How would you react if . . .

find it and open a sushi bar?

What would you do if you woke up and time had stopped and you were the only one who could move about freely?

I would turn the hour glass the other way.

How would you react if your went back to sleep and couldn't dream
I'd go to the dream doctor

How would you react if up was down and down was up?
I would sing.
[ame=""]YouTube - "Weird Al" Yankovic: Bad Hair Day - Everything You Know...[/ame]

How would you react if I asked you to marry me? :m027:
I'd be flattered but have to decline being that I don't really know you and all

How would you react if I kissed you?
I'd be flattered but have to decline being that I don't really know you and all

How would you react if I kissed you?

Be content with some Sali-va

How would you react if you woke up from the matrix
I would be scared but still try to fight back (gotta love the fight or flight reaction)

How would you react if you found out you had AIDS?
I would try and get you off my head and support my neck.

How would you react if you where at the bank when it was getting robbed.
I would try and get you off my head and support my neck.

How would you react if you where at the bank when it was getting robbed.

Happy because I'm the one robbing it.

How would you react if James Franco died?
I'd wonder who James Franco was

How would you react if you suddenly realized you where naked in a crowd of people?
I'd wonder who James Franco was

How would you react if you suddenly realized you where naked in a crowd of people?

I'd realize I was in a Matt and Kim video.

How would you react if your keyboard tried to eat your fingers?
Eat my keyboard.

if your alarm clock wouldn't turn off, and followed you around everywhere, and can't be destroyed?
I'd put it into a soundproof bag.

How would you react if you saw someone spit on your mailbox?
I wouldnt cope well as there are so many things I would like to do in my life, and the majority of that means travelling.

How would you react if you walked past a stranger and they poked you?
Giggle, poke someone else, and say "tag, you're it."

What would you do if your entire office burst into a spontaneous game of capture the flag, but you couldn't join in because you're working on an important project that will make or break your career?
I wouldn't notice at all because I work alone.

How would you react if everyone in america started speaking russian and you never learned.
Breath a sigh of relief, that we might get less American TV shows down here in Australia.

What would you do if you woke up to realise that your sleeping on your arm hadn't just made it numb, but had actually cut off the blood supply long enought for the tissue to die?
Flip over and sleep on my other arm, so I'd have both crippled and get more tax benefits.

If you were a book, missing only the last page, and you had to write it?