How strong is your will power?

In some things I have good willpower. If it interests me, I will work my tail off until I accomplish what ever it is I've set out to do. However, my interests are often fleeting, and I'll give up halfway through something to chase some other random dream.

When it comes to not doing something or restraining myself, I lack willpower. I fold easy, and give in to whims often.

Figured you used a helicopter.....

To "decide" means "to bring about an end to something". If we make a decision knowing we cannot change our mind, it changes the rules. Most people "try" to quit smoking, etcetera. One should decide to quit. Will power can be applied with knowledge of the situation, a well=planned objective, and carrying out the details without deviation. It always helps to have a plan...
In some things I have good willpower. If it interests me, I will work my tail off until I accomplish what ever it is I've set out to do. However, my interests are often fleeting, and I'll give up halfway through something to chase some other random dream.

When it comes to not doing something or restraining myself, I lack willpower. I fold easy, and give in to whims often.

I'm nooot entiiiirely suuure what is will power. :) I'd have to view it as short-term and long-term. Counter-intuitively, my will power is better on the long run. You could see me giving up today pretty easily. But I'm very likely coming back to it later. It's not even planned, but my mind will wander to the problem again, even if it is after some very long period of idleness.