I think this subject may very well cross over into religious themes in that, for many, many reasons, people find themselves cut off somehow from God....one reason being that we really do not understand the basic relationship at work (and religion does not always hand us this in adult terms). The relationship is less one of authority (as we might know it), and more of One who cares and loves us with profound, infinite depth. In the imagery of a parent, we are in and a part of God just much as a child is within and part of it's mother in the womb before birth. As profound a connection as this is in the human realm, the relationship is even more so in the spiritual realm in that God has no limits whatsoever. In light of this God, like any parent but even moreso because of infinite love, simply wants us to grow to become our true self...that's it! Everything points back to this single reality.
Now, if we listen to other voices coming from within us, and frequently without, we could easily feel we must be something more, or more complete, or better...that we are not "okay" somehow. This voice can be very, very subtle and come from any number of directions, and we often fail to grasp how very potently this voice can drone within us. Our minds (perhaps in survival mode) can be tricked into running off with this notion into all kinds of directions. Things (material or otherwise, not bad in themselves) can become an illusory substitute for bringing us a sense of wholeness, and the danger is if this becomes a sort of weird addictive cycle where, if what we have/need is not enough, we want/need more....and when that is not enough we want/need even more. The cycle leads nowhere since it is essentially based on a illusion to start with.