I met an ENTP who wasn't a dick!

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DD, RD, VH, and Odyne. oh yeah!

Somebody call the fire department, coz we're about to set things on fiah here! ;)

p.s. RD, I soo want your costume. lol

Haha, you're welcome to borrow it anytime after the sexy southern meet up!
I was quite shocked to find that I am good friends with an ENTP, I have never had any probems with her and we have lots of fun when we do stuff.
Yep, and that was followed by her friend saying "I'd fuck him. I'd fuck him right now." That's the part that got me. Though she certainly wasn't one of the supermodel types.

Master Von you must teach us INFJ men. WE NEED TO KNOW HOW TO BE THIS SEXY!

Now I'm going to cry in the corner. I've never had anyone say anything that awesome to me.
Heh, yeah, you've seen me pull the Jedi mind trick more than a few times, and you've seen the kind of women it works on. I guess I'm busted on this one. What was it that one girl said, "UGH! Why do you have to be so intoxicatingly sexy?" Shocked the hell outa me, that's for sure.

So, all you guys who are trying to give me advice on how to bed this poor girl, don't waste your time. I'm not interested in her, and wouldn't be even if I wasn't respecting her choice to not be intimate with anyone right now. To be honest, I'm too fussy to date her. She's just doesn't do anything for me on that level. I was trying to be polite about it.

You actually made me blush. Good looks? I guess I still can't see that. I think I'm a big ugly monster of a guy.

Charisma? I have to admit I am aware that I can talk almost anyone into anything if you get me in person.

Treat women like they deserve? I go out of my way to make sure I treat them far better than that.

The Vonhaserous? Those aren't tales. :m027:
Interesting. I don't know why but the way that you just describe yourself reminded me of my uncle, he almost said the exact same thing about himself.

Bah! I think you can share a few tips for the INFJs, Mr ENFJ man. Course, I'll be taking notes as well (information is information!)

And..I had something else to say. But I forgot..I'll probably edit it in later.
DD, RD, VH, and Odyne. oh yeah!

Somebody call the fire department, coz we're about to set things on fiah here! ;)

p.s. RD, I soo want your costume. lol

Woot! the more the merrier!

For the record, you girls have made me feel very attractive today. Thank you.

Any time hun! :D

And that's a hell of a shoot down. I guess now's when I stop flirting with people I'm actually interested in and just become a manwhore again.

I thought you were just being a manwhore...
She's a very beautiful woman who clearly has good taste and a rebellious nature.

Of course, I assume anyway, what can I know by looking?

I do admire ENTP's, though they can be a bit much...

You should take pictures and send them to me! XD
I was quite shocked to find that I am good friends with an ENTP, I have never had any probems with her and we have lots of fun when we do stuff.

I've gotten along with every INFJ I've met, and my Fe isn't even that good.
Uh, the ears.

The girl is very useful for pleasant chats and outings, and occassionally the odd debate.:)

You're adorable. :m032:
If Grace Kelly is in, then so am I! ;)
VH looks like one of the muslebound Bond nasties with the freakish superhuman powers whose only purpose is to nod threateningly, crack his knuckles and occassionally indecently assasult someone.


You scare the hell out of me sir.

Though even you cannot handle all these dark and terrible women, whom even the combined might of Ayesha, Galadriel, Jadis and Maggie Thatcher would turn tail at!
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VH looks like one of the muslebound Bond nasties with the freakish superhuman powers whose only purpose is to nod threateningly, crack his knuckles and occassionally indecently assasult someone.


You scare the hell out of me sir.

You seem to be misunderstanding my super powers, young sir. My powers are based on awesome, which means I only bring more awesome to people. Sure this much awesomeness can be very intimidating, but because I'm made of pure awesome, I'd never assault anyone as that wouldn't be awesome.

Though even you cannot handle all these dark and terrible women, whom even the combined might of Ayesha, Galadriel, Jadis and Maggie Thatcher would turn tail at!

They're not dark and terrible. They're awesome, and I love every single one of them lots and lots. I'm very much looking forward to the inevitable cuddle puddle of giggles and gleefulness, which of course will only cause exponential awesomeness, leaving all of us more awesome than before we joined forces and linked our combined awesomeness!

Oh God>>

Cuddles amongst Extroverts and Feelers.


How utterly horrifying.

Will you have the customary INT- present to roll eyes, stand to one side, shrug magnificently and generally shirk the rest of you?