How strong is your will power?

I have always felt that I lacked control in life over my external world, truthfully however I had will power in spades. I can put myself through anything.
I have always felt like this was a curse for me....when it come to people and their life, I can put myself through anything. I can usually get things done that I know need to be done even though I lack the interest. O well :)
I have willpower in certain areas, and it's usually because those areas are enforced by either habit or routine. When I first decide I'm going to do something, however, and it isn't the most enjoyable past-time, I have to fight tooth and nail with myself and it takes more than just several tries to get myself on track...

I work best when I have parameters or boundaries; those get me motivated and keep me on task; otherwise, my will-power muscle is a 95 lb weakling.
I have good control in somethings and bad control in others. I generally just do whatever comes naturally so I dont think I exercise that much willpower overall.
My experience was similar to Nighthawk but in Academia, not Military. I had INSANE will power, but it almost killed me. Then for about 6 years I had NO WILLPOWER at all. Now I seem to be getting willpower back and have evened out. Balance is the answer. I think that most people fall on the lack of willpower side of the balance. The other side makes one more successful, but can actually damage the body and get one's powers ahead of one's abilities.
So, it seems to me that what you're saying is it takes a lot of willpower to go against one's nature.

I've found that using willpower to go against my nature is necessary sometimes, such as when I have to give a talk in front of people. I think, when necessary (i.e., the gain is worth the pain), it's important to step outside one's comfort zone from time to time. But, continually living outside one's comfort zone is destructive.

I hadn't connected the dots all the way on that point, but I believe you are quite right. I did go against my nature in the military quite a bit ... not exactly an ideal fit for an INTP ... and it did take a lot of willpower to do so. I did live outside that comfort zone for so long that it was destructive to me ... in terms of stress, excessive drinking, acting out against my "superiors", etc. As you stated, going against your nature can be a good exercise, in reasonable doses, but can be destructive if you spend all your time there.
How can I tell the difference between Will Power and Stubbornness? I honestly don't know. I know that one is healthy and the other isn't necessarily. But I can't tell one from the other.
Why would you not do something you want to do?
Say you really like chocolate chip cookies. If you don't have will power, you might eat a whole tin of freshly baked ones because you really want to eat them all.
How can I tell the difference between Will Power and Stubbornness? I honestly don't know. I know that one is healthy and the other isn't necessarily. But I can't tell one from the other.

Will power has a reason. Stubbornness doesn't. If someone is acting stubborn with good reason, then we should say they have will power, not that they are stubborn. At least, that's what I think. I may be wrong.
How does one develop willpower anyway? I feel paralyzed by procrastination.
Say you really like chocolate chip cookies. If you don't have will power, you might eat a whole tin of freshly baked ones because you really want to eat them all.

But if you really wanted to eat them all you would, what you want more than eating all the cookies is to not get fat/bloated/overfull/whatever. So basically by just eating one or two, you're doing what you actually want to do.
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Does Tiger Woods have strong will power?
No. He has lots of money though. So it doesn't really matter.
No. He has lots of money though. So it doesn't really matter.

Okay, I have a question: Is it willpower that makes me unable to slack off at work without feeling guilty or is this just my default mode, and it would take willpower to actually manage to slack off, in that case?
I can't tell you that, as I don't know anything about what you do.
Will power has a reason. Stubbornness doesn't. If someone is acting stubborn with good reason, then we should say they have will power, not that they are stubborn. At least, that's what I think. I may be wrong.

If that's the case, then I think I have a strong will power. My stubbornness to succeed in my field and conquer all obstacles that come in my way falls in the definition of will power.

Also, I think it was my will power that I was able to stay up late last night studying and do well on my Thermo quiz today. Yay for will power! :D