How to make someone fall in love with you.


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Share your tips for us hapless cowards who have been stuck on the sidelines for way too long.
Just put yourself out there, and hope for the best.

Take off clothing if you have too.
Clear your mind of all hopes and expectations.

(I know, I know it's like asking you to stop breathing) :D
Be comfortable in your own skin and display confidence. Know your likes, dislikes and be decisive. Meet as many males/females as possible and don't have expectations or hopes like Q said. Go with the flow.
Hmmm you can make someone fall in love with you by being totally oblivious to the rules of making someone fall in love with you. Oh the silly games we play... (gag) Seriously, who has the energy for any of those games?

Just enjoy the person for who they are, be open to understanding them without any preconceived notions.
If you want love, you have to give love first. You can do that by being accepting and open to another person.

Either that or call the Voodoo King.
Hmmm you can make someone fall in love with you by being totally oblivious to the rules of making someone fall in love with you. Oh the silly games we play... (gag) Seriously, who has the energy for any of those games?

Just enjoy the person for who they are, be open to understanding them without any preconceived notions.
If you want love, you have to give love first. You can do that by being accepting and open to another person.

Either that or call the Voodoo King.

you took the words right outta my mouth :D
Share your tips for us hapless cowards who have been stuck on the sidelines for way too long.

Smack them over the head, drag them to your basement, and keep them there for twenty years.

Stockholm syndrome has never smelt so sweet.

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A first move wouldn't have to be made if it was done by two people simultaneously.:smile:
To make someone fall in love with you... I just say and do all the right things! I cant explain how I do it, I just sense what the right things to do are.

I prefer to wait until someone falls for me though, they are easier prey.
When all else fails APHRODISIAC!

Did someone say Afroduck...? :D


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Forcing someone to fall in love with you kind of kills the point.

Just be yourself. If they don't like you, it won't work and you'll know that right off the bat. If they fall in love with who you are, and you fall for them, you can rest assured that it will be a good relationship. If you're attempting to force someone to fall for you and you're changing the way you act to do that, they'll be falling for the mask you put on- Not you.

I suggest you be yourself. :3