps should be avoided (depending on the context), but I don't understand why INTPs would be adverse to discussing them. Discussion is just that.. discussion. Things like emotions are intrinsic to human experience, you'd think INTPs, given their propensity to analyze everything around them, would find them of interest.At any rate, regardless of your type, the general consensus amongst my type is that emotions are volatile and to be avoided, and their discussion is generally thought of as boring.
Lol, you might be though, at least if your admissions when intoxicated are anything to go by =)Oh pshhh, you people need to accept that I'm just not that kind of person.
I personally think it's about what the needs of the people involved are, and I think the older you get, the less age matters.
To add to the topic: I think a large age gap is manageable if the two people's values and lifestyles coincide to a sufficient degree.
What this all boils down to is this:
Age is not the issue
The issue is the things which usually come hand in hand with age such as maturity, level of commitment wanted etc
Yeah, but i still would be a bit curious about a 20-something marrying a 60 or 70 something. You'd have to have quite a bit more in common to make that work for both people in the relationship. especially in the long term. I'd heavily question motives in that case.
I think the reasons why both are in the relationship are more important than anything else.
Not sure whether to be manically dissapointed or secretly relieved.
Well, besides your somewhat icky, mushy views, I have to say you're one of the few making sense.
It's perhaps the most honourable thing any creature can do, to say that they are capable of loving anyone.
I think about five people on the planet can say this, and depending on the day, I'm one of them.
But that's just an outsiders opinion. What if they were genuinely in love and genuinely attracted to each other?
With a large age difference there will always be people who don't approve. This is something any such relationship would have to endure. Even with a twenty something and a thirty something
Which is why i said that the reasons why they are in the relationship are more important than anything else. And what many people call love is not love, just using someone under the guise of love.