How to win back an INFJ guy

thanks everyone. what is so distressing about this is that I *did* have a second chance, but then i ruined it with my truly juvenile, crazy and selfish behavior upon moving back. and i dont have anything to blame for it except myself but it is even beyond me how i could have acted in such a way. honestly if somebody had acted the way I did towards me i would want nothing to do with them after. as i said before i dont have a family really, and i was so convinced he would be the one...even though we only dated for 4-5 months i knew i'd never met anyone like him before...

getting over this would be easier if my life weren't so shitty in general right now. living at my parent's house in the middle of nowhere. i come here asking for hope but i know the chances of that are zilch at this point. to answer the question yes i can definitely tell he is still physically attracted to me but considering that all i did was talk about how insecure i felt and about all my problems during the relationship, in addition to being controlling as hell, i doubt that is something he will ever be able to forget.

not to mention the two fights i picked with him. the stuff I said was truly and honestly, personally, hurtful. you truly shouldn't feel any sympathy for me. he called me and left two voicemails where he started to cry and the second time this happened...that was when he suddenly started calling me his friend. i truly hurt him.

i have never been in such a bad place before in my life and the internet is the only place I feel I can turn to at this point. i am so full of self-loathing it is unbelievable.

removed him from facebook about a month ago and definitely giving him a whole lot of space and not contacting him unless he contacts me. (which i have a feeling may not happen now that he's no longer afraid I am going to hurt myself). the relationship was a whole slew of me completely flipping out in an immature way because i dont know how to express my anger or communicate in an effective way and then groveling on my metaphorical knees for him to forgive me because i have so many problems, etc, so i'm sure the last thing he wants right now is yet another apology.

and it's true. if i truly cared about him i would realize how awful i've been and never presume to attempt to enter his life again. i am afraid i may have even been somewhat abusive. i just dont know. all i know is how much i hate myself right now for ruining this and how terrible i feel. and how out of control i felt in that relationship, with my insecurities completely driving me.

thanks all for your words of advice. hoping therapy will help me regain my life...

Your descriptions of your experiences in this relationship are incredibly similar to things I've experienced . . . It's kinda scary. Since you're interested in understanding motives, and are confused by seemingly contradictory reactions, I'll share some bits of my story which might help shed some light.

My relationship lasted nearly five years (3 years in college, then 2 years long distance in grad school) before breaking down in terrible ways. In reality, it started breaking down shortly into the long distance part, but it is way too easy to simply believe it is just the distance causing problems. Anyway after an extended period of craziness between us (there were a solid 3 months where she would break up with me at least once a week in the evening, then pretend it never happened the next day) I finally told her that the next time she broke up with me I was going to believe her and take it seriously. It was nearly a month after it was all over that she finally started to realize that I wasn't just giving her the silent treatment. . . .

That story makes her sound a crazy person, but the reality was simply that we had entered an unhealthy cycle that was building on itself. The chaos she was bringing into my world was destroying me, and caused me to withdraw to protect myself . . . which in turn caused her to lash out at me in hopes of getting a reaction from me that would show her that I cared. Everyone around me would tell me that I always looked tired and sad whenever she was visiting me.

Even now, years later, I still recognize everything about her that I liked, and care about her deeply. In the occasional interactions that we have, it's almost like we're able to just pick it back up where we left off. I'm too easily drawn back into her personality when we're talking. . . it isn't until afterwards that I'm able think clearly and realize how dangerous those interactions could be.

She has made several attempts to win me back . . . she'll go on two month long stints of being on her best behavior, but eventually gets frustrated that it isn't working fast enough. The reality is that I'm well aware of her game.

Jazzing up the sex appeal and confidence will definitely catch attention, and might seem to make you feel like you're getting back on track, but in reality it'll probably be seen for what it is. Odds are that the harder you push, the more cautious he'll be of you. The real thing to do is to develop consistency/stability within your life, and he might begin to notice that in a positive way . . . but the key point is that you need to be doing that for yourself, and you also have to think carefully if you're able to focus on yourself while he is around.

I hope things settle down for you and you're able to find peace with the situation.

Bmatt, the dynamic with us was very similar. in the beginning of the relationship he was very depressed and i tried my best to cheer him up, cook for him, let him hang out at my apt to work because he felt lonely... but it kept feeling like he was just taking all the affection i had to offer and would rarely reciprocate anything back, and constantly talk about moving to far away places to find work..none of which involved me... and then to make it worse, he would mention his ex from time to time and even cried about her once. he would also do things from time to time that were hurtful without realizing it.

all this caused me to feel very insecure and contributed to my behavior. it's difficult to date somebody who constantly says stuff like "i can only commit one day at a time" and generally acts emotionally disengaged unless there is a conflict. and then once he started becoming more distant after he moved back home, i became even more nervous and clingy/controlling/critical. when he broke up with me, both times he said he felt that he wasn't in a place emotionally to commit to anybody which hurt badly because i was definitely ready to commit to him.

but i kept getting angry at him over things which weren't really his fault. he was only being honest. our situation as two unemployed people looking for work wherever we could find it wasn't anybody's fault...

i have fantasies/dreams of him constantly in a ... physical nature... he's very very attractive and it is hard for me to hang out with him because i get really bothered and it's really obvious that he is still attracted to me physically. he has texted me again this week to ask me how my weekend went (even though he had blown me off by saying that he had "Friends in town" and would "let me know what his schedule was" which i knew wasn't true). last time we got dinner i could tell he was getting really depressed again and I'm afraid it may become a similar situation as before. "cling to her when depressed and then once things get better...pull away.."

i'm not sure if i should continue to be friends with him or just ignore him? if i don't contact him for a while he usually pings me and i feel bad just ignoring him...i feel way too physically attracted to him... and i think he knows that because he has only agreed to getting dinner with me so far and seems to back out when i suggest something different.

i feel better the less contact i have with him. i havent responded to his text and i'm not sure if i should.
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Simple rule of thumb, you need to take care of yourself first. Get your head on strait and then come back to this question, that way you'll be better able to deal with it.
Yeah. Youre right. I was actually doing fine and then his one little text spurred me to think about this all again. And stupidly I did respond. Perhaps it sounds extreme but I just blocked his number on Verizon for my own peace of mind. I don't want more drama and need to protect myself from thinking about this any longer when I really need to heal myself. thanks.
Yeah. Youre right. I was actually doing fine and then his one little text spurred me to think about this all again. And stupidly I did respond. Perhaps it sounds extreme but I just blocked his number on Verizon for my own peace of mind. I don't want more drama and need to protect myself from thinking about this any longer when I really need to heal myself. thanks.
Good, from how you described your situation in your previous post, that does not sound good at all. He obviously doesn't want to be with you. I don't think blocking his number is extreme, it sounds like the dynamic between you two is quite toxic and holding you back from getting better, so it really is necessary. It is also holding him back from getting better because he will have to find some other way to deal with his problems, hopefully in a much better way, since he will not able to rely on you, because the way he goes about it with you isn't helping him, as you said it has been a cycle. Cutting all ties would in my opinion be doing both of you a great kindness.
really i just feel used. i dont understand why an infj would have dragged that out so long. if he actually cared about my feelings....for three months i'd thought we'd get back together only to be told upon getting home that he "knew from the beginning he didn't want to date me anymore but was physically attracted..".

all throughout the relationship i felt used. i did so much for him.

three months he told me he still wanted me, even got angry when he heard i was dating other people, I BROKE UP WITH SOMEONE for him...then upon arriving home..

i always get fucking screwed over by infjs. why. why do they think it's ok to use people like this?
fuck. im sorry. i know i shouldnt generalize. but i am just so sick of this pattern. i dont know what i do that attracts infj to use me and lose me and it fucking hurts.