how to attract an INFJ guy?

If I am physically attracted to someone and sexually attracted and there is a degree of physical chemistry, then I start looking for girls who are intuitive and who know what they want. I hate wasting time on people who don't know what they want. I am a decisive person by nature and I snap to judgment in a nano second usually.

I essentially need a woman who is strong and intelligent, who is graceful and sensitive and who is not afraid to see through my bullshit and put me straight and keep me focused. I usually look at any woman I choose to give my heart to as my partner in crime. We can be different but we must be complimentary to one and others traits.

I like a woman who can be assertive and take charge to, I love strong women. But I dont like combative women. I dont need a civil rights march every time I want to do something stereotypically male.

And I need someone who is trustworthy.
If I am physically attracted to someone and sexually attracted and there is a degree of physical chemistry, then I start looking for girls who are intuitive and who know what they want. I hate wasting time on people who don't know what they want. I am a decisive person by nature and I snap to judgment in a nano second usually.

I essentially need a woman who is strong and intelligent, who is graceful and sensitive and who is not afraid to see through my bullshit and put me straight and keep me focused. I usually look at any woman I choose to give my heart to as my partner in crime. We can be different but we must be complimentary to one and others traits.

I like a woman who can be assertive and take charge to, I love strong women. But I dont like combative women. I dont need a civil rights march every time I want to do something stereotypically male.

And I need someone who is trustworthy.

^10 + Sassy.
Random Observation/Question: Can Infj dudes handle the sassy?

i've been a feeler lately, for some perverse reason. And I have to say, I always feel a need to hold back the sassy because I sense an emotional sensitivity in you lot that I'm not used to in men. I feel like I'm always on the verge of playing too much and hurting feelings. I've only been in relationships with NT types in my life and they really sort of dig my smirking sassiness. find it hot and challenging even. And I never usually have to worry about hurting them because they know I'm kidding and are a bit more detached.

But with feelers, there's like this quiet volatility just under the cold surface and I have no idea how to respond to that. Its a bit intimidating to my Ti I have to tell ya. Its like the same thing I find intimidating about other women, I find infj dudes sort of scary in the same way. Its SOOOO weird. I have no idea what to make of it.
Random Observation/Question: Can Infj dudes handle the sassy?

i've been a feeler lately, for some perverse reason. And I have to say, I always feel a need to hold back the sassy because I sense an emotional sensitivity in you lot that I'm not used to in men. I feel like I'm always on the verge of playing too much and hurting feelings. I've only been in relationships with NT types in my life and they really sort of dig my smirking sassiness. find it hot and challenging even. And I never usually have to worry about hurting them because they know I'm kidding and are a bit more detached.

But with feelers, there's like this quiet volatility just under the cold surface and I have no idea how to respond to that. Its a bit intimidating to my Ti I have to tell ya. Its like the same thing I find intimidating about other women, I find infj dudes sort of scary in the same way. Its SOOOO weird. I have no idea what to make of it.

I hit it off really with with most NT women. I find their sassiness to have a magnetic quality to it. However, the sassy woman needs to be able to drop her guns and reassure me she was either, just kidding, thought I was kidding too, and we both got carried away.

Otherwise - to much sassiness will lead to me leaving the room with my head hung low looking something like this...
Random Observation/Question: Can Infj dudes handle the sassy?

i've been a feeler lately, for some perverse reason. And I have to say, I always feel a need to hold back the sassy because I sense an emotional sensitivity in you lot that I'm not used to in men. I feel like I'm always on the verge of playing too much and hurting feelings. I've only been in relationships with NT types in my life and they really sort of dig my smirking sassiness. find it hot and challenging even. And I never usually have to worry about hurting them because they know I'm kidding and are a bit more detached.

But with feelers, there's like this quiet volatility just under the cold surface and I have no idea how to respond to that. Its a bit intimidating to my Ti I have to tell ya. Its like the same thing I find intimidating about other women, I find infj dudes sort of scary in the same way. Its SOOOO weird. I have no idea what to make of it.

I like sassy women, a lot. I also get hurt easily if I feel I'm being attacked by someone I like. So, I do get where you're coming from. You just need to learn to dance between the sass and the sweetness.
Random Observation/Question: Can Infj dudes handle the sassy?

i've been a feeler lately, for some perverse reason. And I have to say, I always feel a need to hold back the sassy because I sense an emotional sensitivity in you lot that I'm not used to in men. I feel like I'm always on the verge of playing too much and hurting feelings. I've only been in relationships with NT types in my life and they really sort of dig my smirking sassiness. find it hot and challenging even. And I never usually have to worry about hurting them because they know I'm kidding and are a bit more detached.

But with feelers, there's like this quiet volatility just under the cold surface and I have no idea how to respond to that. Its a bit intimidating to my Ti I have to tell ya. Its like the same thing I find intimidating about other women, I find infj dudes sort of scary in the same way. Its SOOOO weird. I have no idea what to make of it.

I could say the same, as a guy in a relationship with an extremely sensitive INFJ female. I am sensitive yes but she is sensitive on another level!

I think it all depends on what sector you're operating in. In you're talking about a specific subject that will set them off or put them in a position that will leave them very vulnerable and you say the wrong thing... I guess the key is to know when to be sensitive by understanding what they find touchy areas. Knowing this though, would take time I imagine. If you're not patient and don't get to know them then you'll probably step on their toes all the time.
Random Observation/Question: Can Infj dudes handle the sassy?

i've been a feeler lately, for some perverse reason. And I have to say, I always feel a need to hold back the sassy because I sense an emotional sensitivity in you lot that I'm not used to in men. I feel like I'm always on the verge of playing too much and hurting feelings. I've only been in relationships with NT types in my life and they really sort of dig my smirking sassiness. find it hot and challenging even. And I never usually have to worry about hurting them because they know I'm kidding and are a bit more detached.

But with feelers, there's like this quiet volatility just under the cold surface and I have no idea how to respond to that. Its a bit intimidating to my Ti I have to tell ya. Its like the same thing I find intimidating about other women, I find infj dudes sort of scary in the same way. Its SOOOO weird. I have no idea what to make of it.

I can handle sassy fine. It is only a problem when she is being condescending with the intention to actually hurt feelings.

I think what you have observed is a big reason why I have intimidated women. Actually, I know for a fact that it intimidated them.
The time where sassiness become no longer fun is when suddenly the girl being sassy, for whatever reason, wants to REALLY get a rise out of me and starts paying attention to some other guy to see what I'll do.

Absolutely crushes me. Walls go up, fun time is dead, and I'm going stone-wall.
The time where sassiness become no longer fun is when suddenly the girl being sassy, for whatever reason, wants to REALLY get a rise out of me and starts paying attention to some other guy to see what I'll do.
Absolutely crushes me. Walls go up, fun time is dead, and I'm going stone-wall.

I think that would really tap into an extremely volatile emotion in me. The thought of someone cheating on me or someone you are with being with someone else brings out a demonic level emotional reaction in me. If a woman were to play off that, that would be truly unacceptable and BIG mistake on her part.
I think that would really tap into an extremely volatile emotion in me. The thought of someone cheating on me or someone you are with being with someone else brings out a demonic level emotional reaction in me. If a woman were to play off that, that would be truly unacceptable and BIG mistake on her part.

Agreed. Going into shut-down mode would be the only way to avoid get REALLY angry.

I dunno... what are women trying to get us to do? What reaction are they hoping to see?
The time where sassiness become no longer fun is when suddenly the girl being sassy, for whatever reason, wants to REALLY get a rise out of me and starts paying attention to some other guy to see what I'll do.

Absolutely crushes me. Walls go up, fun time is dead, and I'm going stone-wall.

*Shakes head* That's not sassy.That's manipulative and mind gamey. BIG no no in my book as well. And that's exactly how I react to such shenanigans. Wall City and instant detachment. Heh , I might be an infj yet...

Thank you muchly Infj men! Your answers were wickedly insightful. You guys to be good at that sort of thing though.
*Shakes head* That's not sassy.That's manipulative and mind gamey. BIG no no in my book as well. And that's exactly how I react to such shenanigans. Wall City and instant detachment. Heh , I might be an infj yet...

Thank you muchly Infj men! Your answers were wickedly insightful. You guys to be good at that sort of thing though.

So if what I was talking about isn't sassy, what is it that you had in mind when you asked your original question?
Random Observation/Question: Can Infj dudes handle the sassy?

i've been a feeler lately, for some perverse reason. And I have to say, I always feel a need to hold back the sassy because I sense an emotional sensitivity in you lot that I'm not used to in men. I feel like I'm always on the verge of playing too much and hurting feelings. I've only been in relationships with NT types in my life and they really sort of dig my smirking sassiness. find it hot and challenging even. And I never usually have to worry about hurting them because they know I'm kidding and are a bit more detached.

But with feelers, there's like this quiet volatility just under the cold surface and I have no idea how to respond to that. Its a bit intimidating to my Ti I have to tell ya. Its like the same thing I find intimidating about other women, I find infj dudes sort of scary in the same way. Its SOOOO weird. I have no idea what to make of it.

To clarify sassy is fine but in large doses it can grate on an INFJ male.

And many people can move past that line very quickly.

It would NF males to deal with an NT slanted humor style. For example I like NT people but sometimes their humor pisses me off. I think thats what your talking about.

But I also consider sassy not the same as others.

So more or less what everyone else said.
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I'm still looking for a really nice guy to spend the rest of my life with (yeah I know, how original :becky:) but actually I haven't met anyone yet who can really interest me. My friends call me picky but I just can't imagine spending the rest of my life with a guy who hasn't a clue about who I am inside. You know what I'm talking about, don't you?

Because I don't seem to bump into interesting guys I made a profile on a datingsite. I have had some dates through this site but it was always a disappointment.

So now I was thinking: "lets try to find an INFJ guy in that site". To bad MBTI is not a selection criteria :D

A long story to come to my question:

"what should I put in my profile to attract an interesting INFJ guy??"

(and don't laugh with me :D:becky:)
What you really want is an ENTP
So now she's not returning my phone calls.

Sassy is fine. Rude is not.

Hint: I don't know how this works for other INFJ dudes, but if you don't want to hang out with me, just fucking say so. I promise I'll live.
As much as I hate to say this....

The real way to find an INFJ guy is to play damsel in distress and wait for the INFJ, like a knight in shining, polished, glistening, golden steel armor, to come to your rescue. In other words, if you seem emotionally distressed, he will likely, though not absolutely (because not all INFJ guys do), give a damn. The next thing to do is become friends and talk about a variety of subjects. It should be good from there.
It might be a good idea to consider:
Do I really want to be with someone who knows all about me?
I am an Infj Guy And i KNOW...Infj girls are hot!

but...i always wondered if two Infj's in a relationship would get tired of each other.

Like...two introverts? both sensgin things about another?...

I guess that does make sense not that i think about it. idk...

But....As an Infj guy i look for a girl who knows herself or simply just her.

Idk i mean its hard to seperate me thoughts as a INFJ guy from apart of what i simply like...idk..

Tough situation here...what a toughie.

I still think like a double Infj relation is like a fantasy.

EVERYBODY wants one.

but ive never heard of one taking place....i want one.than again...yea different story